I will introduce some basic concepts concerning neutrino/antineutrino scattering off nuclei, particularizing on the nuclear quasielastic (QE) responses in one of the simplest nuclear models, the relativistic Fermi gas model. The scaling and super-scaling properties of QE electron scattering data will briefly be introduced in order to make connection with the use of the SuSAM* model to be applied to QE neutrino scattering observables. I will explain the theoretical foundations behind the introduction of a relativistic effective mass for the nucleon mass inside the nuclear medium. These foundations are based on the findings of Walecka relativistic mean field model for nuclear matter, which reproduces the bulk properties of nuclear matter after adjusting some parameters and afterwards was widely used in the 80's and 90's to describe properties of finite nuclei within other much more sophisticated approaches. Although the relativistic effective nucleon mass has theoretical foundations, in our SuSAM* model it is an adjustable parameter (as it is the Fermi momentum as well) to be fitted to QE electron scattering data in order to reproduce scaling properties of data as better as possible by tuning these two parameters and those of a suitable scaling function.