List of Publications


1. V.I. Ogievetsky. On correlations in multiple scattering in magnetic field. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 21 (1951) 312-319.


2. V.I. Ogievetsky. Theory of propagation of gamma-rays. Candidate (PhD) Thesis, Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, 1954.


3. V.I. Ogievetsky. The theory of propagation of gamma-rays through matter. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 29 (1955) 454-463; Soviet Phys. JETP 1 (1956) 312-319.
4. V.I. Ogievetsky. Angular distribution of gamma rays at great depths of penetration. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 29 (1955) 464-472; Soviet Phys. JETP 1 (1956) 319-326.


5. V.I. Ogievetsky. A possible interpretation of the perturbation theory series in QFT. Proc. Academy of Sci. USSR 109 (1956) 919-922.


6. V.I. Ogievetsky. Hypernuclei.Theoretical review and recommendations. Proc. of the Conf. on photoemulsions, Dubna, 1957, vol.1, p. 209-215.
7. A.L. Lubimov, V.I. Ogievetsky, M.I. Podgoretsky and L.G. Zastavenko. On a possibility of K-meson investigation. Nucl. Phys. 3 (1957) 549-552.
8. V.I. Ogievetsky. On the range of many-body forces between Λ-hyperon and nucleon. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 33 (1957) 546-547; Soviet Phys. JETP 6 (1958) 427-428.
9. V.S. Galishev, V.I. Ogievetsky and A.N. Orlov. Theory of multiple scattering of gamma rays. Uspekhi Fiz. Nauk 61 (1957) 161-216.


10. Chou Kuang-Chao and V.I. Ogievetsky. Charge symmetry properties and representations of the extended Lorentz group in the theory of elementary particles. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 36 (1959) 264-270; Soviet Phys. JETP 9 (1959) 179-183.
11. V.I. Ogievetsky. Interaction between K-mesons and pions. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 36 (1959) 642-643; Soviet Phys. JETP 9 (1959) 447-448.
12. Chou Kuang-Chao and V.I. Ogievetsky. Projective representations and charge symmetry. Nucl. Phys. 10 (1959) 235-234.
13. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Wave equations with zero and nonzero rest masses. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 37 (1959) 470-476; Soviet Phys. JETP 10 (1960) 335-338.
14. Chou Kuang-Chao and V.I. Ogievetsky . Electromagnetic mass of K-mesons. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 37 (1959) 866-867; Soviet Phys. JETP 10 (1960) 616-621.


15. V.G. Grishin and V.I. Ogievetsky. On the minimal number of partial waves in two-body reactions. Nucl. Phys. 18 (1960) 516-520.
16. V.G. Grishin and V.I. Ogievetsky. Estimating minimal radius of two particle interactions at high energies. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 38 (1960) 1008-1009; Soviet Phys. JETP 11 (1960) 725-726.


17. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. On gauge transformation of Green's functions. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 40 (1961) 926; Soviet Phys. JETP 13 (1961) 647-651.
18. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. On gauge invariant formulation of neutral vector field theory. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 41 (1961) 247; Soviet Phys. JETP 14 (1962) 179-184.


19. V.I. Ogievetsky, E.O. Okonov and M.I. Podgoretsky. Note on the properties of K-mesons pairs. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 43 (1962) 720-723; Soviet Phys. JETP 16 (1963) 511-513.
20. V.I. Ogievetsky and M.I. Podgoretsky. Certain interference phenomena in K, K systems. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 43 (1962) 1362-1364; Soviet Phys. JETP 16 (1963) 967-972.
21. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. On a sense of gauge invariance. Nuovo Cim. 23 (1962) 173-180.


22. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Quantum electrodynamics in terms of electromagnetic field strenthes. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 43 1365-1370; Soviet Phys. JETP 16 (1963) 969-972.
23. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. On interacting fields with definite spin. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 45 (1963) 237-245; Soviet Phys. JETP 18 (1964) 166-171.
24. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Interacting spin 1 fields and symmetry properties. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 45 (1963) 966-977; Soviet Phys. JETP 18 (1964) 668-675.
25. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Interacting fields of spin 1 and symmetry properties. Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 25 (1963) 358-386.


26. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. On the theory of the neutral vector field with spin 1. Soviet Phys. JETP 18 (1964) 487-489.
27. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Minimal interactions between spin 0, 1/2 and 1 fields. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 46 (1964) 1048-1055; Soviet Phys. JETP 19 (1964) 712-716.
28. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. On the choice of propagators for vector fields. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 46 (1964) 2102-2107; Soviet Phys. JETP 19 (1964) 1418-1421.
29. V.I. Ogievetsky and Xien Ting-Chang. Possibility of hypernuclei of large strangeness. Phys. Lett. 9 (1964) 354-358.
30. G.I. Kopylov and V.I. Ogievetsky. Forbidden configurations in manymeson decays. Nucl. Phys. 50 (1964) 341-267.
31. V.I. Ogievetsky and Xien Ting-Chang. Does a world exist of extra strange nuclei? Prepr. JINR, P-1161, 1964.
32. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Spin and symmetries of interactions. Proc. XII Int.Conf. on High. Energy Phys. Dubna, 1964, 755-758.
33. V.I. Ogievetsky. Broken symmetries at high energies. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 47 (1964) 966-969.
34. V.I. Ogievetsky. Techniques of the SU(3) group. Proc. Int. School on Theor. Phys., Dubna, 1964, v.2, 5-27.
35. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Interacting field spin and symmetries. Proc. Int. School on Theor. Phys., Dubna, 1964, v.2, 160-179.


36. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Spinors in gravity theory. Zh. Exper. Teor. Fiz. 48 (1965) 1625-1636; Soviet Phys. JETP 21 (1965) 1093-1100.
37. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Spin 2 fields in flat space and gravitation. Proc. of II Sov. Grav. Conf. (1965), p. 174-176, Tbilisi, 1967.
38. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. The group-theoretic approach to spinors in Einstein gravity theory. Proc. of II Sov. Grav. Conf. (1965), p. 454-462, Tbilisi, 1967.
39. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Photon and notoph. Prepr. JINR P-2330 (1965) 10 p.
40. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Interacting field of spin 2 and the Einstein equations. Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 35 (1965) 167-207.
41. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Spinors in the Einstein gravity theory in group theoretical framework. Proc. Int. Conf. on Rel. Theory of Gravity, London, v.2 (1965).
42. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. How to get the Einstein equations in flat space. Proc. Int. Conf. on Rel. Theory of Gravity, London, v.2 (1965).


43. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Gauge invariance and vector fields. Proc. Int. Conf. on High Energy Phys., Geneva, 1966, 666-670.
44. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Notoph and its possible interactions. Yad. Fiz. 4 (1966) 216-224; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 4 (1967) 156-161.
45. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Theories of interacting fields with spin 1. Nucl. Phys. 76 (1966) 677-684.
46. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. The Einstein equations as those for a massless spin 2 field. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 166 584-587; Doklady of Acad. Sci. USSR 11 (1966) 71-74.
47. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Theory of a neutral massive spin 2 field. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 166 839-842; Doclady of Acad. Sci. USSR 11 (1966) 135-137.
48. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. SU(3) eightfold formalism and 10 and 27-plets. Yad. Fiz. 4 (1966) 853-861; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 4 (1967) 605-614.
49. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Conserved tensor currents and relativistic structure of SU(6). Yad. Fiz. 4 (1966) 1231-1247; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 4 (1967) 885-895.
50. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Quantum theory of gravity in Heisenberg and interaction pictures. Preprint JINR P-2692 (1966) 1-29.
51. V.G. Grishin, V.L. Lyuboshiz, V.I. Ogievetsky and M.I. Podgorezky. Possible experimental tests of the isotopic structure of the electromagnetic interactions. Yad. Fiz. 4 (1966) 126-129; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 4 (1967) 90-92.
52. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Photons longitudinal and scalar. Phys. Encyclopaedia, Moscow, (1966) v.5.
53. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Gravity quantum theory. Phys. Encyclopaedia, Moscow, (1966) v.5, p.220.
54. V.I. Ogievetsky. Fields of definite spin in interaction and conserved currents. Doctoral thesis (habilitation) JINR, Dubna, 1966, 220 pp.
55. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Consistent relativization of SU(6)w for two-particle processes. Pis'ma ZhETF 4 (1966) 325-329.
56. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. Extension of SU(6)w on noncollinear processes. Prepr. JINR E2-2826 (1966).


