A FORM based package ON-SHELL2 for the calculation of two-loop massive single scale propagator-type diagrams is elaborated [1]. The full set of master integrals is calculated analytically [2] (See for details Basis for Single scale massive Feynman diagrams ).
A FORM based package PRO2 for algebraic reduction of two-loop propagator-type diagrams is elaborated [3] (See for details Pole Masses in Standard Model ).
For high precision numerical evaluation of generalized log-sine functions appear in higher order epsilon-expansion of different Feynman diagrams (one-loop propagator type diagrams with arbitrary masses, three-point integrals with massless internal lines and arbitrary (off-shell) external momenta, two-loop vacuum diagrams with arbitrary masses, two- and three-loop single scale diagrams of the propagator type) the proper algorithm have been evaluated and C++ library LSJK with arbitrary-precision arithmetics have been created [4] (See for details Hypergometric functions: reduction and epsilon-expansion and Basis for Single scale massive Feynman diagrams ).
The FORM based program for constructing for the construction of epsilon-expansion of hypergeometric functions with integer and/or half-integer values of parameters is realized [5] (See for details Hypergometric functions: reduction and epsilon-expansion ).
The program TLAMM for generation of the FORM input and calculation of the two-loop self-energy type Feynman diagrams with different mass scales by the asymptotic expansion with respect to a small parameters have been created [6].
[1] | J.Fleischer, M.Yu.Kalmykov, A.V.Kotikov, hep-ph/9905379 |
J.Fleischer, M.Yu.Kalmykov, Comp.Phys.Commun. 128 (2000) 531, hep-ph/9907431 |
[2] | J.Fleischer, M.Yu.Kalmykov, A.V.Kotikov, Phys. Lett. B462 (1999) 169; 467 (1999) 310(E), hep-ph/9905249 |
M.Yu.Kalmykov, O.Veretin, Phys. Lett. B483 (2000) 315, hep-th/0004010 | |
A.I.Davydychev, M.Yu.Kalmykov, Nucl. Phys. B605 (2001) 266, hep-th/0012189 | |
M.Yu.Kalmykov, Nucl. Phys. B718 (2005) 276, hep-ph/0503070 |
[3] F.Jegerlehner,M.Yu.Kalmykov, Nuclear.Instrum.Method.Research. A534 (2004) 299, hep-ph/0404213
[4] M.Yu.Kalmykov, A.Sheplyakov, Compl.Phys.Commun. 172 (2005) 45, hep-ph/0411100
[5] M.Yu.Kalmykov, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 135 (2004) 280, hep-th/0406269
[6] | L.V.Avdeev, J.Fleischer, M.Yu.Kalmykov, M.N.Tentyukov, Comp.Phys.Commun. 107 (1997) 155. hep-ph/9710222 |
L.V.Avdeev, J.Fleischer, M.Yu.Kalmykov, M.N.Tentyukov, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A389 (1997) 343 hep-ph/9610467 |