The international school-workshop "Calculations for
modern and future colliders" (CALC-2009) will be held in Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical
Physics (JINR, Dubna) from July 10 till July 20, 2009. The School is organized jointly by
the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and Helmholtz Association.
The main topics:
- Precision calculations for experiments at TeVatron, LHC, etc.
- Multiloop calculations, resummation techniques
- Computer codes
- Phenomenology and search for new physics at hadron colliders
- Physics at ILC and experimental tags for theory
For registration, please fill in the on-line
registration form. The deadline for application
and abstract submission is June 1, 2009.
Participation in the Workshop is mainly by invitation.
For invited participants the Organizing Committee will cover accomodation in the hotel, transportation
to Dubna from the Moscow airport or railway station and back, coffee-breaks, and welcome party
Arrival of the participants at Dubna is expected on Thursday, July 9; and the departure, on Tuesday, July 21 .
For additional information please contact: Dr. Alexander Bednyakov
fax: +7 (49621) 65084
phone: +7 (49621) 63143
Mailing address: Dr. A. Bednyakov, CALC
2009, BLTP JINR, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia