Inspired by the Chronometric Theory (due to I.E.Segal, 1918-1998), in 2016 the author composed ( the Multi-Level Model (=МLМ) of the quark-gluon media. The МLМ is based on the sequence of groups U(n) (or, equivalently, SU(n)), n=2,3,4,... In a mathematically natural way, the notions of generations, flavors, and colors are introduced, whereas the mere ‘quarks’ correspond (in generations 1, 2, 3) to the quarks of the Standard Model (=SМ). The number of colors (in a given level) grows with level ‘deepening’ (=increase of n). The MLM predicts THREE quarks of the 4th generation (with charges 2/3, 2/3, -1/3). These three charge values (as well as currently accepted by SM quark charges of generations 2 and 3) can be deduced (starting with the 2/3, -1/3 quark charges in the 1st generation) via application of the following two principles: the level coherence condition and minimal non-negative integer valuedness of U(3)-imbeddings (work of 2018 in co-authorship with А.Yu.Palyanov). A.V.Levichev believes that the МLМ is the crowning step in the ‘line’ (Einstein, Мinkowski Аlexandrov) – (de Broglie, Schrödinger) – Wigner – (Segal, Paneitz), and that (according to the model) free quarks exist as protons, while free qluons exist as photons. In turn, the SM quarks are ‘captured’ protons (they gain flavor and color when been captured in a certain level), while the SМ gluons are captured flavored color photons.