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Publications by Dmitri I. Kazakov

Papers in Journals

  1. Ultraviolet behaviour of spontaneously broken gauge theories
    Phys.Lett. 47B (1973) 359
    (with V.V.Belokurov, D.V.Shirkov, A.A.Slavnov and A.A.Vladimirov)
  2. Ultraviolet asymptotics in the presence of nonabelian gauge fields
    Theor.Math.Phys. 19 (1974) 149
    (with V.V.Belokurov, D.V.Shirkov, A.A.Slavnov and A.A.Vladimirov)
  3. On renormalizations in nonlinear chiral field theory
    Theor.Math.Phys.28 (1976) 46
    (with V.N.Pervushin and M.K.Volkov)
  4. K_{l3} decay in quantum field theory with chiral symmetry
    Phys.Lett.64B (1976) 201
    (with V.N.Pervushin and M.K.Volkov)
  5. Invariant renormalization for the field theories with nonlinear symmetry
    Theor.Math.Phys.31 (1977) 169
    (with V.N.Pervushin and S.V.Pushkin)
  6. Two-loop divergences of field theories with nonlinear symmetry
    Lett.Math.Phys.21 (1978) 195
    (with S.V.Pushkin)
  7. An invariant renormalization method for nonlinear realizations of dynamical symmetries
    J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.11 (1978) 2093
    (with V.N.Pervushin and S.V.Pushkin)
  8. Analytical continuation of perturbative results of the g\phi^4 model into the region g\geq 1
    Theor.Math.Phys.38 (1979) 15
    (with D.V.Shirkov and O.V.Tarasov)
  9. On the calculation of critical exponents by the methods of quantum field theory
    JETP 77 (1979) 1035
    (with A.A.Vladimirov and O.V.Tarasov)
  10. Asymptotic series in quantum field theory and their summation
    Fortsch.der Phys.28 (1980) 465
    (with D.V.Shirkov)
  11. On the phase transition in the Yang-Mills instanton gas
    Phys.Lett.87B (1979) 242
    (with E.-M.Ilgenfritz and M.Muller-Preussker)
  12. Is there really a phase transition in Yang-Mills instanton gas?
    Sov.Nucl.Phys.31 (1980) 1107
    (with E.-M.Ilgenfritz and M.Muller-Preussker)
  13. A method for summing nonalternating asymptotic series
    Theor.Math.Phys.46 (1981) 348
  14. An alternative calculation of the instanton driven \beta-function in Yang-Mills theory
    JETP Letters 33 (1981) 350
    (with E.-M.Ilgenfritz and M.Muller-Preussker)
  15. Calculation of Feynman diagrams by the method of uniqueness
    Theor.Math.Phys.58 (1984) 357
  16. The method of uniqueness, a new powerful technique for multiloop calculations
    Phys.Lett.138B (1983) 406
  17. Multiloop calculations: the method of uniqueness and functional equations
    Theor.Math.Phys.62 (1985) 127
  18. The account of quark masses in scheme-invariant perturbation theory in QCD
    Sov.Nucl.Phys.42 (1985) 768
    (with D.V.Shirkov)
  19. On the problem of axial anomaly in supersymmetric gauge theories
    JETP Letters 41 (1985) 272
  20. Finite N=1 supersymmetric grand unified theories
    Nucl.Phys.B281 (1987) 72
    (with A.V.Ermushev and O.V.Tarasov)
  21. Finite SUSY field theories and dimensional regularization
    Phys.Lett.179B (1986) 352
  22. Superstrings or beyond the standard ideas
    Uspekhi Fiz.Nauk 150 (1986) 561
  23. The method of uniqueness: multiloop calculations in QCD
    Theor.Math.Phys.73 (1987) 348
    (with A.V.Kotikov)
  24. \alpha_s - correction to DIS cross section ratio R=\sigma_L/\sigma_T in QCD
    Sov.Nucl.Phys.46 (1987) 1767
    (with A.V.Kotikov)
  25. Five-loop divergences for the N=2 supersymmetric non-linear sigma-model
    Nucl.Phys.B287 (1987) 189
    (with M.T.Grisaru and D.Zanon)
  26. Finite N=1 SUSY gauge field theories
    Modern Phys.Lett.A2 (1987) 663
  27. A generalization of the renormalization group equations to the quantum field theories of arbitrary type
    Theor.Math.Phys.75 (1988) 157
  28. Total \alpha_s - correction to the deep - inelastic cross - section ratio R=\sigma_L/\sigma_T in QCD
    Nucl.Phys.B307 (1988) 721, B345 (1990) 299 (E)
    (with A.V.Kotikov)
  29. Self-avoiding random walk in superspace
    Phys.Lett.215B (1988) 129
  30. Complete quartic (\alpha^2_s) correction to the deep inelastic longitudinal structure function F_L in QCD
    Phys.Rev.Lett.65 (1990) 1535, 65 (1990) 2921 (E)
    (with A.V.Kotikov, G.Parente, O.A.Sampayo and J.Sanchez Guillen)
  31. Renormalization group study of anyon superconductivity
    Phys.Lett.253B (1991) 411
    (with G.V. Grigoryev)
  32. Renormalizations in abelian Chern-Simons field theories with matter
    Nucl.Phys.B382 (1992) 561
    (with L.V.Avdeev and G.V.Grigoryev)
  33. Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the relativistic model of anyon superconductivity
    Mod.Phys.Lett.A7 (1992) 13
  34. Divergences in two-dimensional nonlinear sigma-models
    "Particles & Nucleus" 23 (1992) 1322
    (with V.V.Belokurov)
  35. Low-energy predictions of supersymmetric GUTs: The minimal versus the finite model
    Int.J.of Mod.Phys.A7 (1992) 3869
    (with I.N.Kondrashuk)
  36. On the value of the \alpha_s - correction to the Callan - Gross relation
    Phys.Lett.291B (1992) 171
    (with A.V.Kotikov)
  37. Renormalizations in supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric non-abelian Chern-Simons field theories with matter
    Nucl.Phys.B391 (1993) 333
    (with L.V.Avdeev and I.N.Kondrashuk)
  38. RG-analysis of supersymmetric non-abelian Chern-Simons field theories with matter
    Proc.of 7 Int.School on High Energy Physics and QFT, Sochi, Moscow Univ.Sov.Journ.of Nucl.Phys.56 (1993) 207
    (with L.V.Avdeev and I.N.Kondrashuk)
  39. Difficulties of an infrared extention of differential renormalization
    Int.J.Mod.Phys.A9 (1994) 1067
    (with L.V. Avdeev and I.N.Kondrashuk)
  40. On quantum deformation of the Schwartschild solution
    Nucl.Phys.B429 (1994) 153
    (with S.N. Solodukhin)
  41. Relativistic Approach to Anyon Superconductivity: Phase transitions and symmetry breaking
    Proceedings of Symposium on Algebraic Topology and Anyon Superconductivity, Poznan, September 1993, Reports on Mathematical Physics 34 (1994) 351
  42. Predictions of SUSY masses in the minimal supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories
    Z.Phys.C47 (1995) 647 (hep - ph/9405342)
    (with W. de Boer and R.Ehret)
