Non-residents who need Russian visa should supply their personal data as well.
To arrange a visa support letter you are kindly requested to send a scanned COPY OF YOUR PASSPORT (the main page with a photo) to Mrs. Tatyana Donskova by e-mail or to Mrs. Alina Belova by e-mail or by fax +7 496 21 65891.
In case one applies
for the visa not in one's native country, a copy of a resident permit
should also be sent.
The same application form should be filled for accompanying persons.
The procedure of application for visa is as follows:
The information which is provided in the registration form goes to the
Department of Consular Service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian
Federation in Moscow and is accepted 1.5 months prior to the Conference. When
we receive the Original invitation from the Consular Service we will send it
to your by registered air post. After having it you will go with it to the
Russian Embassy or Consulate in your country and receive your visa.
Thus, you will apply for visa when you will receive the original invitation.
This is expected to be approximately 1.5 months prior to the Conference.