- Abrarov Dmitry(SMI RAS, Moscow)
- Alekseev George(SMI RAS, Moscow)
- Arbuzov Boris (SINP, Moscow state university)
- Arefeva Irina (SMI RAS, Moscow)
"NEC violating exact solutions in stringy models"
- Belavin Alexander (ITP, Chernogolovka)
"A recursive relation for N=1 superconformal block"
- Bogoliubov Nikolai (PDMI RAS, St.Petersburg)
"Four-vertex model and random tilings"
- Bogolubsky Alexey (MSU, Moscow)
- Bondal Alexei (SMI RAS, Moscow)
"Towards classification of POisson projective varieties"
- Boos Hermann (Wuppertal university & SINP, Moscow)
"'Factorization' and fermionic structure of the XXZ model"
- Boyko Vyacheslav (Institute of mathematics, Kiev)
"Computation of Invariants of Lie Algebras by Means of Moving Frames"
- Burdik Cestmir (Technical uniersity, Prague & BLTP, Dubna)
- Bytsko Andrey (PDMI RAS, St.Petersburg)
"Lattice Liouville model and its quantum group symmetry"
- Cirilo-Lombardo Diego (BLTP, Dubna)
- Chekhov Leonid (SMI RAS, Moscow)
"Teichmuller spaces of bordered surfaces and algebras"
- Chernyakov Yuri (ITEP, Moscow)
"Quadratic algebra associated with elliptic curve and
integrable systems"
- Chervov Alexander (ITEP, Moscow)
"Langlands correspondence and Talalaev's quantum
spectral curves"
- Damaskinsky Eugeny
(St.Petersburg university of the defence engineering
"Generalized oscillators, orthogonal polynomials
and coherent states"
- Davydenkova Irina (St.Petersburg university)
- Derkachov Sergei (PDMI RAS, St.Petersburg)
"The general R-Matrix for noncompact SL(N,C) Invariant Spin Chain"
- Faddeev Ludwig (PDMI RAS, St.Petersburg)
"Discrete evolution for the zero modes of quantum
Liouville model"
- Feher Laszlo (KFKI RMKI, Budapest and University of Szeged)
"Hamiltonian reductions of the free particle on a simple
Lie group to (spin) Calogero type integrable models"
- Filippov Alexandre (BLTP, Dubna)
"On dimensional reduction and relation between static states,
cosmologies and waves in a class of integrable models of gravity"
- Fock Vladimir (ITEP, Moscow)
"Stokes parameters and clusters"
- Fursaev Dmitry (BLTP, Dubna)
- Gainutdinov Azat (LPI & MCCME, Moscow)
- Goehmann Frank (Wuppertal university)
"The density matrix of a finite segment of the Heisenberg spin chain"
- Gorbunov Vasiliy (University of Aberdeen)
"Chiral de Rham complex and applications to topology"
- Gribanov Vladimir (BLTP, Dubna)
- Gurevich Dimitri (University of Valenciennes, France)
"Modified Reflection Equation Algebra: representations and applications"
- Helminck Gerardus (University of Twente)
"Monodromy preserving deformations of connections on P^1(C)"
- Inozemtsev Vladimir (BLTP, Dubna)
- Iorgov Nikolai (BITP, Kiev)
"Separation of variables in Baxter-Bazhanov-Stroganov model"
- Isaev Alexei (BLTP, Dubna)
- Ivanov Evgeny (BLTP, Dubna)
"Planar Super-Landau Models"
- Kadyshevsky Vladimir (BLTP, Dubna)
- Karowski Michael (FU Berlin)
"The nested SU(N) off-shell Bethe ansatz and exact form factors"
- Kazakov Dmitri (BLTP, Dubna)
"Renormalizable 1/N_f Expansion in Gauge Theories in Extra Dimensions"
- Kazakov Vladimir (LPT, Universite Paris VI)
"Integrable structures in stringy sigma models"
- Kersten Paul (University of Twente)
common talk with Joseph Krasil'shik
- Khoroshkin Sergei (ITEP, Moscow)
- Khvedelidze Arsen (BLTP, Dubna)
"Light-cone Yang-Mills mechanics: SU(2) vs. SU(3)"
- Konstein Semyon (LPI, Moscow)
"The deformations of nondegenerate constant Poisson bracket
and antibracket on the superspaces of arbitrary superdimensions"
- Kotikov Anatoly (BLTP, Dubna)
"Beisert-Eden-Staudacher equation in N=4 SUSY"
- Krasil'shchik Joseph (Moscow)
"Nonlocal Geometry of PDEs and Integrability"
- Krivonos Sergei (BLTP, Dubna)
- Kulish Petr (PDMI RAS, St.Petersburg)
"Algebraic features of integrable spin chains"
- Litvinov Alexei (ITP, Chernogolovka)
"Four and five point
correlation functions in Liouville field theory"
- Marshakov Andrey (LPI & ITEP, Moscow)
"Extended Seiberg-Witten Theory and Integrable Hierarchy"
- Metsaev Ruslan (LPI, Moscow)
"Gravitational interaction of massive higher spin fields
in (A)dS space"
- Mironov Andrey (LPI & ITEP, Moscow)
