Papers of M.Yu.Kalmykov
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    1. Refereed publications

    2. Fred Jegerlehner, M.Yu. Kalmykov, Bernd A. Kniehl,
      "Self-consistence of the Standard Model via the renormalization group analysis"
      J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 608 (2015) 1, 012074
    3. V.V.Bytev, M.Yu.Kalmykov, S.-O.Moch
      HYPERDIRE: HYPERgeometric functions DIfferential REduction MATHEMATICA based packages for differential reduction of generalized hypergeometric functions: FD and FS Horn-type hypergeometric functions of three variables
      Comput.Phys. Commun. 185 (2014) 3041-3058
      arXiv: 1312.5777
    4. V.V. Bytev, M.Yu. Kalmykov, Bernd A. Kniehl,
      "When epsilon-expansion of hypergeometric functions is expressible in terms of multiple polylogarithms: the two-variables examples"
      PoS LL2012 (2012) 029
    5. Fred Jegerlehner, Mikhail Yu. Kalmykov, Bernd A. Kniehl
      About the EW contribution to the relation between pole and MS-masses of the top-quark in the Standard Model
      Proc. 21st International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS 2013) : Marseilles, France, April 22-26, 2013
    6. Fred Jegerlehner, Mikhail Yu. Kalmykov, Bernd A. Kniehl
      On the difference between the pole and the MSbar masses of the top quark at the electroweak scale
      Phys. Lett. B 722 (2013) 123-129
    7. Fedor Bezrukov, Mikhail Yu. Kalmykov, Bernd A. Kniehl, Mikhail Shaposhnikov
      Higgs boson mass and new physics
      Journal of High Energy Physics 10 (2012) 140
      TOPCITE 250+
    8. M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.A.Kniehl
      Mellin-Barnes representations of Feynman diagrams, linear systems of differential equations, and polynomial solutions
      Phys. Lett. B 714 (2012) 103-109
    9. S.A.Yost, V.V.Bytev, M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.A.Kniehl, B.F.L.Ward
      The Epsilon Expansion of Feynman Diagrams via Hypergeometric Functions and Differential Reduction
      Proc. 2011 Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society Brown University, August 9-13, 2011
    10. M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.A.Kniehl
      Counting master integrals: integration by parts vs. differential reduction
      Phys. Lett. B 702 (2011), 268-271
      arXiv: 1105.5319
    11. V.V.Bytev, M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.A.Kniehl
      HYPERDIRE: HYPERgeometric functions DIfferential REduction MATHEMATICA based packages for differential reduction of generalized hypergeometric functions: now with pFq, F1,F2,F3,F4
      Comput.Phys. Commun. 184 (2013) 2332-2342
      arXiv: 1105.3565
    12. M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.A.Kniehl
      "Sixth root of unity" and Feynman diagrams: hypergeometric function approach point of view
      Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 205-206 (2010) 129-134
      Proc. Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory Woerlitz, Germany, April 2010
    13. M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.A.Kniehl
      All-order epsilon-expansions of hypergeometric functions of one variable
      Phys.Part.Nucl. 41 (2010) 942-945
    14. V.V.Bytev, M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.A.Kniehl
      Differential reduction of generalized hypergeometric functions in application to Feynman diagrams: One-variable case
      Nucl. Phys. B836 (2010) 129-170
    15. V.V.Bytev, M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.A.Kniehl, B.F.L.Ward, S.A.Yost,
      Differential Reduction Algorithms for Hypergeometric Functions Applied to Feynman Diagram Calculation
      Proc. LCWS08/ILC08 Chigago, Nov. 16-20, 2008
    16. M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.A.Kniehl, B.F.L.Ward, S.A.Yost,
      Hypergeometric functions, their epsilon expansions and Feynman diagrams
      Proc. 15th International Seminar on High-Energy Physics (Quarks-2008), Russia, May 2008.
    17. S.A.Yost, M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.F.L.Ward
      Differential Reduction Algorithms for the All-Order Epsilon Expansion of Hypergeometric Functions
      Proc. 34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP08), Philadelphia, August 2008.
    18. M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.A.Kniehl
      Towards all-order Laurent expansion of generalized hypergeometric functions around rational values of parameters
      Nucl. Phys. B809 (2009) 365-405
    19. M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.F.L.Ward, S.A.Yost
      On the all-order epsilon-expansion of generalized hypergeometric functions with integer values of parameters.
      J. High Energy Phys. 11 (2007) 009
    20. M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.F.L.Ward, S.A.Yost
      Multiple (inverse) binomial sums of arbitrary weight and depth and the all-order epsilon-expansion of generalized hypergeometric functions with one half-integer value of parameter
      J. High Energy Phys. 10 (2007) 048
    21. M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.F.L.Ward, S.Yost
      All order epsilon-expansion of Gauss hypergeometric functions with integer and half/integer values of parameters
      J. High Energy Phys. 02 (2007) 040
    22. M.Yu.Kalmykov
