Volkov Mikhail Konstantinovich
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Academic record Lecturing and teaching Main scientific interests Main scientific works Autobiography


NAME: Mikhail Konstantinovich Volkov

BIRTHDATE: 27 January 1937

PLACE OF BIRTH Ivanovo (Central Russia)

RESIDENTAL ADDRESS: Russia, 141980 Dubna (Moscow),str.Bogoliubova, h.11, apt.33.

CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: Honorary staff member of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

ADDRESS: Laboratory of Theoretical Physics Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980,Dubna,Moscow region, Russia.

E-mail: volkov@thsun1.jinr.ru

FAX: (007)-09621-65084


1954-1960: The Physical Department of Moscow University.

1958-1960: Scientific Adviser - Prof. B.V.Medvedev(MIAS). Field of Study - Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics.

1960-1962: Post-graduate student at Moscow University. Scientific Adviser - Academician N.N.Bogoliubov

1962-1969: Member of Scientific staff of Laboratory Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna.

1969-1986: Senior member of Scientific staff of Laboratory Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna.

1986-1993: Chief member of Scientific staff of Laboratory Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna.

1993-1996: Principal member of Scientific staff of Laboratory Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna.

1993-2004: Head of group of Laboratory Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna.

2004: Principal member of Scientific staff of Laboratory Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna.

1967: The Candidate of Science. Title of Candidate Thesis: "Model of the quantum field theory with rapidly increasing spectral function" is defended at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Scientific Adviser - Prof. D.I.Blokhintsev.

1974: Degree of the Doctor of Science (Habilitation Dissertation) is defended at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Title of the Doctor Thesis: "Method of construction of the Green's functions in the quantum field theories with the nonpolynomial Lagrangians".

1991: The degree Professor of Theoretical Physics.

2000: Honored Scientist of Russian Federation.

2004: Honorary staff member of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.

Lecturing and Teaching Activities

  • Tutoring in preparation of several student's diplomas and six Candidates of Science Degrees since 1974 (Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna, Russia).
  • Lecturing in quantum field theories since 1975 (at different Universities of USSR).
  • Author of the monography: M.K.Volkov, V.N.Pervushin, "Essentially Nonlinear Field Theory, Dynamical Symmetry and Pion Physics", ATOMIZDAT, Moscow, ed. D.I.Blokhintsev, 1979 (in Russian)

Main Scientific Interests

  • Regularization methods for the nonpolynomial quantum field theories,
  • Low-energy hadron physics in the chiral quntum field theory,
  • Quark models of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio type and investigation of the quark and hadron properties in this theory,
  • Strong and electroweak meson interactions,
  • Behaviour of hadrons in the hot and dense medium,
  • Nonlocal chiral quark model with confinement,
  • Description of the excited meson states.

Main Scientific Works

1. Quantum field model with unrenormalizable interaction. Commun. Math. Phys. 7(1968)289.

2. Method of construction of the Green's functions in momentum space for unrenormalizable interactions. Ann. Phys. 49(1968)202.

3. Green functions in the theory of local unrenormalizable interactions. Commun. Math. Phys. 15(1969)69.

4. Methods of quantum field theory with rapidly increasing spectral functions. Fortschr. Phys. 19(1971)757.

5. Description of nonpolynomial quantum field theories by superpropagator method. Fortschr. Phys. 22(1974)499.

6. The electromagnetic form-factor of the pion. With V.N.Pervushin. Phys. Lett. 51B (1974)356.

7. Pion polarizability in chiral quantum field theory. With V.N.Pervushin. Phys. Lett. 55B (1975)405.

8. Description of pi pi scattering and the pion electromagnetic properties in quantum chiral field theory. With V.N.Pervushin. Nuovo Cim. 27A (1975)277.

9. Electromagnetic interactions of kaons. With V.N.Pervushin. Phys. Lett. 58B (1975)177.

10. Pion decays in quantum chiral field theory. With V.N.Pervushin. Phys. Lett. 58B (1975)74.

11. Quantum field theory with chiral Lagrangians and low-energy meson physics. With V.N.Pervushin. Uspechi. Fiz. Nauk. 120 (1976)363.