57. V.I. Ogievetsky and I.V. Polubarinov. The SU(6)x group as extension of SU(6)w on noncollinear processes. Proc. of VII Cracow School of Theor. Phys. (1967) pp. 43-72.
58. V.I. Ogievetsky, W. Tybor and A.N. Zaslavsky. Breakdown of higher symmetries and nonet of pseudoscalar mesons. Proc. of Int. School on High Energy Phys. Popradske Pleso (1967), Bratislava, pp. 325-338.
60. V.I. Ogievetsky, W. Tybor and A.N. Zaslavsky . The ninth pseudoscalar meson in broken SU(6)w. Pis'ma ZhETF 6 (1967) 604-607.


59. V.I. Ogievetsky, W. Tybor and A.N. Zaslavsky . Broken SU(6)w symmetry and the ninth pseudoscalar meson. Acta Phys. Polonica 33 (1968) 209-215.


61. V.I. Ogievetsky, W.Tybor and A.N. Zaslavsky. The need for new measurements of spin and parity of the X(960)-meson. Yad. Fiz. 9 (1969) 852-856; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 9 (1969) 498-514.
62. V.I. Ogievetsky. Non-linear realizations and breakdown of SU(3) symmetry. Proc. of IX Cracow School of Theor. Phys. (1969) pp. 29-51.
63. V.I. Ogievetsky and B.M. Zupnik. Investigation of non-linear realizations of chiral groups by the method of generating functions. Teor. Mat. Fiz. 1 (1969) 19-33; Theor. Math. Phys. 1 (1969) 14-16.


64. V.I. Ogievetsky and B.M. Zupnik. On the chiral SU(2) x SU(2) dynamics for A, p and 7r -mesons. Nucl. Phys. B 24 (1970) 612-622.
65. V.I. Ogievetsky and B.M. Zupnik. Closed form of chiral SU(2) x SU(2) dynamics with p and A1-mesons. Abstracts of talks on 15 inter. conference on high-energy physics (Kiev-1970). v. 2, p. 654, Public. JINR, Dubna,1970.
66. V.I. Ogievetsky. Algebraic realization of unitary symmetry. Phys. Lett. B 33 (1970) 227-230.
67. V.I. Ogievetsky and B.M. Zupnik. On chiral dynamics of A - p - 7rmeson system. Pis'ma ZhETF 12 (1970) 194-197.


68. V.I. Ogievetsky and B.M. Zupnik . Algebraic realization of chiral symmetry for meson sistems and the Yang-Mills type theory. JINR Communications 2-5759, Dubna, 1971.
69. V.I. Ogievetsky. Mass formulas in an algebraic realization of unitary symmetry. Yad. Fiz. 13 (1971) 187-197; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 13 (1971) 105-110.
70. V. Ogievetsky, W. Tybor and A. Zaslavsky. X- meson: 2- or 0- ? Phys. Lett. B 35 (1971) 69-71.


71. V.I. Ogievetsky. Algebraic realisation of chiral SU(3) × SU(3) symmetry. Problems of Modern Physics, I.E. Tamm memorial volume, Moscow (1972) 22-40.


72. A. Buyak, A. Filippov, V. Ogievetsky and A.Zaslavsky. Possible spin effects in pp scattering at high energies and the X (960) meson. Yad. Fiz. 18 (1973) 894-898; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 18 (1973) 462-464.


73. R. Lednizki, V. Ogievetsky and A. Zaslavsky. Remarks concerning the anisotropies in the Adair distribution for the K - p ~-* X°A reaction. Yad. Fiz. 20 (1974) 203-209; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 20 (1975) 106-109.
74. V.I. Ogievetsky. Non-linear realizations of internal and space-time symmetries. Proc. X Winter School of Theor. Phys. in Karpach, Wroclaw, vol. 1 (1974) 117-141.
75. V.I. Ogievetsky. Infinite-dimensional algebra of general covariance group as the closure of finite - dimensional algebras of conformal and linear groups. Lett. Nuovo Cim. 8 (1973) 988-990.
76. A.B. Borisov and V.I. Ogievetsky . Theory of dynamical affine and conformal symmetries as the theory of the gravitational field. Teor. Mat. Fiz. 21 (1974) 329-342; Theor. Math. Phys. 21 (1974) 1179-1187.
77. L. Mezincescu and V. Ogievetsky . Action principle in superspace. Prepr. JINR E-2-8277 (1974) 1-8.