      Gauss hypergeometric function: reduction, epsilon-expansion for integer/half-integer parameters and Feynman diagrams
      J. High Energy Phys. 04 (2006) 056
      TOPCITE 50+
    23. M.Yu.Kalmykov
      About higher order epsilon-expansion of some massive two- and three-loop master-integrals
      Nucl. Phys. B718 (2005) 276-292
    24. M.Yu.Kalmykov, A.Sheplyakov
      lsjk - a C++ library for arbitrary-precision numeric evaluation of the generalized log-sine functions
      Comput.Phys. Commun. 172 (2005) 45-59
    25. M.Yu.Kalmykov
      Series and epsilon-expansion of the hypergeometric functions
      Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 135 (2004) 280-284
      Proc. of 7th DESY Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory: "Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory", Zinnowitz, Germany, 25 -30 April 2004
    26. F.Jegerlehner, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      Steps towards full two-loop calculations for 2 fermion to 2 fermion processes: running versus pole masses schemes
      Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A534 (2004) 299-303
      Proc. of IX International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT 2003), Tsukuba, Japan, 1-5 Dec 2003
    27. F.Jegerlehner, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      O(\alpha \alpha_s) relation between pole- and MS-mass of the t-quark
      Acta Physica Polonica B 34 (2003) 5335
      Proc. of XXVII International Conference of Theoretical Physics, Ustron, Poland, 15-21 Sept., 2003
    28. F.Jegerlehner, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      O(\alpha \alpha_s) correction to the pole mass of the t-quark within the Standard Model
      Nucl. Phys. B676 (2004) 365-389
      TOPCITE 50+
    29. A.I.Davydychev, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      Massive Feynman diagrams and inverse binomial sums
      Nucl. Phys. B699 (2004) 3-64
      TOPCITE 100+
    30. F.Jegerlehner, M.Yu.Kalmykov, O.Veretin
      MS vs. Pole Masses of Gauge Bosons II: Two-loop electroweak fermion corrections,
      Nucl. Phys. B658 (2003) 49-112
      TOPCITE 100+
    31. F.Jegerlehner, M.Yu.Kalmykov, O.Veretin
      Full two-loop electroweak corrections to the pole masses of gauge bosons,
      Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 116 (2003) 382-386
      Proc. of 6th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections: Application of Quantum Field Theory Phenomenology (RADCOR 2002) and 6th Zeuthen Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory (Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory) , Kloster Banz, Germany, 8-13 Sep 2002,
    32. F.Jegerlehner, M.Yu.Kalmykov, O.Veretin
      Pole masses of gauge bosons: 2-loop electroweak corrections,
      Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A502 (2003) 618-620
      Proc. of VIII International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT'2002) , Moscow, Russia, 24-28 June, 2002
    33. A.I.Davydychev, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      Geometrical approach to loop calculations and the epsilon-expansion of Feynman diagrams,
      Proc. of 2th CPP Symposium Tokyo, Japan, 28-30 Nov 2001
      (Ed.Y.Kurihara, KEK Proceedings 2002-11), p.169-178,
    34. F.Jegerlehner, M.Yu.Kalmykov, O.Veretin
      MS vs. Pole Masses of Gauge Bosons: Electroweak Bosonic Two-Loop Corrections
      Nucl. Phys. B641 (2002) 285-326
      TOPCITE 50+
    35. A.I.Davydychev, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      New results for the epsilon-expansion of certain one-, two- and three-loop Feynman diagrams
      Nucl. Phys. B605 (2001) 266-318
      TOPCITE 100+
    36. A.I.Davydychev, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      Some remarks on the epsilon-expansion of dimensionally regulated Feynman diagrams
      Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 89 (2000) 283-288
      Proc. of 5th Zeuthen Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory:
      Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, Koenigstein-Weissig, Germany, 9-14 Apr 2000.
    37. M.Yu.Kalmykov, O.Veretin
      Single scale diagrams and multiple binomial sums
      Phys. Lett. B483 (2000) 315-323
      TOPCITE 50+
    38. J.Fleischer, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      Single mass scale diagrams: construction of a basis for the epsilon-expansion
      Phys. Lett. B470 (1999) 168-176
      TOPCITE 50+
    39. J.Fleischer, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      ON-SHELL2: FORM based package for the calculation of two-loop self-energy single scale Feynman diagrams occurring in the Standard Model
      Comput. Phys. Commun. 128 (2000) 531-549
      TOPCITE 50+
    40. J.Fleischer, M.Yu.Kalmykov, A.V.Kotikov
      Two-loop self-energy master integrals on shell
      Phys. Lett. B462 (1999) 169-177; 467 (1999) 310(E)
      TOPCITE 50+
    41. J.Fleischer, M.Yu.Kalmykov, A.V.Kotikov
      Recursion relations for two-loop self-energy diagrams on shell
      in New Computing Techniques in Physics Research VI ,
      Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (AIHENP99), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, April 12-16, 1999;
      (Eds. G.Athanasiu and D. Perret-Gallix; Parisianou S.A., Athens, 2000), p.231-237

