09.30 |
J. Mnich ( DESY, Hamburg, Germany ) |
| "Physics at LHC" |
10.30 | Coffee break |
10.50 |
T. Riemann ( DESY, Zeuthen, Germany ) |
| "Evaluation of Feynman diagrams with Mellin-Barnes representations" (Part I) |
11.50 |
V. Smirnov ( SINP, MSU, Russia ) |
| "New tools for Feynman integrals" (Part I) |
12.50 | Lunch |
14.20 |
V. Smirnov ( SINP, MSU, Russia ) |
| "New tools for Feynman integrals" (Part II) |
15.20 |
P. Uwer ( Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany ) |
| "Monte Carlo methods in high energy physics" (Part I) |
16.20 | Coffee break |
16.40 |
A. Smirnov ( MSU, SRCC, Russia ) |
| "New tools for Feynman integrals" (Part II) |
17.40 |
M. Dolgopolov ( Samara State University, Russia ) |
| "MSSM finitetemperature Higgs potential: calculations and constraints" |