Publications by A.N. Sissakian
- Непертурбативный эффективный
потенциал. Ангармонический осциллятор
Краткие сообщения ОИЯИ. 1991. № 1. C.
А.Н. Сисакян, И.Л.Соловцов
download: text [pdf] (195 K)
- Непертурбативный эффективный
потенциал для φ2k-осциллятора
Краткие сообщения ОИЯИ. 1991. № 3. C.
Л.Д. Корсун, А.Н. Сисакян, И. Л. Соловцов
download: text [pdf] (132 K)
- Перемежаемость в пределе
большого числа коррелированных компонент
Препринт ОИЯИ Р2-91-258. Дубна, 1991.
А.Н. Сисакян, Я.З. Дарбаидзе, З.В. Меребашвили, Л.А.
download: text [pdf] (458 K)
- Энергия основного уровня φ2k-ангармонического
осциллятора в пределе сильной связи
Краткие сообщения ОИЯИ. 1991. № 3. C.
Л.Д. Корсун, А.Н. Сисакян, И.Л. Соловцов
download: text [pdf] (206
- A Measurement of the Lifetime of
the Tau Lepton
Phys. Let. B. 1991. V. 267, No. 3. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (726
- A Study of the Reaction e+e–
→ μ+μ– Around the Z0 Pole
Phys. Let. В. 1991. V. 260, No. 1, 2.
P. 240–248.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (702
- Asymptotic Multiplicities:
Phenomenology, Experimental Perspectives
Proc. of the Xth Intern.
Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems. Relativistic Nuclear Physics
& Quantum Chromodynamics. Dubna, USSR, September 1990. Singapore:
World Scientific. 1991. P. 123–127.
J. Manjavidze, A. Sissakian
download: text [pdf] (162 K)
- Charged Particle Multiplicity
Distributions in Z0 Hadronic Decays
Z. Phys. С. 1991. V. 50, No. 2. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (1.1 M)
- Charged Particle Multiplicity
Distributions in Restricted Rapidity Intervals in Z0
Hadronic Decays*
Z. Phys. С. 1991. V. 52, No. 2. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (971 K)
- Determination of Z0
Resonance Parameters and Couplings from its Hadronic and Leptonic Decays
Nucl. Phys. B. 1991. V. 367. P. 511–574.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (3.9 M)
- Experimental Study of the
Triple-Gluon Vertex
Phys. Let. B. 1991. V. 255, No. 3. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (762
- Geometric Efficiency of
Experimental Set-Ups in the Region of Very High Values of Multiplicity
JINR Rapid Communications. 1991. No. 3.
P. 16–26.
S.G. Kananov, I. D. Mandzhavidze, I.V. Paziashvili, A.N.
download: text [pdf] (303
- Nonperturbative Method of
Calculation of Functional Integrals
Phys. Let. A. 1991. V. 157, No. 4, 5.
P. 261–264.
A.N. Sissakian, I.L. Solovtsov
download: text [pdf] (201
- Search for Low Mass Higgs Bosons
Produced in Z0 Decays
Z. Phys. C. 1991. V. 51, No. 1. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (1.2 M)
- The DELPHI Detector (Detector
with Lepton Photon and Hadron Identification)
Experiments at CERN in 1991. Geneva,
CERN. 1991. P. 261–266.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (199
- The Reaction e+e–
→ γγ(γ) at Z0 Energies
Phys. Let. В. 1991. V. 268, No. 2. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (709 K)