Professor D.I. BLOKHINTSEV studied physics at the Moscow State University (1926 - 1930). He was influenced by L. I. Mandelstam, S. I. Vavilov and I.E. Tamm. He received his Ph.D. in 1934 on a thesis entitled ``Selected Topics of Solid State Theory and Especially of Physics of Metals''. It was supervised by Professor I.E. Tamm.
In 1938 he practically formulated the theory of the Lamb shift, which was reported at the Physical Institute but was not published. The Editorial Board of ZhExpTeorFiz has rejected this manuscript and it was published only later, in 1958 as Dubna preprint.
In his paper at J.Phys. USSR 2, 71 (1940) he showed on the basis of the uncertainty relation that it is impossible to construct the distribution function
(density matrix) which could represent the quantum ensemble in the (p,x) phase space. It is well known that the statistical description
of a microscopic system may usually be formulated in terms of its density operator. In 1932, E. Wigner proposed
an approach of the calculating of the statistical average of measurements of a microscopic observable by transferring of
statistical information from the density operator to a weight function w(Q) which refers to the density operator and whose complex argument Q
represents a point (p,x) in the phase space of the system (E.P. Wigner, "On the quantum correction for thermodynamic equilibrium", Phys. Rev. 40 (June 1932) 749-759).
The goal was to replace the wavefunction that appears in Schrodinger equation with a probability distribution in phase
space. It is a generating function for all spatial autocorrelation functions of a given quantum-mechanical wavefunction
\psi(x), and corresponds to the density matrix in the map between phase space functions and Hermitean operators
introduced by Hermann Weyl in 1931, in representation theory in mathematics (cf. Weyl quantization in physics). It was
rederived later by J. Ville in 1948 as a quadratic (in signal) representation of the local time-frequency energy of a
signal. It is also known as the "Wigner function" or the "Wigner-Ville distribution".
Actually, Wigner introduced a method of performing quantum-mechanical
ensemble averages in terms of phase-space integration over c-number variables. Since that time, a number of
extensions, modifications, discussions, derivations, applications, etc., have appeared in the literature.
What is important, the function w(Q) is not, in general,
interpretable as a probability distribution, but it plays so closely the role of one that it is usually referred to
as a quasi-propability distribution. Actually, there exist an infinite number of quasi-distribution
functions which can be used for the same purpose as the Wigner distribution function.
During 1935 - 1950 Professor D. I. BLOKHINTSEV worked at Physical Institute (FIAN) and Moscow State University.
Professor D. I. BLOKHINTSEV worked second half of his life (1956 - 1979) at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, , Dubna.
He was founder and first Director of JINR (1956 -1965). He was Director of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR during 1965 - 1979 ( now Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics), Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna.
Professor D. I. BLOKHINTSEV published well known monograph:
Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics, first edition, Moscow, 1944,
fifth edition, Moscow, 1976.
This book was translated to many foreign languages and become the classics of scientific
He is known for his original INTERPRETATION
OF QUANTUM MECHANICS which is based on the conception of quantum ensembles. A detailed analysis of this approach
can be found in the extended review:
Home D., Whitaker M. A. B. ``Ensemble Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. A Modern Perspective.''
Phys.Rep. 1992. Vol.210. P.223.
He published also many well known monographs and books on physics for broader audience and many articles in popular
magazines like "Priroda", etc.
Professor D.I. BLOKHINTSEV was talented lecturer and teacher and educated many first-rank scientists - A.V. Efremov, G.V. Efimov, B.M. Barbashov, N.A. Chernikov, P.S. Isaev, G.I. Kolerov and many others.
His BIBLIOGRAPHY consists of about 300 items.
The best papers will be published in 2 volumes "Collected Papers" in Moscow in 2008.
His list of publications shows that during his life his scientific interests were divided nearly equally
between three fields of investigations: physics of solid state and statistical physics, atomic and nuclear physics and
harness of nuclear energy, and high-energy physics and elementary particles physics.
He worked also on the epistemological problems of knowledge and physics, in particular. He wrote a number of essays
about scientific creativity and inter-relation between science and art.
Professor D. I. BLOKHINTSEV stimulated greatly the development of researches in various fields of theoretical physics. In spite of his many administrative duties he was very kind and simple person in the everyday behavior. He was especially open to discussions, conversations on arts and science and was interested in the philosophy and history of science. He was good painter and liked winter sport at Dubna. He died when he skied at Dubna on the heart attack. His mental influence on the intellectual atmosphere at Dubna was extremely strong and his presence at JINR, Dubna still persists.
Concise but clear and instructive account of Blokhintsev's works and life was given by B.M. Barbashov and A.N. Sissakian in Vestnik RFFI No.1 (2008) pp.33-36.
Collected Works of D.I. BLOKHINTSEV are free available on the PORTAL RFBR:
D.I. BLOKHINTSEV, "Collected Papers" , Vol.1
D.I. BLOKHINTSEV, "Collected Papers" , Vol.2
Additional source for the Collected Works of D.I. BLOKHINTSEV in DJVU format:
D.I. BLOKHINTSEV, "Collected Papers" , Vol.1
D.I. BLOKHINTSEV, "Collected Papers" , Vol.2
A detailed analysis of the works of D.I. BLOKHINTSEV on quantum physics and relevant References
can be found in the extended review:
A.L.Kuzemsky, Works of D.I. Blokhintsev and Development of Quantum Physics
Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 2008, vol. 39, Issue 2, pp.137-172.
( http://theor.jinr.ru/~kuzemsky/preprints/Blokhintsev08.pdf)
(in English).
Russian version is available at:
Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, 2008, vol. 39, Issue 1, pp.5-81.
A detailed REPORTAGE from the 13th Int.Conference on Selected Problems of Modern Theoretical Physics, Dubna, June, 2008, dedicated to
100th Anniversary of the Birthday of D.I.Blokhintsev
can be found in the PDF file:
( http://theor.jinr.ru/~kuzemsky/DIBConf08.pdf)
Additional information (in Russian) can be found in Russian Wikipedia article about Blokhintsev.
See also an article LAMB SCHIFT in Russian Wikipedia.
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