M. Afanasova
Electron kinetics in composite InAs/AlSb structure with
two-dimensional degenerated electron gas
O.Yu. Andreeva
Infuence of inhomogeneity parameters and position on vortex
structure in long Josephson junction
T.L. Boyadjiev
Critical current of a long Josephson 0-$\pi$ junction
in magnetic field
O. Chalaev
Anisotropic conductivity of a diffusive matter in the
presence of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling
A. Yu. Cherny
1) Revealing inner structure of the polycarbosilane dendrimers
from SANS data: model approach
2) Dynamic structure factor and drag force in 1D Bose
B. Colin
entangled states in graphene via crossed Andreev reflection
A.B. Dubois
Electron - electron interactions and anomalies in the
landau quantization damping
M. Dyneikan
Explanation of the formation dynamics of the bound state
with an ionic implantation
M. Fardmanesh
1) Investigation of the I-V characteristics of high-Tc
superconducting YBCO Josephson junction arrays
2) Effect of the nano-structure Cu-Carbon composite absorber
layer on the response of superconductive YBCO TEBs
C. Gadermaier
Ultrafast relaxation in MoSI nanowires
properties of cuprous and ferrous monoxides
D.R. Gulevich
Superconducting THz electronics with Josephson vortices
M. Hamdipour
Breakpoint region structure in the current-voltage characteristics
of layered superconductors
V.L. Katkov
structure effect on field emission of graphite nanotubes, graphene,
and crystalline graphite
S.-J. Kim
Peculiar periodic peaks in two Bi-2212 stacks with incident
magnetic fields
N. Klenov
Dynamics and eigenstates of nSQUID
M. Kolahchi
The behaviour of the SET-resonator system in the strongly
coupled classical regime
D. V. Kolesnikov
Properties of van Hove singularities in capped carbon
V.N. Kondratyev
Shells in magnetized nano-dots
2) Thermal explosion of nano-droplets of noble gas atoms
V. Kornev
Possible solution for high linearity Josephson-junction
Z.Ya. Kosakovskaya
Nonlinear interlayer transport in the aligned carbon nanotube
films and graphite
G. Kumar
Surface plasma wave excitation over a plasma cylinder
U. Kutliev
1) Sputtering of ionic water at the bombardment by Ar+
2) Investigation of sputtering of atomic clusters at the
bombardments by ar ions of the surface Au(111) covered by ice
I.S Lobanov
Two particle scattering on pencil of rays
V. Lotoreichik
Approximation of point perturbations on finite set of
Laplace-Beltrami operator on Riemannian manifold
M. Lu-Dac
Dynamics in mesoscopic superconducting rings: relaxation
process and vortex-antivortex pairs
A.E. Madison
Self-assembling, hierarchy and architectures of carbon
M.M. Maslov
Theoretical studies on the cubane chains, networks and
H. Matsumoto
Numerical simulations of THz emission from intrinsic Josephson
T. Matsuura
Charge density wave circulating current in NbSe$_3$ rings
observed by measuring shapiro interference
V.F. Morozov
Theory of stretching of single-molecule dsDNA attached
to nano- particle
A. Namiranian
Nonlinear effect in conductance of a finite-length armchair
single-wall carbon nanotube due to presence of a single impurity:
An analytical study
H. Nobukane
Observation of quantum fluctuation in nano Sr$_2$RuO$_4$
p-wave superconductors
A. Orlov
Interlayer tunneling spectroscopy of NbSe3 at high magnetic
V. Pavlenko
Coherent responses of Bi-2212 stacked junctions to sub-terahertz
radiation under magnetic field oriented across the layers
hot-electron nanobolometer for terahertz astrophysics
S. Postnov
Self-consistent theory for nonlinear optical responce
of metal nanofilms
M. Pudlak
Electronic properties of double-layer carbon nanotubes
P. Pyatkovskiy
Polarization function and plasmons in graphene with a finite gap
in the quasiparticle spectrum
D. Ryzhov
Multi-vortex configurations in mesoscopic superconductors:
electronic structure and heat transport
A. Saffarzadeh
Exchange coupling between two ferromagnetic electrodes
A.V. Samokhvalov
Vortex states induced by proximity effect in multiply
connected ferromagnet-superconductor systems
H.A. Sarkisyan
Interband transitions in narrow gap InSb spherical layer
quantum dot in presence of electric field
A. Sergeev
Effects of disorder on electron-phonon kinetics and transport
in low-dimensional conductors
N. Shahtahmassebi
Transport properties of an electrode-C60-electrode system
S.N. Shevchenko
Theoretical study of the multi-photon excitations in Josephson-junction
qubits coupled to resonant circuit
O.V. Sidorov
Nanotransition in rigid-rod polymer-based fibers with
non-linear optical properties
M.A. Silaev
Conductance enhancement due to the resonant tunneling
into the subgap vortex core states in normal metal/superconductor
ballistic junctions
O. Smyrnov
Exciton states in single-walled carbon nanotubes
A. Valizadeh
Dynamics of a triangular single-plaquette Josephson-junction
U. Verma
Short pulse laser third harmonic generation in a tunnel
ionizing gas
N. Vlasii
Finite-temperature induced quantum numbers on graphitic