  43. Is the stop mass below top mass?
    Phys.Lett.B334 (1994) 220 (hep - ph/9405419)
    (with W. de Boer and R.Ehret)
  44. Renormalization group improved effective potential in the MSSM
    Mod.Phys.Lett.A10 (1995) 3129 (hep - ph/9411209)
    (with A.V.Gladyshev)
  45. Combined fit of low energy constraints to minimal supersymmetry and discovery potential at LEP II
    Z.Phys.C.71 (1996) 415
    (with W. de Boer, G.Burkart, R.Ehret, J.Lautenbacker, W.Oberschulte-Beckmann, V.A. Bednyakov and S.G. Kovalenko)
  46. Softly broken finite supersymmetric grand unified theory
    Nucl.Phys.B471 (1996) 389 (hep - ph/9511419)
    (with M.Yu.Kalmykov, I.N.Kondrashuk and A.V.Gladyshev)
  47. MSSM Predictions of the Neutral Higgs Boson Masses in the and LEPII Production Cross Sections
    Nucl.Phys.B498 (1997) 3
    (with A.V.Gladyshev, W. de Boer, G.Burkart and R.Ehret)
  48. Numerical analysis of convergent perturbative expansion in quantum theory
    Theor.Math.Phys.110 (1997) 191
    (with A.I.Onischenko)
  49. Calculation of the off-shell renormalization functions in R^2 gravity
    Phys.Lett.B404 (1997) 253
    (with M.Yu.Kalmykov)
  50. Renormalizations in Softly Broken SUSY Gauge Theories
    Nucl.Phys.B510 (1998) 289 (hep - ph/9709397)
    (with A.V.Avdeev and I.N.Kondrashuk)
  51. Finiteness of Soft Terms in Finite N=1 SUSY Gauge Theories
    Phys.Lett.B421 (1998) 211 (hep - ph/9709465)
  52. Higgs Limit and b - >s\gamma Constraints in Minimal Supersymmetry
    Phys.Lett.B438 (1998) 281 Preprint Karlsruhe IEKP - KA/98-08 (hep - ph/9805378)
    (with W.De Boer, H.-J.Grimm and A.V.Gladyshev)
  53. Infrared Quasi-Fixed Points and Mass Predictions in the MSSM
    Mod.Phys.Lett.A14 (1999) 601 (hep - ph/9807411)
    (with G. K. Yeghiyan and M. Jurčišin)
  54. Exploring Softly Broken SUSY Gauge Theories via Grassmannian Taylor Expansion
    Phys.Lett.B449 (1998) 201 (hep - ph/9812513)
  55. Infrared-Quasi Fixed Points and Mass Predictions in the MSSM II: Large \tan\beta scenario
    Mod.Phys.Lett.A14 (1999) 671 (hep - ph/9902290)
    (with M. Jurčišin)
