name: vsevolod katkov

address: Russia, Karelia, Segezha

date of birth: 22.08.1983

education: University graduate

now: Ph.D student of Univesity Center of JINR, reserch scientist of Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of JINR



My name is Katkov Vsevolod Leonidovich. I was born in Segezha town in Karelia Republic (autonomy republic in the USSR). I left Second School of Segezha and First School of Segezha in 1998, 2000 respectively. Then I was recorded on the first year of physical faculty of Petrozavodsk State University. I got the degree of bachelor in 2004. After that I joined the sector "Nanostructures and nanoscale phenomena" in Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research with the purpose of preparation of the master's degree. I got the degree of master in spring 2006. The same year I became Ph.D student of Univesity Center of JINR. Nowadays I am a junior resercher in Bogoliubov Laboratary of Theoretical Physics of JINR. My research interests are field emission theory, electronic structure of carbon based materials.


  1. V.L. Katkov, V.A. Osipov, Tunneling-based graphene electronics: Methods and examples, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena 35 (5), 050801 (2017)
  2. A.A. Glebov, V.L. Katkov, V.A. Osipov, Effect of edge vacancies on performance of planar graphene tunnel field-effect transistor, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 118 (2), 27003 (2017) DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/118/27003
  3. A.A. Glebov, V.L. Katkov, V.A. Osipov, Effect of edge vacancies on localized states in a semi-infinite zigzag graphene sheet, JETP letters 104 (12), 842-846 (2016) DOI:
  4. S. Sahling, G. Remenyi, J.E. Lorenzo, P. Monceau, V.L. Katkov, V.A. Osipov, Relaxation time spectrum of low-energy excitations in one-and two-dimensional materials with charge or spin density waves, Physical Review B 94 (14), 144107 (2016) DOI:
  5. O.G. Isaeva, V. L. Katkov, V. A. Osipov, DNA sequencing through graphene nanogap: a model of sequential electron transport, The European Physical Journal B 87, 272 (2014) DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2014-50400-2
  6. S. Sahling, M. Kolac, V. L. Katkov, V. A. Osipov, Anomalous Tunneling Systems in Amorphous Organic Materials, Journal of Low Temperature Physics V. 176, 1-2, pp 64-81 (2014) DOI: 10.1007/s10909-014-1162-0
  7. V.L. Katkov and V.A. Osipov, Planar graphene tunnel field-effect transistor, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 053102 (2014) DOI: [preprint]
  8. V.L. Katkov and V.A. Osipov, Tunnel junction on a base of graphene, JETP Letters 98(11) 782 (2013) in Russian
  9. V.L. Katkov and V.A. Osipov, Energy distributions of field emitted electrons from few-layer graphene sheets with AB and ABC stacking, Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 41(7), 1027-1030 DOI: 10.1134/S1063779610070105
  10. S. Sahling, S. Abens, V. L. Katkov, and V. A. Osipov, Anomalous isotopic effect of tunneling states in NbTi-H/D.
    Phys. Rev. B, 82(17) (2010) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.174204
  11. V.L. Katkov and V.A. Osipov, Influence of tip geometry on the field emission law from axisymmetric and wall-like emitters.
    EPL, 89 (2010), 17002
  12. V.L. Katkov and V.A. Osipov, Energy distributions of field emitted electrons from carbon nanosheets: manifestation of the quantum size effect. JETP Letters, 90(4) (2009) 304 [preprint]
  13. V.L. Katkov and V.A. Osipov, Effect of band structure on field emission of crystalline graphite.
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20 (2008) 035204 (6pp)[preprint]

Contributed papers

  1. V.L. Katkov, O.G. Isaeva and V.A. Osipov, Resonant Tunneling In Graphene-DNA Base-Graphene Junctions, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 393 012026 (2012) DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/393/1/012026
  2. V.L. Katkov and V.A. Osipov, Field emission model for lengthy structures.
  3. Proceedings of the IV nnnph (Saratov) (2009) 33 [in Russian]
  4. V.L. Katkov and V.A. Osipov, Influence of the energy spectrum on the field emission from AA graphene bilayer. Proceedings of the XIII AYSS of JINR (2009) 197 [in Russian]
  5. V.L. Katkov and V.A. Osipov, The specific of field emission for single walled carbon nanotubes and graphite.
    Proceedings of the XII AYSS of JINR (2008) 122
Updated on 2 November 2017