DIAS-TH: Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics
Program of the School
Program for Tuesday, August 7
Program for Wednesday, August 8
Program for Thursday, August 9
Program for Friday, August 10
Program for Monday, August 13
Program for Tuesday, August 14
Program for Wednesday, August 15
Program for Thursday, August 16
Lectures: |
- Dr. Bertran Heinze (Helmholtz Association Office, Moscow):
Informations about the Helmholtz Association and its activities
(ppt 5.7 Mb);
- Gennadi Bisnovatyi-Kogan (Moscow): Magnetic fields of neutron stars
(ppt 3.8 Mb);
- Sergei Ershov (JINR): Halo nuclei
(ppt 1.2 Mb);
- Rostislav Jolos (JINR): Density functional methods in nuclear physics
(pdf 2.7 Mb);
- Thomas Klähn (Argonne): Astrophysical constraints on nuclear matter
(pdf 1.1 Mb,
pdf 1.2 Mb);
- Dmitry Nadyozhin (Moscow): Neutrino-induced nucleosynthesis in supernovae
(pdf 3.9 Mb);
- Thomas Neff (GSI): Molecular dynamics for nuclear reaction rates
(pdf 1.3 Mb,
pdf 1.7 Mb);
- Valentin Nesterenko (Dubna):Density functional methods:
from nuclei and nanosystemsto astrophysics
(pdf 1.1 Mb);
- Cem Özen (GSI): Introduction to shell-model Monte-Carlo methods
(pdf 4.8 Mb);
- Friedrich Röpke (Munich): Simulation of Type Ia Supernovae
(pdf 2.4 Mb,
pdf 9.3 Mb);
- Claus Rolfs (Bochum): Nucleosynthesis in stars and in the laboratory
(pdf 6.2 Mb);
- Neculai Sandulescu (Bucharest): Nuclear Superfluidity and Thermal Properties of Neutron Stars
(pdf 2.3 Mb);
- Werner Scheid (Giessen): Dinuclear systems in nuclear structure and heavy ion reactions
(ppt 2.3 Mb,
ppt 7.2 Mb);
- Isaak Vidana (Barcelona): Hyperons vs. quark matter in neutron stars
(pdf 20 Mb);
- Hermann Wolter (Munich): Asymmetry energy in nuclear matter
(pdf 17.7 Mb
pdf 17.2 Mb);
- Shan-Gui Zhou (Beijing): Relativistic Hartree Bogoliubov theory for exotic nuclei
(ppt 6.1 Mb,
ppt 4.2 Mb).
Participant contributions: |
- N. Beloshenko (Kyev):Using method “equal square triangle" for calculation of nucleus
temperature and energy levels density, taking into account vibrational states
in the frame of statistical approach
(ppt 0.3 Mb,
pdf 0.4 Mb)
- D. Horvatic (Zagreb): Pseudoscalar mesons at finite temperature
in a separable Dyson-Schwinger model
(pdf 0.2 Mb)
- D. Iakubovskyi (Kiev): About nuclear liquid boiling in core-collapse
supernova explosions
(ppt 0.2 Mb)
- V. Lyuboshitz (Dubna): Self-consistent weak P-odd nucleon
potential within generalized Fermi-liquid theory
(pdf 3.4 Mb)
- A. Malykh (Dubna): Three alpha-cluster description of the 12C nucleus
(pps 3.7 Mb)
- V. Sargsyan (Dubna): Coordinate-dependent diffusion coefficients
and decay rate from potential well
(pdf 0.5 Mb)
- A. Semenov (Moskow): On the superfluid properties of
polaritonic system
(pdf 2.8 Mb)
- K. Shahabasyan (Yerevan): Magnetic field of a neutron star with superconducting
quark core in the CFL-phase
(ppt 0.4 Mb)
- D. Zablocki (Rostock): BEC-BCS crossover in the NJL model of QCD
(pdf 0.9 Mb)