Selected lectures given during 2003-2018


High-Energy Neutrino Propagation in Matter
A lecture given for the staff of BLTP JINR, Dubna, November 13, 2003


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Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos (*)
A course of lectures for postgraduates of the JINR University Center, Dubna, 2005-2006


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An updated version of the course "Introduction to Cosmic Rays" given for postgraduates of Florence University in 2003-2005.


From Cosmic Rays to Neutrino Oscillations
Lectures given for the staff of LPP JINR, Dubna, 2006

Part I

(February 13-17, 2006)

Lectures 1 - 3

pps (1)

[28.4 MB]


pdf (1)

[20.7 MB]

Lectures 4 - 5

ps.gz (2)

[35.1 MB]


pdf (2)

[11.1 MB]

Part II

(April 3-7, 2006)

Lectures 6 - 10

ps.gz (3)

[21.5 MB]


pdf (3)

[8.98 MB]


The MS PowerPoint presentation contains many links to animations. Corresponding files are not presented in this page.


These files are almost the same as in the course [2]. Only a small part of the material has been actually reported in this short course.


Draft version. Will not be updated anymore since many items are already obsolete, see [5] for the current status.


Lectures given in the Summer Scientific School for Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR, Lipnya Island, June 30 - July 2, 2006.


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Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics
A course of lectures for V-VI course students of Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology (State University) and, - with some reduction and redistribution of the material, - for postgraduates of the JINR University Center, Dubna. The course is taught from 2017 to the present.

pdf (*)

[~209 MB]

(*) In fact, only a part (usualy ~1/2) of the full course included into the slides (pdf/ps files) was really presented during the lectures. In particular, the content of the Appendices is facultative. On the other hand, only a small part of the material actually discussed in the course (viva voce or with the black board) is included into the slides. Some PowerPoint presentations were also used in the lectures. Though I guess the slides (and references therein) can be useful for my students.


Russian pages

Last updated Dec. 30, 2019