    42. P.I.Pronin, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      The one-loop divergences of the linear gravity with the torsion terms in tetrad approach
      Mod. Phys. Lett. A13 (1998) 2827-2837
    43. M.Yu.Kalmykov, K.A.Kazakov, P.I.Pronin, K.V.Stepanyantz,
      Detailed analysis of the dependence of the one-loop counterterms on the gauge and parametrization in the Einstein gravity with the cosmological constant
      Class.Quantum Grav. 15 (1998) 3777-3794,
    44. L.V.Avdeev, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      Imaginary part of the electromagnetic lepton form factors
      Phys. Lett. B436 (1998) 132-138
    45. J.Fleischer, M.Yu.Kalmykov, O.L.Veretin
      Large mass expansion versus small momentum expansion of Feynman diagrams
      Phys. Lett. B427 (1998) 141-146
    46. L.V.Avdeev, J.Fleischer, M.Yu.Kalmykov, M.N.Tentyukov
      Towards Automatic Analytic Evaluation of Diagrams with Masses
      Comput. Phys. Commun. 107 (1997) 155-166
    47. M.Yu.Kalmykov, D.I.Kazakov
      Calculation of the off-shell renormalization functions in R^2-gravity
      Phys.Lett. B404 (1997) 253-258
    48. L.V.Avdeev, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      Pole masses of quarks in dimensional reduction
      Nucl.Phys. B502 (1997) 419-435
      TOPCITE 50+
    49. L.V.Avdeev, J.Fleischer, M.Yu.Kalmykov, M.N.Tentyukov
      Towards automatic analytic evaluation of massive Feynman diagrams
      Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A389 (1997) 343-346,
      Proc. of 5th International Workshop on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
      (AIHENP 96), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2-6 Sep 1996.

    50. M.Yu.Kalmykov
      Affine-metric quantum gravity with extra local symmetries
      Class.Quantum Grav. 14 (1997) 367-378
    51. D.I.Kazakov, M.Yu.Kalmykov, I.N.Kondrashuk, A.V.Gladyshev
      Softly broken finite supersymmetric grand unified theory
      Nucl.Phys. B471 (1996) 389-408
    52. M.Yu.Kalmykov
      Gauge and parametrization dependencies of the one-loop counterterms in the Einstein gravity
      Class.Quantum Grav. 12 (1995) 1401-1411
    53. M.Yu.Kalmykov, P.I.Pronin
      The one-loop divergences of the linear gravity with the torsion terms
      Gen.Rel.Grav. 27 (1995) 873-885
    54. L.V.Avdeev, D.I.Kazakov, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      The background-field method and noninvariant renormalization
      Preprint JINR E2-94-388,
    55. M.Yu.Kalmykov, P.I.Pronin, K.V.Stepanyantz
      Projective invariance and one-loop effective action in affine-metric gravity interacting with scalar field
      Class. Quantum Grav. 11 (1994) 2645-2652
    56. M.Yu.Kalmykov and P.I.Pronin
      One-loop Effective Action in Gauge Gravitational Theory
      Nuovo Cimento B106 (1991) 1401-1415
      published also in Modern Problems of Theoretical Physics ,
      Eds. P.I.Pronin, Yu.N.Obukhov, Word Scientific, Singapore, 1991, p.53-74. (ISBN: 9810202598)

