List of Publications: Alexander M. Povolotsky

  1. A. M. Povolotsky and J.F.F. Mendes
    Bethe ansatz solution of the discrete time stochastic processes with fully parallel update,

  2. A. M. Povolotsky,
    Bethe ansatz solution of zero-range process with nonuniform stationary state ,
    Phys. Rev. E 69, 061109 (2004)

  3. A. M. Povolotsky, V. B. Priezzhev, and Chin-Kun Hu,
    Transition from Kardar-Parisi-Zhang to tilted interface critical behavior in a solvable asymmetric avalanche model
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 255701 (2003)

  4. A. M. Povolotsky, V. B. Priezzhev, and Chin-Kun Hu,
    The Asymmetric Avalanche Process,
    Journal of Statistical Physics,111, pp. 1149-1182 (2003)

  5. A. M. Povolotsky, V. B. Priezzhev, and Chin-Kun Hu,
    Finite size behaviour of Asymmetric Avalanche Process,
    Physica A 321: 280 (2003)

  6. E. V. Ivashkevich, A. M. Povolotsky, V.B. Priezzhev,
    Asymmetric avalanche process in the theory of self organized criticality,
    Physics of elementary particles and atomic nuclei, 2001, V. 32, N. 7, p. 156

  7. V. B. Priezzhev, E. V. Ivashkevich, A. M. Povolotsky, and Chin-Kun Hu,
    Exact Phase Diagram for an Asymmetric Avalanche Process,
    Phys.Rev.Letters, v. 87, N.6, (2001) 084301

  8. E.V. Ivashkevich, A.M. Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S. Zapperi,
    Dynamical real space renormalization group applied to sandpile models,
    Phys.Rev.E, v.60, N.2 (1999) 1239

  9. A.M. Povolotsky , V.B. Priezzhev, R.R Shcherbakov,
    Dynamics of Eulerian walkers ,
    Phys.Rev.E, v.58, N.5 (1998) 5449

  10. Vl. V. Papoyan, A.M. Povolotsky ,
    Renormalization group study of the sandpile on the triangular lattice,
    Physica A 246 (1997) 241-252

  11. R.R.Shcherbakov, Vl.V.Papoyan, A.M.Povolotsky,
    Critical dynamics of self-organizing Eulerian walkers,
    Phys.Rev.E, v.55, N.3 (1997) 3686

Please e-mail me directly for more information or a regular (paper) preprint.