12. Decays of the main meson octet in the quantum chiral theory. Particles and Nucleus 10 (1979)693.

13. Nonlinear realization of the Weinberg-Salam model in the chiral SU(4) SU(4) meson theory. With D.Ebert. Yad. Phys. 29 (1979)523.

14. Four-quark interaction as a common dynamic source of the sigma-model and vector dominance. With D.Ebert. Yad. Phys. 36 (1982)1265.

15. Composite-meson model with vector dominance based on U(2) invariant four-quark interactions. With D.Ebert. Z. Phys. 16C (1983)205.

16. Meson Lagrangians of the U(3) group in the model with four-quark interactions. With D.V.Kreopalov. Theor. Math. Phys. 57 (1983)21.

17. Meson Lagrangians in a superconductor quark model. Ann. Phys. 157 (1984)282.

18. Low-energy meson physics in the quark model of superconducting type. Sov. J. Part. Nucl. 17(3) (1986)186.

19. Chiral anomalies,low-energy theorems and the form factor of the VPP- interaction. With D.Ebert, A.N.Ivanov, H.Reinhardt. Phys. Lett. 182B (1986)193.

20. The decays a_1 -> pi rho, a_1 -> pi gamma, a_1-> e nu gamma in the quark model of superconductivity type. With A.N.Ivanov, M.Nagy. Phys. Lett. 200B (1988)171.

21. Mesons in the quark model of superconductivity type. With D.Ebert, A.N.Ivanov. Fortschr. Phys. 37 (1989)487.

22. The decay tau -> 3 pi nu and characteristics of a_1 meson. With Yu.P.Ivanov, A.A.Osipov. Z. Phys. 49C (1991)563.

23. QCD-motivated NJL-model with quark and gluon condensates. With D.Ebert. Phys. Lett. 272B (1991)86.

24. Form factors of the decay D^+ -> K^o e nu . Phys. Lett. 295B (1992)122.

25. Mesons and diquarks in a NJL model at finite temperature and chemical potential. With D.Ebert, Yu.L.Kalinovsky, L.Muenchow. Int.J.Mod.Phys. A8 (1993)1295.

26. Effective chiral Lagrangians and the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. Phys.Part.Nucl. 24 (1993)35.

27. Mesons at finite temperature in the NJL model with gluon condensate. With D.Ebert, Yu.L.Kalinovsky. Phys. Lett. 301B (1993)231.

28. Scalar mesons in a chiral quark model with gluons. With K.Kusaka, W.Weise. Phys. Lett. 302B (1993)145.

29. QCD sum rules at very low temperature. With V.I.Zakharov. Yad.Fiz. 57 (1994)1106.

30. Effective hadron theory of QCD. With D.Ebert, H.Reinhardt. Prog.Part.Nucl. Phys. 33 (1994)1.

31. The decays of D mesons. With M.P.Khanna. Theor.Math.Phys. 102 (1995)217.

32. TO THE PROBLEM OF $1/N_c$ APPROXIMATION IN THE NJL MODEL. With D.Ebert,M.Nagy.Yad.Fiz. 59 (1996) 149-152.

33. 1/N_c expansion of the quark condensate at finite temperature. With D.Blaschke, Yu.L.Kalinovsky, G.Roepke, S.Schmidt. Phys.Rev. C53(1996)2394.

34. Pion polarizabilities at finite temperature. With A.E.Dorokhov, J.Huefner, S.Klevansky, P.Rehberg. Z.Phys. C75 (1997)127.

35. A chiral Lagrangian for excited pions. With C.Weiss. Phys.Rev. D56 (1997)221.

36. The pseudoscalar and vector excited mesons in the U(3)*U(3) chiral model. Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60 (1997)1920.