  56. The Higgs Boson: Shall We See It Soon Or Is It Still Far Away?
    Phys.Rep.320 (1999) 187, (hep - ph/9905330)
  57. Approximate Analytic Solutions of RG Equations for Yukawa and Soft Couplings in SUSY Models
    Eur.Phys.J.C13 (2000) 671, (hep - ph/9906256)
    (with S.Codoban)
  58. Higgs Mass Prediction with Non-universal Soft Supersymmetry Breaking in MSSM
    Phys.Lett.B 477 (2000) 223, (hep - ph/9912504)
    (with S.Codoban and M.Jurčišin))
  59. Analytical Study of Non - Universality of the Soft Terms in the MSSM
    Nucl.Phys.B 577 (2000) 121, (hep - ph/9912271)
    (with G.Moultaka)
  60. Supersymmetry in Particle Physics: The Renormalization Group Viewpoint
    Phys.Rep.344 (2001) 309, (hep - ph/0001257)
  61. Massive Ghosts in Softly Broken SUSY Gauge Theories
    Phys.Lett.B 485 (2000) 933, (hep - ph/0005185)
    (with V.N.Velizhanin)
  62. The b - >s\gamma rate and Higgs boson limits in the Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Model
    Eur.Phys.J.C20 (2001) 689, (hep - ph/0102163)
    (with Boer, M.Huber and A.V.Gladyshev)
  63. A gobal fit to the anomalous magnetic moment, b \to s \gamma and Higgs limits in the constrained MSSM
    Phys.Lett.B 515 (2001) 283, (hep - ph/0106311)
    (with W. de Boer, M. Huber and C. Sander)
  64. Renormalizations in Gauge Theories with Spontaneously Broken Supersymmetry
    Phys.Part.Nucl.32S1 (2001) 46
    (with L.V. Avdeev, V.N. Velizhanin and I.N. Kondrashuk)
  65. Renormalization of the Fayet-Iliopoulos Term in Softly Broken SUSY Gauge Theories
    Phys.Rev.D65 (2002) 085041, (hep - ph/0110144)
    (with V.N.Velizhanin)
  66. RG Flow in Field Theories with Broken Symmetry
    Acta Physica Slovaca, 052 (2002) 181
  67. On Summation of Divergent Perturbation Series in Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory
    JETP, 122 (2002) 675
    (with V.S.Popov)
  68. Positron Fraction from Dark Matter Annihilation in the CMSSM
    Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.113 (2002) 221; (astro - ph/0207557)
    (with Boer, C.Sander and M.Horn)
  69. Ultraviolet Fixed Points in Gauge and SUSY Field Theories in Extra Dimensions
    JHEP 0303: 020 (2003), (hep-th/0209100)
  70. On the Asymptotics of the Gell-Mann--Low Function in Quantum Field Theory
    JETP Letters, 77 (2003) 347, Preprint JINR E2-2003-95
    (with V.S.Popov)
  71. EGRET Excess of Diffuse Galactic Gamma Rays as Tracer of Dark Matter
    Astronomy \& Astrophysics, 444 (2005) 51, (astro - ph/0508617)
    (with W. de Boer, C. Sander, V. Zhukov and A.V. Gladyshev)
  72. Production of Long-Lived Sleptons at LHC
    Modern Physics Letters A, 20 (2005) 3085, (hep - ph/0509168)
    (with A.V.Gladyshev and M.G.Paucar)
  73. EGRET Excess of Diffuse Galactic Gamma Rays Interpreted as a Signal of Dark Matter Annihilation
    Phys.Rev.Lett.95 (2005) 209001, (astro - ph/0602325)
    (with W. de Boer, C. Sander, V. Zhukov and A.V. Gladyshev)
  74. On High Energy Scattering in Extra Dimensions
    Theor.Math.Phys., 147 (2006) 103 (147 (2006) 533, in English) \, hep - ph/0410342
    (with G.S.Vartanov)
  75. Renormalization Group Treatment of Nonrenormalizable Interactions
    J.Phys.A: Math.Gen., 39 (2006) 1, hep - th/0509208
    (with G.S.Vartanov)
  76. The supesymmetric interpretation of the EGRET excess of diffuse gamma Rays
    Phys.Lett.B, 636 (2006) 13, hep - ph/0511154
    (with W. de Boer, C. Sander, V. Zhukov and A.V. Gladyshev)
  77. Light Superpartners at Hadron Colliders
    Int.J.Mod.Phys., A21 (2006) 5221, hep - ph/0510252
    (with D.Yu.Bogachev, A.V. Gladyshev and A.S.Nechaev)
  78. Supersymmetry and LHC
    Yad.Phys.70 (2007) 1598, Phys.Atom.Nucl.70 (2007) 1553
    (with A.V.Gladyshev)
  79. Renormalizable 1/N_f Expansion for Field Theories in Extra Dimensions
    JHEP06 (2007) 081
    (with G.S.Vartanov)
  80. Light stops in the MSSM parameter space
    Modern Physics Letters A, 00 (2007) 0000, arXiv:0704.1429 [hep-ph]
    (with A.V.Gladyshev and M.G.Paucar)
  81. Conformal Invariance = Finiteness and Beta Deformed N=4 SYM Theory
    JHEP 0708 (2007) 071, arXiv:0706.4245 [hep-th]
    (with L.V.Bork)
  82. On the two-loop corrections to the pole mass of the B quark in the gaugeless limit of the MSSM
    Yad.Phys.70 (2007) 198
    (with A.V.Bednyakov)
  83. On the two - loop O(\alpha_s^2) corrections to the pole mass of the t - quark in the MSSM
    Yad.Phys.71 (2008) 342 hep - ph/0507139
    (with A. Bednyakov, A. Sheplyakov)
  84. Lepton decay channels of EGRET gluinos at the LHC
    Phys.Part.Nucl.Lett.5 (2008) 520-530
    (with V.A. Bednyakov, J.A. Budagov, A.V. Gladyshev, E.V. Khramov, and D.I. Khubua)
  85. Conformal Invariance in the Leigh-Strassler deformed N=4 SYM Theory
    JHEP 0804 (2008) 003 e - Print: arXiv:0712.4132 [hep - th]
    (with L.V. Bork, G.S. Vartanov, A.V. Zhiboedov)
  86. On the LHC observation of gluinos from the Egret-preferred region
    Phys.Atom.Nucl.72 (2009) 619-637
