Time-table (pdf)


19.00 REGISTRATION in the Hotel “Dubna”


10.00 REGISTRATION in the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (office 238)
Chairman: D. Shirkov
10.15OPENING of the Conference
10.30 Andrey SLAVNOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow)
"New Formulation of Electroweak Models Applicable beyond Perturbation Theory"
11.00 Harald FRITZSCH (LMU, Munich)
"Composite Weak Bosons and the LHC"
11.30Coffee break
Chairman: O.Teryaev
12.00 Vladimir SMIRNOV (Nuclear Physics Institute, Moscow State University)
"Playing with Numbers"
12.30 Konstantin CHETYRKIN (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
“R(s) anf Z decay in O(αs4): complete results”
13.00 Andrey GROZIN (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk)
"The Two-loop Propagator Diagram: History"
13.30Lunch break
Chairman: W. de Boer
15.00 Irina AREF’EVA (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow)
"Cosmological Daemon"
15.30 Mikhail SHAPOSHNIKOV (EPFL, Luasanne)
"Higgs-Dilaton Cosmology: From the Early to the Late Universe"
16.00 Vladimir LUKASH (Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow)
"Extrapolation of Cosmological Standard Model in the Past and Cosmogenesis"
16.30Coffee break
Chairman: D. Fursaev
17.00 Andrey BARVINSKY (Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow)
"Serendipitous Discoveries in Nonlocal Gravity: DE and DM"
17.30 Anton BAUSHEV (DESY, Zeuthen)
"Main properties of the velocity distribution of dark matter particles on the outskirts of the Solar System"
18.00 Yury PIS’MAK (St.Petersburg State University)
"Interaction of QED Fields with Macroscopic Objects"
19.00 WELCOME PARTY in the BLTP Cafeteria


Chairman: I. Aref’eva
10.00 Lev LIPATOV (St.Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
"Effective Action for High Energy Processes in Gravity",
10.30 Alexey ISAEV (BLTP JINR, Dubna)
"Algebraic Approach to Integrable Spin Chain Models with Boundaries"
11.00 Emil AKHMEDOV (ITEP, Moscow)
"Kinetic Equation in De Sitter Space"
11.30Coffee break
Chairman: A. Gorsky
12.00 Vyacheslav SPIRIDONOV (BLTP JINR, Dubna)
"Superconformal Indices"
12.30 Mikhail VASILIEV (Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow)
"Current Interactions of 4d Massless Fields as a Free System in Mixed Dimensions"
13.00 Dmitry FURSAEV (Dubna University & BLTP JINR)
"On Holographic Entanglement Renyi Entropies in CFT's"
13.30Lunch break
Chairman: N. Krasnikov
15.00 Oleg TERYAEV (BLTP JINR, Dubna)
"Non-renormalization of Axial Anomaly in Perturbation Theory and Beyond"
15.30 Andrey KATAEV (Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow)
"The absence of QCD β-function factorization property of the generalized Crewther relation in the ’t Hooft scheme"
16.00 Vladimir SALEEV (Samara State University)
"Production of the Higgs Boson via b-quark Fusion in the Regge Limit of QCD"
16.30Coffee break
Chairman: A. Grozin
17.00 Anatoly KOTIKOV (BLTP JINR, Dubna)
"The property of maximal transcendentality in calculations. Evaluation of anomalous dimensions of the Wilson operators in N = 4 SYM"
17.30 Oleg TARASOV (LIT JINR, Dubna)
"Novel Methods for Calculating Feynman Integrals"
18.00 Mikhail KOMPANIETS (St.Petersburg State University)
"Representation of a Beta-function and Anomalous Dimensions Suitable for Multiloop Numerical Calculations"
19.00 CONCERT in the Scientists Club


Chairman: M. Vasiliev
10.00 Alexander BELAVIN (Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka)
"Instantons and NS-conformal field theory "
"Instantons and 2d Superconformal field theory"
10.30 Andrey MARSHAKOV (Lebedev Physics Institute & ITEP, Moscow)
"Supersymmetric QCD and Lower Dimensions"
11.00 Alexander GORSKY (ITEP,Moscow)
"Supersymmetric QCD, Superconducting gaps and cyclic RG flows"
11.30Coffee break
Chairman: V. Belokurov
12.00 Dmitry SHIRKOV (BLTP JINR, Dubna)
"A Few Lessons from QCD Perturbative Analysis at Low Energies"
12.30 Mikhail VYSOTSKY (ITEP, Moscow)
"Superstrong B: photon “mass” and LLL spectrum in hydrogen atom"
13.00 Vadim NAUMOV (BLTP JINR, Dubna)
"Neutrino velocity anomalies. A resolution without a revolution"
13.30Lunch break
Chairman: A. Andrianov
15.00 Valentin ZAKHAROV (ITEP, Moscow)
"Learning on dynamical scalar fields from confinement and Yang-Mills plasma"
15.30 Wim De BOER (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
"Where is SUSY?"
16.00 George ZOUPANOS (National Technical University, Athens)
"New Challenges in Unified Theories"
16.30Coffee break
Chairman: A. Slavnov
17.00 Ilya GINZBURG (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)
"Unstable particles in physical processes: Solved and unsolved problems"
17.30 Andrey LEONIDOV (Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow)
"Multiparticle production in QCD at strong Coupling"
19.00 BANQUET in the Restaurant “Dubna”


Chairman: R. Faustov
10.00 Alexander ANDRIANOV (St.Petersburg State University)
"Phenomenology of Local Parity Breaking"
10.30 Nikolay KRASNIKOV (Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow)
"Search For a Heavy Neutrino and a Right-Handed W of the Left-Right Symmetric Model with the CMS Detector"
11.00 Viktor NOVIKOV (ITEP, Moscow)
"Comments on CPT in QFT"
11.30Coffee break
Chairman: A. Marshakov
12.00 Leonid BORK (ITEP, Moscow)
"Formfactors in N=4 SYM"
12.30 Sergey KRIVONOS (BLTP JINR, Dubna)
"CP(n) Supersymmetric Mechanics in U(n) Background Gauge Fields"
13.00 Andrey MIRONOV (Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow)
"N=2 SUSY Gauge Theories: Hidden Integrable/Conformal Symmetries"
13.30Lunch break
Chairman: V. Zakharov
15.00 Vladimir NESTERENKO (BLTP JINR, Dubna)
“Vacuum Energy in Quantum Field Theory”
15.30 Juha HONKONEN (National Defence University, Helsinki)
"Green Functions in Stochastic Field Theory"
16.00 Alexander DOLGOV (ITEP, Moscow & University of Ferrara)
"Particles Faster than Light. Is It Possible? Is It Dangerous? "
"Electric and magnetic screening in plasma with charged Bose condensate"
16.30 Valery RUBAKOV (Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow)
"Quantum Field Theoretic Origin of Structures in the Universe"