37. EXCESS LOW ENERGY PHOTON PAIRS FROM PION ANNIHILATION AT THE CHIRAL PHASE TRANSITION. With E.A.Kuraev,D.Blaschke,G.Roepke,S.Schmidt. Phys.Lett.B424 (1998) pp.235-243.

38. Radially excited scalar, pseudoscalar, and vector meson nonets in a chiral quark model. With V.L.Yudichev. Fiz.Elem.Chast.At.Yadra, vol.31, No. 3 (2000), 576-633.

39. SU(2)xSU(2) nonlocal quark model with confinement. With A.E.Radzhabov. Eur. Phys. J. A19 (2004) pp.139-142.

40. Pion radii in nonlocal chiral quark model. With A.E.Dorokhov, A.E.Radzhabov. Eur. Phys. J. A21 (2004) p.155.

Total number of publications in referred journals: 130


My name is Volkov Mikhail. I was born in Ivanovo (Central Russia) on January 27, 1937. In 1954 I entered Moscow State University, the Physical Department. From the third year I studied at the Electrodynamics and Quantum Theory chair headed by Academician L.D. Landau. From the fourth year till graduation I was receiving the I.V. Stalin grant.
My graduation thesis, prepared under the supervision of Prof. B.V. Medvedev at the Steklov Mathematical Institute, was devoted to the influence of different methods of introducing elementary length on the result of calculation.
I graduated from the University in 1960 and entered the post-graduate course of Academician N.N. Bogoliubov.
In 1961-1962 I worked in Dubna in the group of V.G. Soloviev and published two papers on the superfluid model of nucleus.
In May 1962 I became a member of the scientific staff of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, Dubna. In 1963 I returned to the work in the field of elementary particles and quantum field theory in the group of Prof. D.I. Blokhintsev. Together with G.V. Efimov I started to study different methods of regularization in nonpolynomial field theories. It was a natural continuation of the topic which I had studied in my graduation thesis. Over the period 1965-1974 I published a series of works devoted to the methods for regularization of quantum field theory with the nonpolynomial Lagrangian. On the basis of these works I received the Candidate of Science degree in 1967 and the Doctor of Science degree in 1974. I was also a winner of the Moscow region young scientists and specialists competition in science and technology in 1970 and of the JINR prize in 1977.
Prof. A. Salam attempted to use my method of regularization of quantum field theories with the nonpolynomial Lagrangian for constructing gravity-modified quantum electrodynamics without divergences (C.J.Isham, A.Salam and J.Strathdee, `Infinity Suppression Gravity Modified Quantum Electrodynamics,' Phys. Rev. D3, 1805 (1971).; Phys. Rev. D5, 2548 (1972).). He gave the name "superpropagator" to that method of regularization. He had an idea of treating the gravitational field as a universal regularizer for all other interactions.
Another interesting application of the superpropagator method was proposed by Prof. H. Lehmann in 1972-1973. He used the superpropagator method for regularization of pion loops with ultraviolet divergences in his description of the pion-pion scattering in chiral nonlinear theories (H.Lehmann, `Chiral Invariance And Effective Range Expansion For Pion Pion Scattering,' Phys. Lett. B41, 529 (1972).; H.Lehmann and H.Trute, `Second Order Effects In Chiral-Invariant Pion Lagrangians And The Use Of Superpropagators,' Nucl. Phys. B52, 280 (1973)).
This concept was developed by me and V.N. Pervushin in order to construct the chiral-symmetric perturbation theory with nonlinear chiral Lagrangians in the one-loop approximation. Many internal properties and interactions of mesons (decays, pi pi, pi K and K K scattering lengths, electromagnetic radii and polarizabilities) were described within the framework of this theory. The pion polarizability was measured by the JINR-IHEP group and the results turned out to be in agreement with our predictions. Large part of those works became a basis for the Doctorate thesis of V.N. Pervushin.
Later on chiral symmetric perturbation theory with the nonlinear chiral Lagrangian was developed in works of H. Leutwyler with collaborators and won the recognition.