    (with V.A. Bednyakov, Yu.A. Budagov, A.V. Gladyshev, E.V. Khramov, and D.I. Khubua)
  87. Long-lived Charginos in the Focus-point Region of the MSSM Parameter Space
    Journal of Physics G36 (2009) 125009, arXiv:0811.2911 [hep-ph]
    (with A.V.Gladyshev and M.G.Paucar)
  88. Infrared Safe Observables in N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory
    Phys.Lett.B 681 (2009) 296, arXiv:0908.0387 [hep - th]
    (with L.V. Bork, G.S. Vartanov, A.V. Zhiboedov)
  89. Construction of Infrared Finite Observables in N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory
    Phys.Rev.D81 (2010) 105028, arXiv:0911.1617 [hep-th]
    (with L.V. Bork, G.S. Vartanov, A.V. Zhiboedov)
  90. Constraints on Supersymmetry from Relic Density compared with future Higgs Searches at the LHC
    Phys.Lett. B 695 (2011) 143, arXiv:1008.2150 [hep-ph], IEKP-KA-CMS-2010-4, Aug 2010. 8pp
    (with C.Beskidt, W. de Boer, T. Hanisch, E. Ziebarth, and V. Zhukov)
  91. Infrared Finite Observables in N = 8 Super Gravity
    Proceedings of Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 272 (2011) 46, arXiv:1008.2302 [hep-th], AEI-2010-113
    (with L.V. Bork, G.S. Vartanov, and A.V. Zhiboedov)
  92. On form factors in N=4 SYM
    JHEP 1102 (2011) 063 , arXiv:1011.2440 [hep-th]
    (with L.V. Bork and G.S. Vartanov)
  93. From Amplitudes to Form Factors in \mathcal{N=4} SYM theory
    Theor.Math.Phys. 169 (2011) 32
    (with L.V. Bork and G.S. Vartanov)
  94. SUSY Enhancement of Heavy Higgs Production
    Int.J.Mod.Phys. A26 (2011) 4187-4202 , arXiv:1106.4385 [hep-ph]
    (with A.V. Bednyakov and S.H. Tanyildizi)
  95. On MHV Form Factors in Superspace for N=4 SYM Theory
    JHEP 1110 (2011) 133, arXiv:1107.5551 [hep-th]
    (with L.V. Bork and G.S. Vartanov)
  96. Constraints from the decay B_{0s}\to\mu^ + \mu^ - and LHC limits on Supersymmetry
    Phys.Lett. B705 (2011) 493-497, arXiv:1109.6775 [hep-ex]
    (with C. Beskidt, W. de Boer, F. Ratnikov, E. Ziebarth, and V. Zhukov)
  97. \mu \to e\gamma Decay Rate in the MSSM with Minimal Flavour Violation
    Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 10 (2012) 123, arXiv:1102.1582 [hep-ph]
    (with M. Davidkov)
  98. Where is SUSY?
    JHEP 1205 (2012) 094, arXiv:1202.3366 [hep-ph]
    (with C. Beskidt, W. de Boer, and F. Ratnikov)
  99. Constraints on Supersymmetry from LHC data on SUSY searches and Higgs bosons combined with cosmology and direct dark matter searches
    Eur.Phys.J. C72 (2012) 2166 , arXiv:1207.3185 [hep-ph]
    (with C. Beskidt, W. de Boer, and F. Ratnikov)
  100. On the amplitudes in N=(1,1) D=6 SYM
    JHEP 1311 (2013) 065, arXiv:1308.0117 [hep-th]
    (with L.V. Bork and D.E. Vlasenko)
  101. A comparison of the Higgs sectors of the MSSM and NMSSM for a 126 GeV Higgs boson
    Phys.Lett. B726 (2013) 758-766, arXiv:1308.1333 [hep-ph]
    (with C. Beskidt and W. de Boer)
  102. The first lessons of LHC: the Higgs boson and Supersymmetry
    Sov.Nucl.Phys.76 (2013) 15, Preprint JINR 2-2013-11
  103. Evaluation of Multi-Box Diagrams in Six Dimensions
    JHEP 1404 (2014) 121, arXiv: 1402.1024 (hep-th)
  104. The impact of a 126 GeV Higgs on the neutralino mass
    Phys.Lett. B738 (2014) 505-511, arXiv: 1402.4650 (hep-ph)
    (with C.Beskidt and W. de Boer)
  105. Challenges of D=6 N=(1,1) SYM theory
    Phys.Lett. B734 (2014) 111-115, arXiv:1404.6998 [hep-th]
    (with L.V.Bork and D.E.Vlasenko)
  106. The Higgs Boson is found: what is next?
    Usp.Fiz.Nauk 184 (2014) 9, 1004-101, Phys.Usp. 57 (2014) 9, 930-942, arXiv:1405.5495 [hep-ph]
  107. Divergences in maximal supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories in diverse dimensions
    JHEP 1511 (2015) 059, arXiv:1508.05570 [hep-th]
    (with L.V.Bork, M.V.Kompaniets, D.M.Tolkachev and D.E.Vlasenko)
  108. Higgs branching ratios in constrained minimal and next-to-minimal supersymmetry scenarios surveyed
    Phys.Lett. B759 (2016) 141, arXiv:1602.08707 [hep-ph]
    (with C.Beskidt, W. de Boer and S.Wayand)
  109. Leading and Subleading UV Divergences in Scattering Amplitudes for D=8 N=1 SYM Theory in All Loops
    Phys.Rev. D95 (2017) no.4, 045006, arXiv:1603.05501 [hep-th]
    (with D.E.Vlasenko)
  110. Summation of all-loop UV Divergences in Maximally Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
    JHEP 1612 (2016) 154, arXiv:1610.05549 [hep-th]
    (with A.T.Borlakov, D.M.Tolkachev and D.E.Vlasenko)
  111. Perspectives of direct detection of supersymmetric dark matter in the MSSM and NMSSM
    Nuovo Cim. C40 (2017) no.5, 191
    (with C.Beskidt, W. de Boer and S.Wayand)
  112. Perspectives of direct Detection of supersymmetric Dark Matter in the NMSSM
    Phys.Lett. B771 (2017) 611-618, arXiv:1703.01255 [hep-ph]
    (with C.Beskidt, W. de Boer and S.Wayand)
  113. Ultraviolet divergences in D=8 N=1 supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory
    Theor.Math.Phys. 192 (2017) no.1, 1016-1027, Teor.Mat.Fiz. 192 (2017) no.1, 89-102
    (with D.E.Vlasenko)
