January 27, 2005

  9:30  Ruijsenaars Simon (CMCS, Amsterdam)
A new approach to joint eigenfunctions for commuting Hamiltonians of Calogero-Moser type
10:30  Zamolodchikov Alexei (University of Montpellier)
Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equation in Sinh-Gordon model
11:30 Coffee Break
12:00  Bondal Alexei (SMI RAS, Moscow)
Symplectic Groupoids related to Poisson-Lie groups
12:40  Orlov Dmitry (SMI RAS, Moscow)
Mirror symmetry and D-branes in Landau-Ginzburg models
13:20 LUNCH
15:00  Stroganov Yuri (IHEP, Protvino)
Enumeration of alternating sign matrices with half-turn symmetry
15:40  Zinn-Justin Paul (Universite' Paris-Sud & Independent Univesity, Moscow)
Combinatorial properties of integrable loop models
16:20 Coffee Break
16:50  Kerner Richard (LPTL, Universit'e Paris-VI)
Relativistic Epicycles
17:30  Marshakov Andrei (ITEP & LPI RAS, Moscow)
On stationary problem in Toda chain
18:10  Ivashchuk Vladimir (Center for Gravitation, Moscow)
S-brane solutions and Toda-like systems

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