The superpropagator method and its application to the chiral-symmetric perturbation theory with nonlinear chiral Lagrangians were described in detail in the monograph by M.K. Volkov and V.N. Pervushin "Essentially nonlinear quantum theories, dynamical symmetires, and meson physics," Atomizdat, Moscow, 1978, pp.240.
In the above-mentioned papers chiral symmetry of strong interaction was used without taking into account the quark structure of hadrons. To describe properties and interactions of mesons at a more fundamental level it is necessary to take into account the quark structure of hadrons. The NJL model proved to be very useful for this purpose. It was proposed by Nambu and Jona-Lasinio in 1961 for description of the nucleon mass by spontaneous symmetry breaking. On the quark level this model was formulated by Japanese scientists T. Eguchi and K. Kikkawa in 1976 for the case of exact chiral symmetry.
In 1981 I together with Prof. D. Ebert started to study the internal structure of this model and its different physical applications for the real physical situation when current quark masses not equal zero. The issues studied were dynamical chiral symmetry breaking on the quark level, inclusion of electromagnetic and weak interactions in the model, properties and interactions of mesons. Vector dominance was found to naturally arise in the NJL model.
Starting from 1985 investigations in this field were growing more and more extensive. In many countries, especially in Germany and Japan, hundreds of papers and reviews in this area were published. Results that I and my collaborators were first to obtain were reproduced and confirmed by other authors.
In 1987 I and Prof. D. Ebert were awarded the JINR Prize for the works on description of low-energy meson physics in the quark model of the superconductive type. S.U. Suiarov, D.V. Kreopalov, A.A. Osipov, Z.L. Guliamova and N.I. Troitskaya received their Candidate of Science degrees working under my supervision on this topic.
In the mid-1980s years A.N. Ivanov and I investigated kaon physics in the NJL model. On the basis of those works A.N. Ivanov received the Doctor of Science degree.
Later I together with group of physicist from Germany and Russia (D. Ebert, C. Weiss, V.L. Yudichev) constructed a simple version of the nonlocal quark model of the NJL type. In this model we described first radial excitations of scalar, pseudoscalar and vector meson nonets, their mass spectrum and main strong decays. We interpreted 19 experimentally found scalar states in the region 0.4-1.75 GeV as the main and radially excited meson nonets and a scalar glueball with the mass 1.5 GeV. For these works we were awarded the 2002 JINR Prize.
In 2003-2005 I together with A.E. Dorokhov and A.E. Radzhabov considered a more complicated version of the nonlocal model with form factors providing quark confinement. Here we proved low-energy theorems, described masses and strong decays of the scalar, pseudoscalar, vector and axial-vector mesons and pion electromagnetic properties(radii and polarizability). A.E. Radzhabov defended a Candidate of Science thesis on this topic.
For the last ten years I and V.L. Yudichev together with German collaborators (J. Huefner, D. Ebert, G. Roepke, D. Blaschke, S. Klevansky and others) have also been studying meson behavior in hot and dense matter in the vicinity of critical values of temperature and chemical potential. We have obtained a number of interesting results in this field.
Now I have 254 publications and 1 monograph. These works are well known and cited. There are some 1500 references to my works in the literature. The most cited publication is the paper in the Ann. Phys. (N.Y.), 157 (1984) 282 (about 200 references).
I also took part in work of organizing committee of many international conferences. Particularly I was a member of organizing committees of all XII conferences devoted to the Problem of Quantum Field Theory. For the first time these conferences was organized by the Prof. D.I. Blokhintsev in 1967.
During fifteen years I was a member of academic council of Laboratory for High Energy. Now I am a member of academic council of Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics.
Home address: Russia, 141980 Dubna (Moscow), str.Bogoliubova, h.11, apt.33.
Telephone:(007)-09621-30231 (home),(007)-09621-63176 (office).