78. L. Mezincescu and V. Ogievetsky . Boson-fermion symmetries and superfields. Usp. Fiz. Nauk 117 (1975) 637-683; Soviet Phys. Usp. 18 (1976) 960-982.
79. V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Primitive representations of the SL(3,R) algebra. Theor. Math. Phys. 25 (1975) 451-461.
80. E.A. Ivanov and V.I. Ogievetsky . Inverse Higgs effect in non-linear realizations. Theor. Math. Phys. 25 (1975) 1051-1059.


81. E.A. Ivanov and V.I. Ogievetsky . Gauge theories are also theories of spontaneous breakdown. Pis'ma ZhETF 23 (1976) 661-664; JETP Lett. 23 (1976) 601.
82. V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Equations of motion for superfields. Proc. of 4th Int. conf. on non-local and non-linear field theory (Alushta, April 1976), JINR D2-9788, pp. 183-197.
83. E.A. Ivanov and V.I. Ogievetsky. Gauge theories as theories of spontaneous breakdown. Lett. Math. Phys. 1 (1976) 309-315.
84. V. Ogievetsky and E.Sokatchev. On gauge spinor superfield. Pis'ma ZhETF 23 (1976) 66-69; JETP Lett. 23 (1976) 58.


85. V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. On a vector superfield generated by supercurrent. Nucl. Phys. B 124 (1977) 309-321.
86. V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Superfield equations of motion. J. Phys. A 10 (1977) 2021-2031.


87. V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Superfield equations of motion. Phys. Lett. B 78 (1978) 589-592.
88. V. Ogievetsky and V. Tzeitlin. Exceptional gauge theories in 3x3 matrix formalism. J. Phys. A 11 (1978) 1419-1425.
89. V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. The supercurrent. Yad. Fiz. 28 (1978) 825-836; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 28 (1978) 423-428.
90. V. Ogievetsky and V.Tzeitlin. On unifield exceptional gauge models with a stable proton. Yad. Fiz. 28 (1978) 1616-1630; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 28 (1978) 832-840.
91. V. Ogievetsky and E.Sokatchev. Axial superfield and the supergravity group. Yad. Fiz. 28 (1978) 1631-1639.


92. V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. On a structure of supergravity group. Czech. J. of Physics B 29 (1979) 68-72.
93. V. Ogievetsky and E.Sokatchev. Structure of the supergravity group. Phys. Lett. B 79 (1978) 222-227.
94. V. Ogievetsky and E.Sokatchev. Geometry, axial superfield and supergravity. Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on nonlocal quantum field theory. Alushta, (1979) JINR-P2-12462, pp. 148-159.


95. V. Ogievetsky and E.Sokatchev. The gravitational axial superfield and the formalism of differential geometry. Yad. Fiz. 31 (1980) 821-840; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 31 (1980) 424-434.
96. V. Ogievetsky and E.Sokatchev. The simplest Einstein supergravity group. Yad. Fiz. 31 (1980) 264-279; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 31 (1980) 140-148.
97. V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. The normal gauge in supergravity. Yad. Fiz. 32 (1980) 862-869; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 32 (1980) 443-446.
98. V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Torsion and curvature in terms of axial superfield. Yad. Fiz. 32 (1980) 870-879; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 32 (1980) 447.
99. V, Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Equations of motion for the axial gravitational superfield. Yad. Fiz. 32 (1980) 1142-1151; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 32 (1980) 589.
100. V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. The simplest geometric approch to supergravity. In Theor. Group Methods in Physics. vol. 2, pp. 126-133, Nauka, Moskva, 1980.


101. A.S. Galperin, E.A. Ivanov and V.I. Ogievetsky. Grassmann analyticity and extended supersymmetries. Pis'ma ZhETF 33 (1981) 176-181.