"Duality among matrix models: small M-theory"
- Nakamura Yuichi (University of Tokyo)
"non-Hermitian analysis of strongly correlated quantum systems"
- Nersessian Armen (Yerevan Physical Institute)
"Generalized MICZ-Kepler systems"
- Nirov Khazretali (INR, Moscow)
"On loop Lie algebras, loop groups, and associated Toda equations"
- Oblezin Sergei (ITEP, Moscow)
"Givental representation for classical groups"
- Olshanetsky Mikhail (ITEP, Moscow)
- Os'kin Andrey (BLTP, Dubna)
- Ohanyan Vadim (Yerevan State University)
"Integrability of two-center MICZ-Kepler system"
- Pakuliak Stanislav (BLTP, Dubna)
- Pavlov Maxim (LPI RAS, Moscow)
"New class of explicit solutions of WDVV equation"
- Penskoi Alexei (Independent university & Bauman technical university, Moscow)
"Integrable systems and topology of isospectral manifolds"
- Pogosyan George (Yerevan state university)
- Pogrebkov Andrey (SMI RAS, Moscow)
"Associative algebras and integrability"
- Polyubin Igor (ITP, Chernogolovka)
- Popowicz Ziemowit (Wroclaw university)
"N=2 Supersymmetric Degasperis - Procesi equation"
- Povolotsky Alexander (DIAS, Dublin)
"Determinant solution for the totally asymmetric exclusion process with parallel
- Priezzhev Vyacheslav (BLTP, Dubna)
- Pron'ko George (IHEP, Protvino)
- Pron'ko Andrey (PDMI RAS, St.Petersburg)
- Pugai Yaroslav (ITP, Chernogolovka)
"Algebraic approach to form factors in Z(n) models"
- Pyatov Pavel (BLTP, Dubna)
- Razumov Alexander (IHEP, Protvino)
"Ground state of XXZ model in combinatorial point"
- Rosly Alexei (ITEP, Moscow)
- Ruijsenaars Simon* (Loughborough University, UK & CMCS, Amsterdam)
"Integrable systems, analytic difference equations, special functions, Hilbert
space: On the crossroads"
- Runev Evgeniy (St. Petersburg University)
- Rybnikov Leonid
(Poncelet laboratory & Moscow State University)
"Higher Hamiltonians of the Gaudin model"
- Saponov Pavel (IHEP, Protvino)
- Saveleva Svetlana (IHEP, Protvino)
- Savrin Viktor* (SINP, Moscow state university)
- Semikhatov Alexei (LPI, Moscow)
"Logarithmic extensions of ^sl(2) conformal field models. Positive integer
- Sevastyanov Alexei (University of Aberdeen)
"A mass generation mechanism for gauge fields"
- Shadura Vitaly (BITP, Kiev)
- Shenderovich Igor (St.Petersburg university)
- Silantyev Alexey (BLTP, Dubna)
- Sissakian Alexey (JINR, Dubna)
- Skrypnyk Taras (Institute of mathematics, Kiev)
"Classical R-operators, extension of commutative subalgebras and
`triality' in integrable hierarchies"
- Slavnov Nikita (SMI RAS, Moscow)
"On correlation functions of integrable models
associated to the six-vertex R-matrix"
- Sorin Alexander (BLTP, Dubna)
"N=2 supersymmetric unconstrained matrix GNLS hierarchies are consistent"
- Tipunin Ilya (LPI, Moscow)
"Quantum groups in logarithmic conformal field theories"
- Tolstoy Valery (SINP, Moscow state university)
"Quantum Deformations of Relativistic Symmetries"
- Tsiganov Andrey (St.Petersburg university)
"On the Poisson brackets compatible with the Sklyanin brackets"
- Tykhyy Yuriy (BITP, Kiev)
- Vartanov Grigory (BLTP, Dubna)
common talk with Dmitri Kazakov
- Vernov Sergei (SINP, Moscow university)
"Construction of exact solutions to cosmological models with polynomial potentials"
- Vernov Yuri (INR, Moscow)
"Test Functions Space in Noncommutative Quantum Field Theory"
- Vershik Anatoly (PDMI RAS, St.Petersburg)
"On spectra of Gel'fand-Zetlin algebras in representations of the
symmetric group and of Brauer type algebras"
- Veselov Alexander
(Loughborough university, UK & ITP, Moscow)
"Polynomial solutions of KZ equations and Schur-Weyl
- Vladimirov Aleksei (BLTP, Dubna)
- Zabrodin Anton (ITEP, Moscow)
"Hirota equation for supersymmetric
integrable models"
- Zamolodchikov Alexander (Rutgers university, USA & ITP, Chernogolovka)
"Extended conformal symmety, integrability, and duality in
boundary interactions"
- Zamolodchikov Alexei (LPTA, Universite Montpellier II)
common talk with Alexander Belavin
- Zinn-Justin Paul (LPTMS, Universite Paris Sud)
"qKZ, ASMs, TSSCPPs and all that"
- Zupnik Boris (BLTP, Dubna)
"Equations of noncommutative gravity"
* -- to be confirmed