The international Workshop
on Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems will be held next year in Dubna
on January 24 - 28, 2005.
This Workshop continues the tradition of the all-Russia
winter seminars initiated in the late 1980s by M.V.Saveliev
which previously took place in Dubna and Protvino.
The scientific scope of the Workshop covers
methods for studying integrable systems and their
symmetry properties
recent investigations of specific integrable models in classical
and quantum mechanics,
statistical models, and the theory of stochastic
new results in all areas of contemporary mathematics related to
the theory of integrable systems
It is currently planned to bring together 50 - 70
active researches in these fields.
Traditionally, we expect significant participation
of scientists from the
Institute for High Energy Physics (Protvino),
Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics (Chernogolovka);
Lebedev Physical Institute
and Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Moscow);
Steklov Mathematical Institute (Moscow and St.Petersburg branches).
At the same time, we welcome scientists from around the world
and we hope their participation
will contribute considerably to the objectives of the Workshop.
The Workshop will be organized as 6 -- 10 lectures
of about 40 min. duration each day. Time for
free scientific intercources will also be reserved.
Due to necessity to complete visa formalities,
the registration deadline for foreign participants is December 5.
The conference fee is $ 250
which covers the roundtrip transportation from
the airport to Dubna,
the hotel accommodation and the banquet.
The Organizing Commitee has a limited number of grants to cover
living and in certain cases travel expences for participants from Russia.
A decision on the distribution of funds will be taken at the end of
December 2004.
Russian participants are kindly asked
to send their requests by this date.
For participants from Germany and from East European countries
their conference fee and in certain cases
their travel expences can be
(at least, partially) covered by grants
of UNESCO - Regional Bureau for Science in Europe (ROSTE)
and by the Heisenberg-Landau and Bogoliubov-Infeld Programs.
For correspondence and further information please
contact the Scientific secretary.