Волков Михаил Константинович родился 27 января 1937 г. В 1954 г. поступил на Физический факультет МГУ. С 3-го курса проходил обучение на кафедре академика Л.Д.Ландау. Дипломную работу подготовил в Математическом институте им. В.А.Стеклова под руководством проф. Б.В.Медведева. В январе 1960 г. закончил Физический факультет МГУ, поступил в аспиратнуру к академику Н.Н.Боголюбову и начал научную деятельность в Лаборатории теоретической физики ОИЯИ. С мая 1962 г. перешел в заочную аспирантуру и поступил на постоянную работу в ЛТФ ОИЯИ, где работает до настоящего времени.

В 1967 г. М.К.Волков защитил кандидатскую, а в 1973 г. – докторскую диссертации. С 1993 г. является главным научным сотрудником. С 1996 г. по 2004 г. занимал должность начальника сектора. В 1991 г. получил звание профессора.

М.К.Волков общепризнанный специалист в области математической физики, квантовой теории поля и кирально-симметричных моделей адронов. Предложенный им метод регуляризации для неполиномиальных теорий поля, получивший название «суперпропагаторный метод» использовался в работах профессора А.Салама, профессора Г.Лемана и других известных западных ученых. М.К.Волков совместно с В.Н.Первушиным автор хорошо известной монографии «Существенно нелинейные теории поля, динамические симметрии и физика мезонов», где также использовался суперпропагаторный метод и были заложены основы киральной теории возмущений для низкоэнергетической физики адронов. Этот метод получил дальнейшее развитие в общепризнанных в настоящее время работах школы профессора Г.Лейтвиллера.

В работах М.К.Волкова, выполненных до 1980 г., не учитывалась кварковая структура адронов. Для более глубокого понимания внутренних свойств адронов и их сильных взаимодействий необходимо было рассмотреть киральную симметрию на более фундаментальном кварковом уровне.

Для этих целей очень полезной оказалась модель Намбу-Йона-Лазинио (НИЛ).
С 1981 г. М.К.Волков совместно с Д.Эбертом приступил к интенсивному изучению как внутренней структуры этой модели, так и к ее различным физическим приложениям в области низкоэнергетической физики адронов. Работы в этой области принесли М.К.Волкову мировую известность.

В последующие годы это направление в физике адронов приобрело большую популярность. Работы М.К.Волкова неоднократно использовались и часто цитировались многими авторами (две работы М.К.Волкова имеют более двухсот ссылок на каждую). Всего М.К.Волковым опубликовано 288 работ, из них 190 в рецензируемых журналах, на которые в настоящее время имеется более 2000 ссылок.

За последние 5 лет М.К.Волковым опубликовано более 30 работ в рецензируемых журналах. В этих работах изучалось поведение мезонов в горячей и плотной среде, были описаны радиационные распады скалярных мезонов в согласии с последними экспериментальными данными, а также выведена нелокальная НИЛ модель из фундаментальной теории К.Х.Д. М.К.Волков в течение многих лет читал курсы лекций по квантовой теории поля в различных университетах Советского Союза. Под его руководством проведены защиты шести кандидатских диссертаций. Он также принимал активное участие в подготовке четырех докторских диссертаций.

М.К.Волков неоднократно организовывал, участвовал и докладывал свои работы на международных конференциях и школах. Он был руководителем многих грантов РФФИ и совместных проектов с учеными Германии, Франции, Японии. В течение многих лет был членом ученых советов ЛВЭ и ЛТФ.

В 1969 г. М.К.Волков стал лауреатом конкурса молодых ученых Московской области. М.К.Волков три раза был удостоен премий ОИЯИ (1977, 1987 и 2002 гг.).
В 2004 г. дирекция ОИЯИ присудила М.К.Волкову звание «Почетный сотрудник ОИЯИ». В сентябре 2000 г. Указом Президента РФ М.К.Волкову присвоено звание «Заслуженный деятель науки Российской Федерации».

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