09.30 |
J. Fleischer ( DESY, Zeuthen & Bielefeld University, Germany ) |
| "Reduction of 1-loop Tensor Integrals" (Part I) |
10.30 | Coffee break |
10.50 |
O. Tarasov ( JINR, Russia ) |
| "Functional equations for Feynman integrals" |
11.50 |
S. Lola ( Patras University, Greece ) |
| "Lepton Flavour Violation in Colliders" (Part I) |
12.50 | Lunch |
14.20 |
S. Mikhailov ( JINR, Russia ) |
| "Pion transition form factor: factorization, LCSR and
higher order corrections vs experimental data" |
15.00 |
A. Bakulev ( JINR, Russia ) |
| "Resummation approach in (F)APT" |
15.40 |
C. Duhr ( Louvain University, Belgium ) |
| "The one-loop pentagon to higher orders in epsilon" |
16.20 | Coffee break |
16.40 |
A. Belyaev ( Southampton University, UK ) |
| "Probing sbottom co-annihilatio at ILC" |
17.20 |
K. Hasegawa ( DESY, Zeuthen, Germany ) |
| "Automating dipole subtraction" |