I attended primary and secondary school in Donetsk city.
At January of 1969 I finished my studies at the Moscow State University(http://www.phys.msu.ru/)
on gaining the diploma in Theoretical Physics.
My diploma thesis "Green`s Functions Studies of Anisotropic Heisenberg
Magnet" was supervised by Prof. L.A. Maksimov, correspondent-member of RAS (Kurchatov
Institute for Atomic Energy , Moscow).
Since February 1969 I am a staff member of the Laboratory of Theoretical
Physics ( now Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics), Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna.
I have obtained my Ph.D. degree in December of 1970 on a thesis
entitled: "Selected Problems of Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics".
My thesis was written under the supervision of Prof. D.N. Zubarev (
Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow).
During the years from 1970 to 1985 I continued my researches in the general
area of quantum statistical mechanics and various concrete problems of
condensed matter theory.
In 1985 I was nominated by Leading Researcher of Theoretical Physics.
My research activities led to a variety
of publications (more than 220 research and review papers). As notable examples I may mention, in addition
to the works on irreversible statistical mechanics, the series of my works
in which I developed a novel Irreducible Green`s Functions Method for the
many-body systems with strong correlation and complex many-branch
spectra. The IGF method allows to find the quasiparticle spectra with damping
in very general way. I applied the IGF method to a number of solid-state
I investigated the problems of statistical mechanics and the physics of many-particle model systems.
In the last two decades I am working on the quantum theory of
magnetism and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics (see Review).
Big part of my researches was summarized in an extended BOOK: Statistical Mechanics and the Physics of Many-Particle Model Systems (World Scientific, Singapore, 2017).
The book is devoted to the study of the correlation effects in many-particle systems. It presents the advanced methods of quantum statistical mechanics (equilibrium and nonequilibrium), and shows their effectiveness and operational ability in applications to problems of quantum solid-state theory, quantum theory of magnetism and the kinetic theory. The book includes description of the fundamental concepts and techniques of analysis following the approach of N N Bogoliubov's school, including recent developments. It provides an overview that introduces the main notions of quantum many-particle physics with the emphasis on concepts and models.
I have published also about 30 articles on general and philosophical problems of physics and society.
In addition I have published about 2000 short surveyes (synopsises) in "Russian Survey Journals:Physics" (РЖ: ФИЗИКА)
(published by Institute of Scientific Information RAS, Moscow).
Since May 1989 I was a member of Executive Council of Moscow
Physical Society and during 1989-1999 I was a member of Executive
Editorial Board of the Journal of the Moscow Physical Society (in
Since 2004 I am a member of Magnetic Society of Russian
I am invited Referee for the JOURNALS:
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics,
Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei,
physica status solidi (b),
Physics Letters,
Physics of Fluids,
Physica A,
Physica B,
Annalen der Physik
APPLIED SCIENCES (http://www.mdpi.com/),
Surface Physics,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,
European Physics Journal B,
CARBON (Elsevier),
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids,
Journal of Luminescence,
Canadian Journal of Physics,
Brazilian Journal of Physics,
International Journal of Thermophysics,
International Journal of Chemical Physics,
Modern Physics Letters B (World Scientific),
International Journal of Modern Physics B (World Scientific),
Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences (AMIS),
AXIOMS (http://www.mdpi.com/),
ENTROPY (http://www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy),
CONDENSED MATTER (http://www.mdpi.com/),
INORGANICS (http://www.mdpi.com/),
MECCANICA (Springer),
Philosophical Magazine,
Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, etc.