The present doctoral thesis is devoted to a few perturbative and non-perturbative results obtained in the framework of quantum field theory (QFT), formulated in terms of light-front (LF) variables (”light front field theory”). This (mostly hamiltonian) form of QFT is not as widely used as the conventional one (called ”space-like” (SL) here), but it offers us a framework with considerable advantages, related first of all to its vacuum ”triviality”: vacuum state of an interacting theory is equal to the free-theory vacuum.
Our perturbative results clarify relationship between the ”infinite momentum” and genuine LF approaches in the continuum and finite-volume theory, and deal with the existence of vacuum bubbles in the LF perturbation theory. The non-perturbative analyses include a semiclassical description of spontaneous symmetry breaking in the LF theory using a unitary operator that shifts the scalar field by a constant, mechanisms that give structure to the LF Fock vacuum (which naively appears to be the true physical LF vacuum) like the gauge-field zero mode and fermionic zero modes. Properties of quantum kinks are studied by means of a numerical diagonalization of an interacting scalar-field Hamiltonian in two dimen- sions. In the second part of the thesis several aspects of solvable two-dimensional models are addressed in both the LF and conventional field theory. In the former case, the notorious problem of massless LF field in two dimensions is solved and LF operator solutions of the Thirring and Thirring-Wess models are given for the first time. Relationship of the quantized massless LF fields to conformal field theory is established. In the latter case, the correct choice of the field variables and of the Hamiltonian is pointed out. Physical vacuum state of the Thirring model is derived along with a generalized operator solution of the model. The axial anomaly is studied non-perturbatively in the Thirring-Wess and Schwinger model based on analogous operator solutions. A few representative results in more details include:
(Based on the research topics of the doctoral (Doctor of Science) thesis)