"Symmetries and spin" - Praha-SPIN-2000

Prague, July 16 - July 22, 2000

Sunday, July 16, 2000
Monday, July 17, 2000
Tuesday, July 18, 2000
Wednesday, July 19, 2000
Thursday, July 20, 2000
Friday, July 21, 2000
Saturday, July 22, 2000

Main Page
First Bulletin
Charles University

July 21, Friday

Chairperson: PIGNANELLI Marcello
09:00 40' PENIONZHKEVICH Yuri E., JINR, Dubna, RF
Investigations with radioactive ion beams
09:40 40' KORICHI Amel, IN2P3, France
Octupole vibration in the superdeformed well: first experimental evidence
10:20 30' GANGRSKI Yuri P., JINR, Dubna, RF
Polarization of fission fragments by resonant laser radiation
10:50 20' Coffee break  
Chairperson: PENIONZHKEVICH Yuri
11:10 40' KRACIKOVA Tatiana, JINR, Dubna and CUNI, Praha, Czech Republic
Low temperature nuclear orientation of 60 min 148TbGd
11:50 40' SMITH Gavin,  UNI, Manchester, UK
Electromagnetic properties of exicited states in fission fragments
12:30 30' PETRACHE Costel,  Italy
Spectroscopy near drip line in the A=130 region
13:00 60' Lunch  
Chairperson: TANABE Kosai
14:00 30' DLOUHY Zdenek, INP, Rez, Czech Republic
Rearrangements in shell closures of light neutron-rich nuclei
14:30 30' LEWITOWICZ Marek, GANIL, France
Isomers and polarized fragments produced at intermediate energies
15:00 30' INAMURA Takashi T., HIL, Warsaw, Poland
Atomic and nuclear spin polarization in K-capture
15:30 20' IZOSIMOV Igor, RI, St. Petersburg, RF
Fine structure of the beta-decay strength function
15:50 20' Coffee break  
Chairperson: ALARCON Ricardo
16:10 40' SCHAEFER Andreas, UNI, Regensburg, Germany
Recent developments in hadronic spin physics
16:50 30' RUKOYATKIN Pavel, JINR, Dubna, RF
Relativistic polarized beams for experiments on the polarized proton target at LHE
17:20 20' FIMUSHKIN Viktor, JINR, Dubna, RF
Source of polarized deuterons POLARIS at the NUCLOTRON accelerator
17:40 30' ZAIKIN Nikolai, JINR, Dubna, RF
Computing and networking at JINR
18:10 20' VIRIUS Miroslav, CTU, Praha, Czech Republic
Possible interference between C++ and Jawa languages