A relation between conformal anomalies and logarithmic terms in the entanglement entropy (EE) is known to exist for CFT's (in even dimensions). It is also reproduced by holographic computations. In my talk, I discuss boundary effects in the conformal anomaly and EE, when the entangling surface crosses the physical boundary of the system. The talk covers the following recent results: classification and calculation of "boundary" charges in the integrated conformal anomaly of a CFT effective action in 3 and 4 dimensions; relation between "boundary" and "bulk" charges; derivation of boundary logarithmic terms in EE. I also report on our new studies of distributional properties of intrinsic and extrinsic geometries of a boundary in the presence of conical singularities in the bulk. These properties allow one to make a connection of EE to the boundary terms in the anomaly.
(В связи с выдвижением на премию ОИЯИ)