  114. Can we discover a light singlet-like NMSSM Higgs boson at the LHC?
    Phys.Lett. B782 (2018) 69-76 , arXiv:1712.02531 [hep-ph], (c К.Бескит, В. де Буром)
    (with C.Beskidt and W. de Boer)
  115. Structure of UV divergences in maximally supersymmetric gauge theories
    Phys.Rev. D97 (2018) no.12, 125008, arXiv:1712.04348 [hep-th]
    (with A.T.Borlakov, D.M.Tolkachev and D.E.Vlasenko)
  116. Kinematically Dependent Renormalization
    Phys.Lett. B786 (2018) 327-331, arXiv:1804.08387 [hep-th]
  117. High Energy Behavior in Maximally Supersymmetric Gauge Theories in Various Dimensions
    Symmetry 11 (2019) no.1, 104, arXiv:1812.11084 [hep-th]
    (with L.V.Bork, A.T.Borlakov, D.M.Tolkachev and D.E.Vlasenko)
  118. Prospects of Elementary Particle Physics
    Physics Uspekhi, 62 (4) 364 - 377 (2019)
  119. RG Equations and High Energy Behaviour in Non-Renormalizable Theories
    Phys.Lett.B 797 (2019) 134801, arXiv:1904.08690 [hep-th]
  120. Dual Conformal Symmetry and Iterative Integrals in Six Dimensions
    JHEP 06 (2020) 186, arXiv:2002.05479 [hep-th]
    (with L.V.Bork, R.M.Iakhibbaev and D.M.Tolkachev)
  121. The Bogolyubov R-Operation in Nonrenormalizable Theories
    Phys.Part.Nucl. 51 (2020) 4, 503-507
  122. On Renormalizations in Nonrenormalizable Theories
    Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 2020, Vol. 309, pp. 1–8.
  123. UV divergences, RG equations and high energy behaviour of the amplitudes in the Wess-Zumino model with quartic interaction
    JHEP 06 (2022) 141, arXiv: 2112.03091 [hep-th]
    (with L.V.Bork)
  124. Leading all-loop quantum contribution to the effective potential in general scalar field theory
    JHEP 04 (2023) 128, arXiv: 2209.08019 [hep-th]
    (with R.M.Iakhibbaev and D.M.Tolkachev)
  125. Quantum Corrections to the Effective Potential in Generalized Models with a Scalar Field
    Phys.Part.Nucl.Lett. 20 (2023) 3, 292-295
    (with R.M.Iakhibbaev and D.M.Tolkachev)
  126. Leading all-loop quantum contribution to the effective potential in the inflationary cosmology
    JCAP 09 (2023) 049, arXiv: 2308.03872 [hep-th]
    (with R.M.Iakhibbaev and D.M.Tolkachev)
  127. Quantum corrections to the effective potential in nonrenormalizable theories
    Theor.Math.Phys. 217 (2023) 3, 1870-1878, Teor.Mat.Fiz. 217 (2023) 3, 533-542
    (with R.M.Iakhibbaev and D.M.Tolkachev)


  1. Singular solutions of the renormalization group equations and the symmetry of the Lagrangian
    Proc.of the Conf.High Energy Particle Interactions, Smolenice 1975, ed.Bratislava 1976, p.255
    (with D.V.Shirkov)
  2. Summation of asymptotic series of quantum perturbation theory
    Proc.of the Conf.Problems of Quantum Field Theory Alushta 1979, JINR P2-12462, p.42, Dubna 1979
    (with D.V.Shirkov)
  3. Some results of summing of nonalternating asymptotic series of perturbation theory
    Proc. of the Conf. Quarks-80, Sukhumi 1980, INR Moscow, p.52, 1981
  4. Calculation of instanton contribution to the Gell-Mann- Low function in Yang-Mills theory
    Proc. of the Conf.Problems of Quantum Field Theory Alushta 1981, JINR D2-81-543, p.65, Dubna 1981
    (with E.-M.Ilgenfritz and M.Muller-Preussker)
  5. Mass effects in QCD scheme-invariant perturbation theory
    Proc. of XXII Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics, Leipzig 1984, ed. Leipzig 1985, V.1, p.89
    (with D.V.Shirkov)
  6. Resolution of axial anomaly problem in supersymmetric gauge theories
    Proc. of Europhysics Conf. on High Energy Physics, Bari 1985, ed. Bari 1985, p.99
    (with B.T.Sazdovic and O.V.Tarasov)
  7. Towards a finite quantum gravity
    Proc.Sem.on Quantum gravity, Moscow 1987, ed.World Scientific Pub.Co 1988, p.233
  8. Critical exponents in matrix models
    JINR Preprint E2-90-205, Dubna 1990 and Proceedings of XXV International Conference on High Energy Physics, Singapore, 1990, ed.p.721
  9. Ultraviolet finiteness in local quantum field theory
    Preprint ROM2F/90/27, Rome 1990 and Proceedings of IX Dubna Conference on the Problems of Quantum Field Theory, Dubna, D2-90-461 p.264
  10. RG in Chern-Simons field theories and high-T_c superconductivity
    Proceedings of RG-91 Conference, Dubna, 1991.World Scientific Pub Co, Singapore, 1992, p.13
    (with L.V.Avdeev)
  11. Complete \alpha_s correction to the J/\Psi photoproduction cross - section in QCD
    Contributed paper to IHEP-94 Conference, Glasgow, 1994
    (with D.A.Ross)
  12. Constrained Minimal Supersymmetry and Discovery Potential at a Linear Collider
    In: "e^ + e^ - Collisions at TeV Energies: the Physics Potential, Part D", edited by P.M.Zerwas, DESY-96-123D, 377-384;
    (with W. de Boer, G.Burkart, R.Ehret, W.Oberschulte-Beckmann, U.Schwickerath, V.Bednyakov, A.V.Gladyshev and S.G.Kovalenko)
  13. Softly broken finite supersymmetric grand unified theory
    Proceedings of the X-th Int.Conf. on Problems in QFT, Alushta-96, JINR E2-96-369, p.228 , and Proceedings of II Sakharov Int.Conf. , Moscow, 1996, World Scientific, 1997, p.458
  14. Softly Broken Finite GUT
    Proceedings of the Third International Conference 'Renormgroup-96', Dubna, Russia; JINR, Dubna, 1997, p.224
