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Wednesday, September 29
10.00 In memory of N.N. Bogolyubov
Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow
11.00 Moving to Dubna
18.30 | Inauguration of the Plaque in commemoration of N.N. BOGOLYUBOV | 20 min |
19.00 Welcome party
Thursday, September 30
The Bogolyubov Laboratory
of Theoretical Physics, JINR
Plenary Session
The Conference Hall
9.30 | Greetings, reminiscences, memoirs | 45 min. |
10.10 | Awarding of the N.N. Bogolyubov Prize for young scientists | 5 min |
10.20 | V.A. Matveev (Moscow), A.N. Tavkhelidze (Tbilisi) | 40 min. |
"N.N. Bogolyubov and the elementary particle physics" |
11.00 -- 11.30 Coffee/tea
11.30 | K. Nishijima (Tokyo) | 40 min. |
"Goto-Imamura-Schwinger term and renormalization group" | ||
12.10 | A.A. Slavnov (Moscow) | 40 min. |
"Theories with fermions without anticommuting variables" | ||
12.50 | A.M. Baldin (JINR) | 40 min. |
"Methods of quantum field theory and symmetries in nuclear physics" |
13.30 -- 15.00 Lunch
Parallel sessions
Quantum field theory The Conference Hall
Conveners: A.A.Slavnov, A.T.Filippov | ||
15.00 | A.T. Filippov (JINR) | 30 min. |
"Integrable models of quantum gravity" | ||
15.30 | F. Tkachov (Moscow) | 30 min. |
"Distribution theoretic methods in quantum field theory. Applications to advanced perturbative calculations and to systematic perturbation theory with unstable fundamental fields" | ||
16.00 | I.L. Solovtsov (JINR) "Nonperturbative expansion method in QCD and its applications" | 30 min. |
17.00 | O.A. Khrustalev, M.B. Chichikina (Moscow) | 30 min. |
"Bogolyubov variables in relativistic models" | ||
17.30 | R. Mir-Kasimov (JINR) "Coulomb symmetry and non-commutative differential calculus" | 30 min. |
18.00 | V. Gogohia (Osaka) | 30 min. |
"YM quantum vacuum energy density" |
Elementary particle physics 4th floor, the auditorium
Conveners: P.N.Bogolyubov, V.A.Matveev | ||
15.00 | B.A. Arbuzov (Moscow) | 30 min. |
Bogolyubov quasi-average in the electroweak theory with dynamically broken symmetry | ||
15.30 | R.N. Faustov (Moscow) | 30 min. |
"Properties of heavy mesons in the relativistic quark model" | ||
16.00 | J. Koerner (Mainz) | 30 min. |
"Radiative Corrections to Spin-Observables in Polarized Top Decay" |
17.00 | C. Syros (Patras) | 20 min. |
"Irreversibility and the role of time in QFT" | ||
17.20 | M.K. Volkov (JINR) | 20 min. |
"Excited scalar mesons in a chiral quark model" | ||
17.40 | A.E. Dorokhov (JINR) | 20 min. |
"Nonlocal quark and gluon condensates within a constrained model" | ||
18.00 | G.V. Efimov (JINR) | 20 min. |
"Bound states in quantum field theory" | ||
18.20 | M.P. Chavleishvili (JINR) | 20 min. |
"Symmetry and analiticity" | ||
18.40 | A.L. Kataev (Moscow) | 20 min. |
"The QCD Analysis of the CCFR data for XF(3): higher twists and extractions at the NNLO and beyond" |
Statistical physics and kinetics 2th floor, the auditorium
Conveners: N.N.Bogolyubov, jr., A.G. Sitenko, N.M.Plakida | ||
15.00 | V.L. Aksenov (JINR) | 20 min. |
"Broken symmetry in fullerene crystalls" | ||
15.20 | S. Flach (Dresden) | 20 min. |
"Discrete breathers in systems with homogenious interaction potentials-analytic solutions" | ||
15.40 | J. Czerwonko (Wroclaw) | 20 min. |
"Combined BCS and Van Hove scenarios" | ||
16.00 | A.V. Svidzinsky (Lutsk) | 20 min. |
"The theory of current states in some species of supercondactivity contacts" |
17.00 | A. Kuehnel (Leipzig) | 20 min. |
"Noise Induced Phase Transitions in Spatially Extended Models Systems" | ||
17.20 | S. Larsen (Philadelphia) | 20 min. |
"The Q.M. third Virtual Coefficient in a Hyperspherical Adiabatic Basis" | ||
17.40 | K. Kadowaki (Tsukuba) | 20 min. |
"On the Superconducting Plasma: an Example of Broken Gauge Symmetry" | ||
18.00 | J.G. Brankov (Sofia) | 20 min. |
"Exact results for the 1D asymmetric simple-exclusion process with forward-orderd sequential dynamics and open boundaries" |
