The Proceedings of NSRT03 will be published by International Academic Publishing Company "Nauka/Interperiodica" as special issues of Russian journal "Yadernaya Fizika".

In order to ensure maximal and even quality of the Proceedings and have the publication within the schedule agreed with the Publisher the Organizing Committee request the authors to follow the editorial instructions which can be found at

The Organizing Committee accepts the electronic version of reports which are requested to use LaTeX 2.e package (with \documentclass[12pt...]{article} and the standard 1.5 line spacing). The package can be downloaded from

Figures (only black and white) should be prepared in Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) format and presented as separate files (one figure - one file).

Please, adhere to the following order: Title, Author(s), Affiliations, Abstract, MainText, Acknowledgments, References, Figure captions, Figures, Tables.

Manuscripts which are prepared in a style different from that presented in this package will not be included in the Proceedings.

A ps-file of a manuscript for 30 min talk should not exceed 15 pages (including title, list of authors, abstract, main text, references, figures and tables).

A ps-file of a manuscript for 20 min talk should not exceed 10 pages (including title, list of authors, abstract, main text, references, figures and tables).

Authors, whose manuscript exceed the corresponding page limit, will be impartially requested to shorten the manuscript accordingly.

The electronic files of all the manuscripts should reach the Organizing Committee NOT LATER THAN OCTOBER 15, 2003. The manuscripts received after this date will not be included in the Proceedings.