    (with M.Yu.Kalmykov, I.N.Kondrashuk and A.V.Gladyshev)
  15. Finite SU(5) SUSY GUT
    Proceedings of the International Seminar 'Quarks-96', Yaroslavl', Russia
    (with A.V.Gladyshev, M.Yu.Kalmykov and I.N.Kondrashuk)
  16. Combined Fit of Low Energy Constraints to Minimnal Supersymmetry
    Proceedings of Recontres de Moriond Conference on "Electoweak Interactions and Unified Theories", p.195, 1997
  17. Updated Combined Fit of Low Energy Constraints to Minimal Supersymmetry
    Proceedings of HEP-97 Conference, Jerusalem, 1997
    (with W. de Boer, R.Ehret, J.Lautenbacker and A.V.Gladyshev)
  18. Exact results in Renormalization of Softly Broken SUSY gauge Theories
    Proceedings of XXIX ICHEP'98 Conference, Vancouver, 1999, p.1590 and XI Int. Conference "Problems of QFT'98", Dubna, 1999, p.109
  19. Higgs Bosons and Superpartners in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
    Proceedings of annual meeting of Nuclear Physics Department of Russian Academy of Sciences on "Fundamental Interactions and Particle Physics", November 1998, Sov.J.Nucl.Phys.{\bf 62 (1999) 2234
    (with A.V.Gladyshev and M.~Jurčišin)
  20. Approximate Analytic Solutions of RG Equations for Yukawa and Soft Couplings in SUSY Models
    Proceedings of Int.Seminar on QFT and High Energy Physics, Moscow, 2000, p
    (with S.Codoban)
  21. Soft Terms Renormalization from a Rigid Therory
    Proceedings of 1998 Corfu Summer Institute of Elementary Particle Physics, 1999, p
  22. Renormalizations in Softly Broken SUSY Gauge Theories and Grassmannian Expansion
    Proceedings of Bogoliubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", Particles \& Nuclei, 31 (2000) 240
    (with V.Velizhanin)
  23. Higgs Mass Prediction with Non-universal Soft Supersymmetry Breaking in the MSSM
    Proceedings of XXXVth Recontres de Moriond Conference on "Electoweak Interactions and Unified Theories", p.381, 2000
  24. Massive ghosts in softly broken SUSY gauge theories
    Proceedings of ICHEP'00, Osaka, Japan, 2001, p. 1371
    (with V.Velizhanin)
  25. The b\to X_s\gamma decay rate in NLO, Higgs boson limits, and the LSP masses in the CMSSM
    hep-ph/0007078, Proceedings of ICHEP'00, Osaka, Japan, 2001, p. 1086
    (with Boer, M.Huber and A.V.Gladyshev)
  26. Renormalization of the Fayet-Iliopoulos Term in Softly Broken SUSY gauge Theories
    Proceedings of IX int. Conf. "Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions", WS 2001, p.360
    (with V.N.Velizhanin)
  27. A Global fit to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment, Higgs Limits and b\to X_s\gamma in the Constrained MSSM
    Proceedings of IX int. Conf. "Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions", WS 2001, p.196 ( hep-ph/0109131)
    (with Boer, M.Huber, C.Sander and A.V.Gladyshev)
  28. Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions, Preface, editor
    Proceedings of IX int. Conf. "Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions", WS 2001, p.451 pgs
    (with A.V. Gladyshev)
  29. Renormalization Properties of Softly Broken SUSY Gauge Theories
    Proceedings of the Conf. "Continuous Advances in QDC-2002/Arcadyfest", WS 2002,p.421 (hep-ph/0208200)
  30. Positron Fraction in the CMSSM
    Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Identification of Dark Matter, York, England, 2-6 September, 2002; astro-ph/0212388
    (with Boer, M.Horn, and C.Sander)
  31. Search for supersymmetry in astrophysical experiments
    In "Selected topics in theoretical physics and astrophysics", Dubna, 2003, p.16
  32. Field Theory in Extra Dimensions
    Proceedings of Int.Workshop "Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries", Dubna, July, 2003. JINR, Dubna, 2004, p.313; hep-th/0311211
  33. EGRET Excess of Diffuse Galactic Gamma Rays Interpreted as a Signal of Dark Matter Annihilation
    Proceedings of ICHEP'04, Beijing, 2004, (astro-ph/0408272)
    (with W. de Boer, C. Sander, V. Zhukov and A.V. Gladyshev)
  34. Renormalization group approach to non-renormalizable interactions
    Proceedings of XLVIII Scientific MIPT Conference, Moscow, MIPT, Dec. 2005
    (with G.S.Vartanov)
  35. Galactic Dark Matter \& SUSY Parameter Space
    Proceedings of 14 Int.Conf. on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY'06), Published in AIP Conf.Proc.903:613-617,2007
  36. Beyond the Standard Model
    Proceedings of XXXIII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Moscow, 2006, p.92, hep-ph/0611279
  37. Multiloop Calculations at BLTP: 30 Years of Progress
    Proceedings "50 years of BLTP", JINR, Dubna, 2006, p.120
    (with A.A. Vladimirov)
  38. Supersymmetric Dark Matter, (in Russian)
    Proceedings of the seminar on Quantum Gravity and Dark Matter in the Universe in memory of M.P.Bronshtein, St.Petersburg, 2006
  39. SUSY Phenomenology \& SUSY Dark Matter
    Proceedings of the conference "Perspectives in Particle Physics", La Thuile, 2007
  40. Long-lived superpartners in the MSSM
    e-Print: arXiv:0710.2322 [hep-ph], Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY07),Karlsruhe, p.338-341, 2007
