S. Badger (DESY, Zeuthen, Germany)
"Generalised Unitarity for One-Loop Amplitudes"
P. Baikov (SINP MSU, Russia)
"How to reduce integration-by-part irreducible integrals?"
A. Bakulev (JINR, Russia)
"Resummation approach in (F)APT"
A. Bednyakov (JINR, Russia)
"Two-loop decoupling corrections to the masses of heavy SM fermions
within the MSSM"
A. Belyaev (Southampton University, UK)
"Collider Phenomenology with CalcHEP"
A. Belyaev (Southampton University, UK)
"Dark Matter motivated SUSY Collider signatures"
V. Beylin (Southern Federal University, Russia)
"Split Higgsino scenario: origin and possible manifestations"
P. Bolzoni (DESY, Zeuthen, Germany)
"NNLO infrared subtraction schemes"
L. Bork (ITEP, Russia)
"Infrared-finite Observables in N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory"
V. Bytev (JINR, Russia)
"Differential reduction of generalized hypergeometric functions in application
to Feynman diagrams "
I. Cherednikov (JINR, Russia)
"Anomalous dimensions and evolution equations of the unintegrated parton
P.Christova (JINR, Russia)
"Status of QCD NLO corrections for t-channel single top production in SANC"
A. Davydychev (SINP MSU, Russia)
"Geometrical methods in loop calculations"
T. Diakonidis (DESY, Zeuthen, Germany )
"Reduction of 1-loop Tensor Integrals. Numerical implementation"
M. Dolgopolov (Samara State University, Russia)
"MSSM finitetemperature Higgs potential: calculations and constraints"
C. Duhr (Louvain University, Belgium)
"The one-loop pentagon to higher orders in epsilon"
V. Del Duca (INFN, Italy)
"MSYM amplitudes in the high energy limit"
J. Fleischer (DESY, Zeuthen & Bielefeld University, Germany)
"Reduction of 1-loop Tensor Integrals"
A. Grozin (INP, Novosibirsk, Russia)
"Decoupling and effective field theories"
T. Hahn (MPI, Munich, Germany)
"FeynArts & FeynCalc"
K. Hasegawa (DESY, Zeuthen, Germany )
"Automating dipole subtraction"
S. Heinemeyer (CSIC-UC, Santander, Spain)
"Supersymmetry: From the basics to phenomenology"
M. Kalmykov (JINR, Russia)
"About all order epsilon-expansion of hypergeometric functions"
V. Kolesnikov (JINR, Russia)
"Top-quark processes in SANC"
A. Kotikov (JINR, Russia)
"The property of the maximal transcendentality in calculations"
N. Krasnikov (INR RAS, Russia)
"Unparticles as fields with continuously distributed masses"
V. Kuksa (Institute of Physics, Southern Federal University, Russia)
"Factorization Method in the Model of Unstable Particles"
R. Lee (INP, Novosibirsk, Russia)
"Group structure of the integration-by-part identities"
S. Lola (Patras University, Greece)
Lepton Flavour Violation in Colliders
V. Lyuboshitz (JINR, Russia)
"Spin correlations of muons and tau-leptons
generated in the annihilation
processes e+ e- → μ+ μ-,
e+ e- → τ+
S. Mikhailov (JINR, Russia)
"Pion transition form factor: factorization, LCSR and higher order corrections
vs experimental data"
J. Mnich (DESY, Hamburg, Germany)
"Physics at LHC"
A. Nesterenko (JINR, Russia)
"Hadronic effects in low-energy QCD: Adler function and tau decay"
A. Pivovarov (INR RAS, Russia)
"Kaon light-cone distribution amplitude in QCD: NNLO radiative corrections"
A. Pukhov (SINP, Moscow, Russia)
"Dark Matter in Universe: Physics and calculations by micrOMEGAs"
T. Riemann (DESY, Zeuthen, Germany)
"Evaluation of Feynman diagrams with Mellin-Barnes representations"
R. Sadykov (JINR, Russia)
"Inevitability of "reweighting" at LHC Monte Carlo simulation"
A. Sapronov (JINR, Russia)
"EW NLO corrections to pp → H μ+μ- in SANC"
W. von Schlippe (Saint Petersburg NPI RAS, Russia )
"Overview of Direct Photon Production in Hadronic Collisions"
G. Shirkov (JINR, Russia)
"ILC Siting in Dubna Region and ILC Activity at JINR"
A. Smirnov (MSU, SRCC, Russia)
"New tools for Feynman integrals"
V. Smirnov (SINP, Moscow, Russia)
"New tools for Feynman integrals"
O. Tarasov (JINR, Russia)
"Functional equations for Feynman integrals"
M. Tentyukov (TTP, Karlsruhe University, Germany)
"Symbolic Manipulation System FORM: outlines and outlooks"
E. Uglov (JINR, Russia)
"SANC: present and future"
P. Uwer (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany)
"Monte Carlo methods in high energy physics"
O. Veretin (University of Hamburg, Germany)
"Drell-Yan Process at NNLO"