102. A.S. Galperin, E.A. Ivanov and V.I. Ogievetsky. Superfield anatomy of the Fayet-Sohnius multiplet. Yad. Fiz. 35 (1982) 790-800; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 35 (1982) 458-565.
103. A.S. Galperin, V.I. Ogievetsky and E.S. Sokatchev. On U(1) supergravity. Pis'ma ZhETF 35 (1982) 263-267; JETP Lett. 35 (1982) 330-333.
104. A.S. Galperin, V.I. Ogievetsky and E.S. Sokatchev. Pecularities of N=1 supergravity with local U(1). J. Phys. A 15 (1982) 3785-3797.
105. S. Kalitzin and V. Ogievetsky. An N=1 supergravity extension of classification of the Einstein spaces. Lett. Math. Phys. 96 (1982) 175-181.
106. A.S. Galperin, V.I. Ogievetsky and E.S. Sokatchev. Intrinsic geometries of U(1) supergravity. Proc. II Quantum Grav. Sem. Moscow, (1982) 211-222.
107. V.I. Ogievetsky and E.S. Sokatchev. On supersymmetry and supergravity. Proc. XV Int. School for young scientists, Dubna, 1982, JINR D2-4-83-179, pp. 143-222.


108. A.S. Galperin, V.I. Ogievetsky and E.S. Sokatchev. Aspects of matter couplings in the U(1) supergravity. Proc. XIX Winter School, Karpach, World Sci. (1983) pp. 167-181.
109. A.S. Galperin, V.I. Ogievetsky and E.S. Sokatchev. Versions of the N=1 supergravity. Proc. XVII Int. Sympos. Ahrenshoop on gauge field theories, Berlin, (1983) pp. 201-230.


110. V.I. Ogievetsky. Intrinsic geometry of supergravity, in Symmetries in Part. Physics, ed. by Bars a.o., Plenum Press, New York, (1984) 177-189.
111. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, S. Kalitzin, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Intrinsic geometry of N=2 supersymmetry and supergravity. Proc. Int. Seminar on High Energy Phys. and QFT, 1984, Protvino, 1984, vol II, pp. 219-233.
112. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Harmonic superspace as a key to the N=2 supersymmetric theories. Pis'ma ZhETF 40 (1984) 155-159; JETP Lett. 40 (1984) 912-916.
113. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, S. Kalitzin, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Unconstrained N=2 matter, Yang-Mills and supergravity theories. Class. Quan. Grav. 1 (1984) 469-498.
114. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, S. Kalitzin, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Extended supersymmetry and supergravity in harmonic superspace. Proc. Trieste Spring School on Supersymmetry and Supergravity, World Sci. (1984) pp. 449-467.
115. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, S. Kalitzin, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. N=2 supersymmetry in harmonic superspace. Problems of QFT, Alushta, April 1984, JINR D2-84-366, pp. 196-226.


116. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, S. Kalitzin, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Harmonic superspace and extended supersymmetry. Proc. XXII Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics, Leipzig, 1984, Zeuthen, (1985) vol. 1, pp. 37-46.
117. A.S. Galperin, V.I. Ogievetsky and E.S. Sokatchev. On matter couplings in N=1 supergravity. Nucl. Phys. B 252 (1985) 435-457.
118. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, S. Kalitzin, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Unconstrained off-shell N=3 supersymmetric Yang- Mills theory. Class. Quan. Grav. 2 (1985) 155-166.
119. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, S. Kalitzin, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. N=3 supersymmetric gauge theory. Phys.Lett. 151B (1985) 215-218.
120. E. Ivanov, S. Kalitzin, Nguen Ai Viet and V. Ogievetsky. Harmonic superspaces of extended supersymmetries: Calculus of harmonic variables. J. Phys. A 18 (1985) 3433-3443.
121. V.I. Ogievetsky and E.S. Sokatchev. Supersymmetry and supergravity (Review). Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, vol.22, VINITI, Moscow, pp. 137-173.
122. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. N=2 theories without constraints in harmonic superspace. Problems Nucl. Phys. and Cosm. Rays, 24 (1985) 7-17.
123. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Harmonic supergraphs: Green functions. Class. Quan. Grav. 2 (1985) 601-616.
124. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Harmonic supergraphs: Feynman rules and examples. Class. Quan. Grav. 2 (1985) 617-630.


125. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. HyperKähler metrics and harmonic superspace. Comm. Math. Phys. 103 (1986) 515-526.
126. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Harmonic superspace and extended supersymmetries. Theor. Group Methods in Phys., ed. by M. Markov v.1, Moscow (1986) 42-52.
127. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, V. Ogievetsky and P.Townsend. EguchiHanson type metrics from harmonic superspace. Class. Quan. Grav. 3 (1986) 625-633.
128. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov and V. Ogievetsky. Harmonic superspace in action. General couplings of N=2 matter fields. Supersymmetry, Supergravity, Superstrings,ed. by B. de Wit, P. Fayet, World Sci. (1986) pp. 511-565.


129. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Conformal invariance in harmonic superspace. Quantum field theory and quantum statistics, ed. by I. Batalin et al., v.2. Adam Hilger, Bristol, (1987) pp. 233-248.
130. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov and V. Ogievetsky. Duality transformations and most general matter self-couplings in N=2 supersymmetry. Nucl. Phys. B 282 (1987) 74-102.
131. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov and V. Ogievetsky. Superspace actions and duality transformations for tensor N=2 multiplets. Phys. Scripta 75 (1987) 176-183.
132. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov and V. Ogievetsky. Interactions and duality transformations of N=2 tensor multiplets. Yad. Fiz. 45 (1987) 245-257; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 45 (1987) 157-163.
133. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov and V. Ogievetsky. Superspaces for N=3 supersymmetry. Yad. Fiz. 46 (1987) 948-960; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 46 (1987) 543-549.
134. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. N=2 supergravity in superspace:its versions and matter couplings. Class. Quan. Grav. 4 (1987) 1255-1265.
135. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Harmonic superspace. Results and prospects. Proc. VIII Int. Conf. on the Problems of Quantum Field Theory, Alushta, 1987. Dubna: JINR D2-87-798, pp 267-282.


136. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. N=2 supergravity in superspace. Proceedings of int. semin. "Quantum gravity" (Moscow-1987), ed. by M. Markov et al., p. 539-547, World Sci., Singapore, 1988.
137. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Gauge field geometry from complex and harmonic analyticities. l. Kähler and self-dual Yang-Mills cases. Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 185 (1988) 1-21.
138. A. Galperin, E. Ivanov, V. Ogievetsky and E. Sokatchev. Gauge field geometry from complex and harmonic analyticities. 2. HyperKähler case. Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 185 (1988) 22-45.
139. V.I. Ogievetsky. Supersymmetry and supergravity, in "Introduction to Superanalysis" by F. Berezin, Reidel, 1988, pp. 401-413.
140. J. Bagger, A. Galperin, E. Ivanov and V. Ogievetsky. Gauging N=2 sigma-models in harmonic superspace. Nucl. Phys. B 303 (1988) 522-542.


141. V.I. Ogievetsky. Discrete symmetries in N=2 supersymmetric theories. Yad. Fiz. 49 (1989) 569-578; Soviet J. Nucl. Phys. 49 (1989) 147-150.


142. A. Galperin and V. Ogievetsky. Playing with hypermultiplets and gauge multiplets. Selected Problems in QFT and Math. Physics, ed. by I. Niederle, World Sci. (1990) 355-359.
143. E. Ivanov and V. Ogievetsky. Harmonic superspace: how it works? In: Gauge Theories of Fundamental Interactions. Warsaw, (1990) v.1, 89-104.
144. A. Galperin and V. Ogievetsky. Spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry in nonminimal couplings of N=2 Maxwell multiplets. Nucl. Phys. B: Proc. Suppl. 15 (1990) 51-60.


145. A. Galperin and V. Ogievetsky. N=2, D=4 supersymmetric sigma models and Hamiltonian mechanics. Class. Quan. Grav. 8 (1991) 1757-1764.
146. G. Khelashvili and V. Ogievetsky. Non-renormaliziblity of the massive N=2 Yang-Mills theory. Mod. Phys. Lett. A 6 (1991) 2143-2154.