    (with A.V. Gladyshev and M.G. Paucar)
  41. Phenomenology of the 1/N(f) Expansion for Field Theories in Extra Dimensions
    Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY07), Karlsruhe, Germany, 26 Jul - 1 Aug 2007. e-Print: arXiv:0710.4889 [hep-ph]
    (with G.S. Vartanov)
  42. The dark connection between the Canis Major dwarf, the Monoceros ring, the gas flaring, the rotation curve and the EGRET excess of diffuse galactic gamma rays
    Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY07), Karlsruhe, Germany, 26 Jul - 1 Aug 2007. e-Print: arXiv:0710.5106 [astro-ph]
    (with Boer, I.Gebauer, M.Weber, C.Sander, V.Zhukov)
  43. Conformal Invariance in Beta Deformed N=4 SYM Theory
    Proceedings of International Workshop "Supersymmetry and Quantum Symmetry", Dubna, 2008, p.294
    (with L.Bork)
  44. Conformal Invariance in Deformed N=4 SYM Theory
    In "Problems of Quantum Filed Theory", Special Volume dedicated to 60th birthday of J.Bukhbinder, Tomsk, 2008, p.000
    (with L.V.Bork, G.S.Vartanov, and A.V.Zhiboedov)
  45. Long-lived superpartners in the constrained MSSM
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Hadron Structure '09 (HS 09), Tatranska Strba , Slovakia, 30 Aug - 3 Sep 2009. Published in Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.198 (2010) 104
    (with A.V. Gladyshev and M.G. Paucar)
  46. Constraints on Supersymmetry using 5/fb LHC data
    Published in PoS(ICHEP2012)111, Proceedings of ICHEP 2012
    (with C. Beskidt, W. de Boer and F. Ratnikov)
  47. SUSY Enhancement of Heavy Higgs Production
    Published in PoS QFTHEP2011 (2013) 066 Conference: C11-09-24 Proceedings
    (with S. H. Tanyldyz and A.V. Bednyakov)
  48. SUSY Phenomenology today
    Proceedings of the EW Moriond Conference, p.66 (2013), arXiv:1306.6420 [hep-ph]
  49. Landscape View at the Edge of a Mystery
    Proceedings LHCP 2015, 573-589, arXiv: 1511.09283 [hep-ph]


  1. Analytical methods for multiloop calculations (Two lectures on the method of uniqueness)
    Proc.of 12 ITEP School 1984, Atomizdat 1985, p.3 and JINR Preprint E2-84-410, Dubna 1984
  2. Introduction to quantum field theory
    Lectures presented at JINR-CERN school of physics (Varna, Bulgaria, 1987) ed. Dubna 1988, p.9
  3. Beyond the standard model
    Lectures presented at CERN - JINR school of physics (Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 1989) JINR E2-89-711, Dubna 1989 and CERN 91-07, 1991, p.129
  4. Superstrings
    Proc.of the School Particles and Cosmology 1987, ed.INR Moscow 1989
  5. Minimal Supersymmetric Extension of the Standard Model
    Lectures given at XXIV ITEP Winter School, 1996 and for the Graduiertenkolleg Elementeilchenphysik, Uni.Karlsruhe, Preprint IEKP - KA/96-05 and Surveys in High Energy Physics, 10 (1997) 153-203
  6. Beyond the Standard Model (in search of supersymmetry)
    Proceedings of the European School of High Energy Physics, Caramulo, Portugal, CERN 2001-003, Preprint IEKP-KA/2001-1, hep-ph/0012288
  7. Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
    Lectures for students of MIPT, Pub. ITEP 1-04, 2004
  8. Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model
    Lectures at Cargese Summer Institute "Particle Physics and Cosmology: the interface", 2003, Springer Pub. 2005, NATO Science Series, Series II: Mathematica, Physics and Chemistry, Vol.188, p.349
  9. Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model of Fundamental Interactions, (in Russian)
    Lectures for students of UNC JINR, 2004, UNC-2004-23, Dubna
  10. Beyond The Standard Model
    Lectures given at the European School on High Energy Physics, May-June 2004, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, hep-ph/0411064, CERN-2006-003
  11. Supersymmetry as the nearest option beyond the standard model
    Lectures at ITEP Winter School of Physics, Surveys in High Energy Physics, Vol. 19, No. 34, 2004, p. 139
  12. Supersymmetry and LHC
    hep-ph/0606288, Lectures given at the 9th Moscow International School of Physics (XXXIV ITEP Winter School of Physics)
    (with A.V.Gladyshev)
  13. Supersymmetric Extension of the Standard Model of Fundamental Interactions (in Russian)
    Lectures given at Dynasty foundation school on Fundamental Interactions, Protvino, 2006
  14. Radiative Corrections, Divergences, Regularization, Renormalization, Renormalization Group and all that in Examples in Quantum Field Theory, (in Russian)
    Lectures given at Department of General and Applied Physics of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Technical University), ITEP, Moscow, 2008
  15. Radiative Corrections, Divergences, Regularization, Renormalization, Renormalization Group and all that in Examples in Quantum Field Theory, (in English)
    Lectures given at JINR University Center, UNC-2008-34., arXiv:0901.2208 [hep-ph]
  16. Supersymmetry on the Run: LHC and Dark Matter
    Proceedings of International school of physics "Masses and Constants", Schladming, March 2010, Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.203-204 (2010) 118, arXiv:1010.5419 [hep-ph]
