August 21 -
August 27, 2009 |
Moscow-Dubna, 21.08 - 27.08, 2009
Conference web site: http://bog2009.jinr.ru
The International Bogolyubov Conference Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics will be held from August 21 to August 22, 2009 in Moscow at the Russian Academy of Sciences and from August 23 to August 27, 2009 in Dubna at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The Bogolyubov Conference-2009 is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian scientist - mathematician and physicist Nikolai Nikolaevich Bogolyubov (21.08.1909 - 13.02.1992).
The Bogolyubov Conference organizers:
Conference co-chairmen:
Yu.S. Osipov (RAS, Moscow) & V.A. Sadovnichy (MSU, Moscow)
V.A. Matveev (RAS, Moscow) & A.N. Sissakian (JINR, Dubna)
Conference venue
The Conference will start on August 21, 2009 at the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Bldg., which is situated in the center of the city of Moscow, adjacent to "Leninsky Prospect" subway station, and is well served by the local transportation network, with bus stops, the local tram stations all being nearby.
On August 23, 2009 the Conference will continue at the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (BLTP JINR) in Dubna - small town 120 km north of Moscow on the bank of the Volga river.
The RAS Bldg. address:
Leninsky avenue, 32 A
119991 GSP-1, V-71 Moscow, Russian Federation
The BLTP JINR Bldg. address:
Jouliot-Curie str., BLTP
141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russian Federation
General Information
The total number of participants is expected to be about 250. The conference program will include review talks at plenary sessions and original contributions at several parallel sections. The conference language will be English.
Participation in the Bogolyubov Conference is by invitation only.
Important deadline dates
Early fee
Abstract submission
Financial support application
Paper for Proceedings submission |
May 31, 2009
June 1, 2009
May 1, 2009
May 1, 2009
December 15, 2009
All visitors to Russian Federation need a valid passport. An original letter of invitation to the International Bogolyubov conference is needed when applying for a visa. The Organizing Committee will provide with Russian
visas. Registered participants can obtain such a letter from the Conference secretariat. As the process for
obtaining a visa takes time, requests for letters of invitation should reach the Conference secretariat not later than May 15, 2009.
Conference Agenda
A layout of the six-day conference program includes 34 plenary lectures (40 minutes duration) scheduled for the six morning sessions. The five parallel sessions with short talks (about 20 minutes duration) will be held in the afternoon.
- Mathematics and nonlinear mechanics
(conveners: V.S.Vladimirov, I.V.Volovich, D.V.Treschev)
- Quantum field theory and theory of elementary particles
(conveners: A.A.Slavnov, D.V.Shirkov,
V.A.Matveev, V.A.Rubakov,A.S.Sorin)
- Statistical mechanics, kinetics and quantum theory of condensed matter
(conveners: N.M.Plakida, N.N.Bogolyubov(jr.), V.A.Osipov)
- Nuclear physics
(conveners: V.V.Voronov, R.V.Jolos)
In case of the poster presentation interest participants can apply with this subject to the conveners of the parallel sessions and the organizers.
The Conference is supported by
Russian Academy of Sciences
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Federal Agency for Science and Innovation
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Dynasty Foundation
Conference fee
Conference fee includes attendance to all sessions, coffee breaks, a bus transfer from Moscow to Dubna, a social program, conference banquet and proceedings.
Payment before June 1, 2009 |
250 Euro/participant
90 Euros/family member |
Payment after June 1, 2009 |
300 Euro/participant
100 Euros/family member |
Below please find the ways of payment:
1. Bank transfer
In your bank transfer please refer to Bogolyubov Conference,
your full name and the purpose of your payment (conference fee).
Please make your money transfer payable
to the following account and address:
Рубли (Russian rubles) |
Получатель: |
ИНН 9909125356 КПП 501063001
Объединенный институт ядерных исследований |
Номер счета: |
40807810000140027653 |
Банк получателя: |
ОАО "МДМ-Банк", г. Москва
корр. счет: 30101810900000000466, БИК 044525466 |
US Dollars |
(account holder) |
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Beneficiary bank: |
MDM Bank (OJSC), Russia, Moscow |
Account number: |
40807840300140027653 |
Bank-correspondent: |
Bank of New York, New York, USA
account: 8900514841 SWIFT: IRVT US 3N |
Euro |
(account holder) |
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research |
Beneficiary bank: |
MDM Bank (OJSC), Russia, Moscow |
Account number: |
40807978900140027653 |
Bank-correspondent: |
"Deutshe Bank AG"
12, Taunusanlage, 60262 , Frankfurt/Main, Germany
account: 1009474149 SWIFT: DEUTDEFF |
- Please send us a copy of your bank transfer document and keep a copy for your own record.
- In case your bank charges a certain percentage for the transfer process, please cover the gap by yourself if that happens.
2. On-site payment
Euro or its equivalent amount in Russian rubles in cash will be accepted upon your on-site registration.
Further details of the scientific program will be available in the Bulletin # 2.