List of Lectures:


Victor Voronov (Dubna), Opening

Heinz Sophie (Darmstadt/Giessen), Synthesis of elements

Jolos Rostislav (Dubna), Historical introduction into relativistic mean field theory

Gheorghe Stratan (Dubna), The first scientific revolution and the beginnings of astrophysics

Sergei Ershov (Dubna), Halo nuclei

Ivan Borzov (Moscow), Beta-decay of very neutron-rich nuclei

Fedor Šimkovic (Bratislava/Dubna), Particle physics aspects of neutrinoless double beta decay

Fedor Šimkovic (Bratislava/Dubna), Nuclear physics aspects of neutrinoless double beta decay

Alexis Diaz-Torres (Surrey), Reaction dynamics of weakly bound nuclei

Nikolai Antonenko(Dubna), Heavy-ion reactions at low energies

Valentin Nesterenko (Dubna), Giant resonances

Paul Constantin (Bucharest), Nuclear physics with gamma beams at ELI-NP (part I)

Paul Constantin (Bucharest), Nuclear physics with gamma beams at ELI-NP (part II)

Vratislav Chudoba (Dubna), Experimental research with exotic nuclei

Michał Bejger (Warsaw), Gravitational waves from neutron stars in the era of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors

David Blaschke (Moscow/Wrocław), Quark-hadron matter models for compact stars

Aleksei Shipilov (Moscow), Helmholtz Assocaition - Tools of international cooperation in science

Tamás Szücs (Debrecen), Experimental low energy nuclear astrophysics

Tamás Szücs (Debrecen), The Felsenkeller facility for nuclear astrophysics

Denis Lacroix (Orsay), Mean-field and beyond mean-field dynamical theories for nuclei

Morgane Fortin (Warsaw), Constraints on the equation of state from neutron star observations (part I)

Morgane Fortin (Warsaw), Constraints on the equation of state from neutron star observations (part II)

Horst Lenske (Giessen), Strangeness and nucleon resonances in nuclear matter and neutron stars

Andreas Bauswein (Heidelberg), Neutron star mergers

Dmitri Voskresensky (Moscow), Nuclear medium cooling theory for neutron stars

Giuseppe Pagliara (Ferrara), Strange quark stars and gamma-ray-bursts

Igor Iosilevskiy (Moscow), Enthalpic and entropic phase transitions: anomalous thermodynamics of high energy density matter

Evgeni Kolomeitsev (Banská Bystrica), Calculations of nuclear reactions in dense medium

Hovik Grigorian (Dubna/Yerevan), Neutron star cooling & Bayesian analysis for hybrid star