147. A. Galperin and V. Ogievetsky. On isometrics relating non-compact sigma models and supergravity. Class. Quan. Grav. 9 (1992) 1425-1432.
148. V.I. Ogievetsky. Harmonics: Hamiltonian analogies and quaternionic analyticity. In: Proc. of the First Int. Sakharov Conference on Physics, Vol. 1, p. 59-71, New Science Publishers, Commack, NY, 1992.
149. Ch. Devchand and V. Ogievetsky. Super self-duality as analyticity in harmonic superspace. Phys. Lett. B 297 (1992) 93.


150. M. Evans, F. Giirsey and V. Ogievetsky. From 2D conformal to 4D self-dual theories: Quaternionic analyticity. Phys. Rev D 47 (1993) 3496.
151. Ch. Devchand and V. Ogievetsky. Integrability of N=3 super Yang-Mills equations. Prepr. Bonn-HE-93-33. Topics in statistical and theoretical physics, ed. by R.L. Dobrushin et al. p.51-58.


152. Ch. Devchand and V. Ogievetsky. The structure of all extended supersymmetric self-dual gauge theories. Nucl. Phys. B 414 (1994) 763; Erratum: Nucl. Phys. B 451 (1995) 768.
153. Ch. Devchand and V. Ogievetsky. The matreoshka of supersymmetric self-dual theories. Nucl. Phys. B 414 (1994) 763-782.


154. Ch. Devchand and V. Ogievetsky. The super-self-dual matreoshka. In: Quantum Field Theory and String Theory, ed. by L. Baulieu, V. Dotsenko, V. Kazakov, P. Windey, Plenum, 1995, New York, London, pp. 87-98.
155. Ch. Devchand and V. Ogievetsky. Four-dimensional integrable theories. in: Strings and Symmetries, ed. by G. Atkas a.o., Springer, Berlin, 1995, pp. 169- 182.
156. Ch. Devchand and V. Ogievetsky. Self-dual supergravities. Nucl. Phys. B 444 (1995) 381.
157. Ch. Devchand and V. Ogievetsky. Unravelling the on-shell constraints of self-dual supergravity theories. Talk at the 29th Intern. Ahrenshoop Symposium, Buckow, August 1995. Nucl. Phys. B: Proc. Suppl. 49 (1996) 139-143.


158. Ch. Devchand and V. Ogievetsky. Self-dual gravity revisited. Class. Quan. Grav. 13 (1996) 2515-2536.
159. Ch. Devchand and V. Ogievetsky. Conserved currents for unconventional supersymmetric couplings of self-dual gauge theories. Phys. Lett. B 367 (1996) 140-144.
160. Ch. Devchand and V. Ogievetsky. Consistent equations for interacting fields of arbitrary spin from N > 4 super-self-duality. Nucl. Phys. B 481 (1996) 188-214.


161. A.S. Galperin, E.A. Ivanov, V.I. Ogievetsky, E.S. Sokatchev. Harmonic Superspace. Cambridge University Press (2001) p. 306.

Publications at Great Russian Encyclopedia (in Russian)

E.A. Ivanov and V.I. Ogievetsky. Supergravity. In: Encyclopedia of Physics ed. by A.M. Prokhorov, 5 (1998) 19-23.
E.A. Ivanov and V.I. Ogievetsky. Supermultiplet. In: Encyclopedia of Physics ed. by A.M. Prokhorov, 5 (1998) 23.
E.A. Ivanov and V.I. Ogievetsky. Superunification. In: Encyclopedia of Physics ed. by A.M. Prokhorov, 5 (1998) 23-24.
E.A. Ivanov and V.I. Ogievetsky. Superspace. In: Encyclopedia of Physics ed. by A.M. Prokhorov, 5 (1998) 27-31.
E.A. Ivanov and V.I. Ogievetsky. Supergravity. In: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics ed. by L.D. Faddeev, (1998) 585-586.
E.A. Ivanov and V.I. Ogievetsky. Supermultiplets. In: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics ed. by L.D. Faddeev, (1998) 586.
E.A. Ivanov and V.I. Ogievetsky. Superspace. In: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics ed. by L.D. Faddeev, (1998) 586.