  17. Is (low energy) SYSY still alive?
    Lectures at ESHEP-2012, CERN-2014-008.107, arXiv: 1212.2548
    (with A.V.Gladyshev)
  18. Introduction to Supersymmetry
    Proceedings of the Corfu Summer Institute 2014 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity", 3-21 September 2014, Corfu, Greece, PoS CORFU2014 (2015) 024
  19. Beyond the Standard Model’ 17
    Proceedings of European School on High Energy Physics, CERN Yellow Rep.School Proc. 3 (2018) 83-131, arXiv:1807.00148 [hep-ph]


  1. Ultraviolet asymptotics in renormalizable scalar theories
    Preprint JINR E2-8085, Dubna 1974
    (with L.R.Lomidze, N.V.Makhaldiani and A.A.Vladimirov)
  2. The universality of coupling constant singularity in QFT
    Preprint JINR E2-10720, Dubna 1977
    (with B.D.Dorfel and D.V.Shirkov)
  3. Critical comment on quark mass predictions from infrared fixed points
    Preprint JINR E2-82-4, Dubna 1982
  4. Infrared stability and global symmetry
    Preprint JINR E2-82-880, Dubna 1982
  5. No anomaly is observed
    Preprint JINR E2-84-479, Dubna 1984
    (with L.V.Avdeev and O.V.Tarasov)
  6. Quark-mass effects in scheme-invariant perturbation theory
    JINR Rapid Communications 3-84, p.17, Dubna 1984
    (with D.V.Shirkov)
  7. Anomalies and supersymmetry
    Preprint JINR P2-85-10, Dubna 1985
  8. Construction of finite N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories
    Preprint JINR E2-85-794, Dubna 1985
    (with A.V.Ermushev and O.V.Tarasov)
  9. Quantum field theory without ultraviolet divergences
    Preprint ITP-87-63P, Kiev 1987
  10. Finiteness of non-linear sigma-models on Ricci-flat manifolds
    Preprint JINR E2-87-16, Dubna 1987
  11. Self-avoiding random walk in superspace
    Preprint MPI - PAE/PTh-46/88, Munich 1988
  12. Exact critical exponent for the n-vector model for arbitrary n and D
    JINR Preprint E17-89-79, Dubna 1989
  13. Constraints on SUSY masses in supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories
    Preprint Karlsruhe Univ.IEKP - KA/93-12, 13, Karlsruhe 1993
    (with W. de Boer and R.Ehret)
  14. On a possible explanation of the origin of the quark mass spectrum
    Preprint JINR E2-94-162, Dubna 1994 (hep - th/9405249)
  15. Background field method and non-invariant renormalization
    Preprint JINR E2-94-388, Dubna 1994 (hep - th/9411041)
    (with L.V.Avdeev and M.Yu.Kalmykov)


  1. Towards a Consistent SUSY QFT in Extra Dimensions
  2. Search for gluinos with ATLAS at LHC
    (with V.A.Bednyakov, Yu.A.Budagov, A.V.Gladyshev, G.D.Khoriauli, andD.I.Khubua)
  3. Renormalizable Expansion for Nonrenormalizable Theories: I. Scalar Higher Dimensional Theories
    (with G.S.Vartanov)
  4. Renormalizable Expansion for Nonrenormalizable Theories: II. Gauge Higher Dimensional Theories
    (with G.S.Vartanov)
  5. SUSY Production at the LHC without Missing P_T
    (with A.Sperling)
  6. Landscape View at the Edge of a Mystery
  7. Non-renormalizable Interactions: A Self-Consistency Manifesto
  8. UV Divergences of Scattering Amplitudes in D-dimensional Yang-Mills Theories
    (with A.T.Borlakov)


  1. Multicharge renormalization group in the presence of the gauge fields
    Diploma work, Moscow University, 1974, 35pp
  2. Renormalizations in the theories with dynamical symmetries
    Candidate of Science (Ph.D.) Thesis, JINR, Dubna, 2-10918, 1977, 90pp
  3. Finite supersymmetric models of quantum field theory
    Doctor of Science (Habilitation) Thesis, JINR, Dubna, 2-87-844, 1988, 147pp
  1. Microworld beyond imagination
    The Future of Science, Moscow: Znanie 1987, p.70
  2. High Energy Physics: News and Research
    Science and Mankind, Moscow: Znanie 1987, p.304
  3. International Conference "Renormalization Group-86"
    Uspekhi Fiz.Nauk 152 (1987) 541; Sov.Phys.Uspekhi 30 (1987) 654
    (with D.V.Shirkov)
  4. Shall we see new physics before the end of the millennium?
    Dubna, November 20, 1998
  5. Waiting for New Discoveries in Elementary Particle Physics
    PRIRODA, 9 (1999) 14
  6. Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions
    Dubna, June 29, 2001
  7. Our science needs a big deal which may raise people, January 2006
  8. Three questions and three answers in high energy physics (dark matter and supersymmetry)
    Dubna, July 28, 2006,, July 2006
  9. "Simple mysteries of the Universe"
    Programme "Ochevidnoe - Neveroyatnoe", Russian Television, December 8, 2007 ,
    (with V.A.Rubakov and S.P.Kapitza)
  10. "In search of the Higgs boson"
    Programme "Ochevidnoe - Neveroyatnoe", Russian Television, May 23, 2009 ,
    (with E.E.Boos and S.P.Kapitza)
  11. Physics on the other side of the Earth
    Dubna, March 5, 2010
  12. LHC: Results, prospects, thoughts
    Dubna, May 20, 2011
  13. In the basis Nature there is a simple scheme
    Novaya gazeta, PostNauka vol.5, 26.10.2012
  14. Quantum field theory, Quantum gravity, Dark matter, The problem of Higgs boson search, Discovery of the Higgs boson, Supersymmetry, Does SUSY exists in particle physics world?, The Higgs boson, Neutrino, Quark-lepton Symmetry
  15. LHC: the first results and worrying expectations (2011, April)
    The secrets were only in details (2012, June), Znanie - Sila, 12/2012
  16. Antipods, or Physics upside-down
    Dubna, July 27, 2012
  17. In search of supersymmetry
    ANI FIAN - Inform, 29.11.2012, www.fian -, Dubna, December 7, 2012