      Preprints / Proceedings / Collection

    57. Fedor Bezrukov, Mikhail Yu. Kalmykov, Bernd A. Kniehl, Mikhail Shaposhnikov
      Higgs/top factory and Planck physics
      European Strategy for Particle Physics 10 - 12 September 2012 ,
    58. S.A.Yost, V.V.Bytev, M.Yu.Kalmykov, B.A.Kniehl, B.F.L.Ward
      Differential Reduction Techniques for the Evaluation of Feynman Diagrams
      Proc. 35th International Conference of High Energy Physics - ICHEP2010, July 22-28, 2010, Paris, France ,
    59. M.Yu.Kalmykov, V.V.Bytev, B.A.Kniehl, B.F.L.Ward, S.A.Yost,
      Feynman Diagrams, Differential Reduction, and Hypergeometric Functions
      Proc. ACAT 2008, Erice, Italy, Nov. 3-7, 2008
    60. B.F.L.Ward et al.,
      Overview of differential reduction for hypergeometric function representation of Feynman diagrams
      Proc. of the international conference on Computational and information science 2009 (CIS'09) Pages 262-262
    61. Editors: R.-D. Heuer, D.J.Miller, F. Richard, P.M. Zerwas
      DESY preprint DESY-2001-011,
    62. A.V.Gladyshev, D.I.Kazakov, M.Yu.Kalmykov, I.N.Kondrashuk
      Finite SU(5) SUSY GUT
      in Proc. of Quarks-96 , Yaroslavl, Russia, May 5-11, 1996 (eds. V.A.Matveev, A.A.Penin, V.A.Rubakov and A.N.Tavkhelidze, Moscow, 1997), vol.1, 355-36
    63. D.I.Kazakov, M.Yu.Kalmykov, I.N.Kondrashuk, A.V.Gladyshev
      Softly broken finite GUT
      in Proc. of Renormalization Group-96, Dubna, 1996 , (Eds. D.V.Shirkov, D.I.Kazakov, V.B.Priezzhev, Dubna, 1997) p.224-229
    64. M.Yu.Kalmykov, K.A.Kazakov, P.I.Pronin, K.V.Stepanyantz
      Off-shell gauge and parametrization dependence of the effective action for gravity with cosmological constant
      Gravit. Cosmol. 2 (1996) 331-334
      Proc. of 9th Russian Gravitational Conference (24-30 Jun 1996, Novgorod, Russia)
    65. P.I.Pronin, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      Affine-metric gravity with the projective invariance
      in New Frontiers in Gravitation (Ed. G.A.Sardanashvily, Hadronic Press, 1995) p.145-183
    66. L.V.Avdeev, D.I.Kazakov, M.Yu.Kalmykov
      Noninvariant renormalization in the background-field method
      in Proc. of the IX Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory ,
      Zvenigorod 1994 (Ed.B.B.Levtchenko, MSU, 1995) p.248-254

      Unpublished Talks

      AMS Meetings, New Orleans, January 6-9, 2011
      "The Hypergeometric Representation of Feynman Diagrams and Construction of the Epsilon Expansion"
      by Scott Yost

      Calculations for Modern and Future Colliders, July 10 - 20, 2009, Dubna, Russia,
      "About all order "-expansion of the hypergeometric functions"

      15th AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Houston, USA, April 30-May 2, 2009
      "Overview of differential reduction for hypergeometric function representation of Feynman diagrams" by B.W.L.Ward

      2007 APS April Meeting, Jacksonville, Florida, April 14 - 17, 2007.
      "All-Order epsilon-Expansion of Gauss Hypergeometric Functions with Integer and Half-Integer Values of Parameters"
      by Scott Yost

      2006 APS April Meeting, Dallas, TX, April 22-25, 2006;
      "On a General Procedure for Evaluating Higher Order Radiative Corrections for LHC Physics"

      by Scott Yost

      2005 TSAPS/AAPT/SPS Joint Fall Meeting,October 20-22, 2005; Houston, TX;
      "Toward a General Procedure for Evaluating Higher Order Radiative Corrections for LHC Physics"

      by Scott Yost

      List of Conferences