Research Workshop

Prof. Dr. V.B.Priezzhev (BLTP JINR Dubna, Russia)
Dr. J.Schmelzer,
Prof. Dr. G.Roepke (Universitat Rostock, Germany)

The workshop represents the continuation of a
similar meeting carried out with great success in 1997 in Dubna.
The general aim was and is
- to bring together a number of leading scientists in the field of
the theoretical description of first-order phase transformations of
the member countries of JINR and Germany
- to discuss recent developments in this field with
particular emphasis on the work done in the different groups
- to establish and/or tighten direct cooperation links
- to analyze the limits and possible extensions of the
theoretical description of multifragmentation based on
nucleation-growth models
- to check whether the experimental facilities available
at the JINR in Dubna can be utilized for an experimental investigation of
the kinetics of phase transformation processes in
different systems of interest
As outlined in detail in the report on the
1997-workshop, the aims could be fully realized. While the
general direction remains the same, the accents for the
1998-workshop are somewhat changed.
It is planned to invite in addition to the primary collaborators also
other colleagues from Russia, other European countries
and beyond.

Detailed Description of the Project
Clustering processes in first-order phase transformations
play an important role in a large variety of
scientific and technological applications. An adequate
theoretical description of such processes is therefore of considerable
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Expected Results
- Coordination of the research activities on fundamental
aspects of nucleation theory and selected applications
- Continuation of existing and initiation of new common
research projects, in particular, connected with a possible
utilization of the experimental research facilities at the JINR Dubna
- Application of a recently formulated a theoretical
description of clustering in free expansion of gases to nuclear
- Topical discussion of specific features of bubble formation
in different systems, in particular, in expanding nuclear liquids
In case of expected success it is planned to repeat such research and
scientific communication meetings regularly.

- Research and scientific communication meeting in Dubna, April
1998, for a period of one month
- Mutual research visits of the participants in the course of the year
(in dependence on financial funds available)