July 6
Atomic clusters (AC-1)
09:00-09:40 P.-G.
Reinhard [Inst. Theor. Phys., Erlangen, Germany] - "Clusters
in contact with substrates - the effect of the interface on cluster
dynamics" |abstract|
09:40-10:10 E. Suraud [LTP-IRSAMC, Toulouse, France] "Self Interaction
correction in the time domain" |abstract|
10:10-10:40 E. S. Kryachko [BITP, Ukraine and Chem. Dep., Univ. Liege]
"The Magic Gold Cluster Au2(Td) and Its Low-Energy Fullerene-Type
Isomers" |abstract|
July 9
14:10-15:50 Atomic
clusters (AC-2)
14:10-14:50 A.V.
Solov'yov "Nanoparticles dynamics on a surface: fractal pattern
formation and fragmentation" |abstract|
14:50-15:20 V. N. Kondratyev [JINR + T-S National Univ. Kyiv, Ukraine]
- "Dynamics of magnetic nanoparticle assembly" |abstract|
15:20-15:50 A. Mikaberidze [MPI-PKS, Dresden, Germany] "Ultrafast
formation of a resonant nanoplasma in doped helium droplets"