Nuclear physics Auditorium 413, Educational Center
Conveners: A.M.Baldin, V.V.Voronov | ||
15.00 | P. Ring (Muenich) "Relativistic Hartree-Bogolyubov Theory" | 30 min. |
15.30 | A.I. Malakhov (JINR) | 30 min. |
"Asymptotic laws in relativistic nuclear physics and their experimental test" | ||
16.00 | A. Peshier (Dresden) "Structure of the quark propagator in high-temperature QCD" | 30 min. |
17.00 | V.V. Burov (JINR) "Nuclear physics and QCD" | 25 min. |
17.25 | V.V. Voronov (JINR) | 25 min. |
"The Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov method in nuclear physics" | ||
17.50 | S.G. Rohozinski (Warsaw) to be announced | 25 min. |
18.15 | V.V. Pashkevich (JINR) | 25 min. |
"Effects of mean feald in nucleus and metallic clusters" |
20.00 Concert
Friday, October 1
The Bogolyubov Laboratory
of Theoretical Physics, JINR
Plenary Session
The Conference Hall
9.00 | H. Araki (Tokyo) | 40 min. |
"Operator algebraic analysis of the XY-model" | ||
9.40 | A.A. Logunov (Protvino) | 40 min. |
"Field representations in the theory of gravitation" | ||
10.20 | I.A. Savin (JINR) | 40 min. |
"Structure of nucleons" |
11.30 | J. Zinn-Justin (Saclay) | 40 min. |
to be announced | ||
12.10 | Nguyen Van Hieu (Hanoi) | 40 min. |
"Methods of quantum field theory in relativistic statistical physics" | ||
12.50 | V.M. Filippov (Moscow) | 40 min. |
"Construction of varitional principles for non Eulerian classes of functionals for PDE's of the second order with potential operators" |
Parallel sessions
Elementary particle physics 4th floor, the auditorium
Conveners: P.N.Bogolyubov, V.A.Matveev | ||
15.00 | N.V. Krasnikov (Moscow) | 30 min. |
"Search for supersymmetry at supercolliders" | ||
15.30 | L.D. Soloviev (Protvino) "String quark model of mesons" | 30 min. |
16.00 | V. Gupta (Mexico) "Renormalization scheme independent perturbation theory-RESIPE" | 30 min. |
17.00 | L.L. Jenkovzsky (Kyiv) "Analiticity, strings and duality" | 20 min. |
17.20 | A.D. Sukhanov (Moscow) | 20 min. |
"New outlook on the "energy-time" uncertainty relation" | ||
17.40 | S.V. Goloskokov (JINR) | 20 min. |
"Diffractive hadron production and pomeron coupling structure" | ||
18.00 | Yu.A. Sitenko (Kyiv) | 20 min. |
"Vacuum polarization effects as a consequence of nontrivial spatial topology" | ||
18.20 | N.A. Chernikov (JINR) | 20 min. |
"Gravity theory on a background of the Lobachevsky geometry" | ||
18.40 | V.A. Dubrovsky (Moscow) | 20 min. |
"The revealing and spead evaluation of the gravitational waves" | ||
19.00 | E.G. Bubelev (JINR) | 20 min. |
"Reverse problems in the "Lobachevsky-Poincare' programme for high energy physics" |
Quantum field theory The Conference Hall
Conveners: A.A.Slavnov, A.T.Filippov | ||
15.00 | D.I. Kazakov (JINR) | 30 min. |
"Softly broken SUSY via grassmanian expansion" | ||
15.30 | V.N. Pervushin (JINR) | 30 min. |
"Bogolyubov quasiparticles in quantum Universe" | ||
16.00 | O.I. Zavialov (Moscow) | 30 min. |
"Relativistic Wigner function and non-linear representation of the Lorenz group" |
17.00 | P. Pyatov (JINR) | 30 min. |
"Quantum matrices and the Cayley-Hamilton-Newton identites" | ||
17.30 | V.K. Mitryushkin (JINR) | 30 min. |
"Classical solutions and vacuum structure in lattice gauge theories" | ||
18.00 | V. Vanyashin (Dnipropetrovsk) | 30 min. |
"Bogolyubov transformations in the theory of parametric resonance for quantized fields" |
Statistical physics and kinetics 2th floor, the auditorium
Conveners: N.N.Bogolyubov, jr., A.G. Sitenko, N.M.Plakida | ||
15.00 | N. Tonchev (Sofia) | 20 min. |
"Low-temperature regimes and finite-size scaling in a quantum model" | ||
15.30 | P. Exner (Rez) | 20 min. |
"Magnetic transport along a one-dimensional perturbation in the planes" | ||
16.00 | I.V. Stasyuk (Lviv) | 20 min. |
"Self-consistent description of thermodynamics and dynamics of pseudospin-electron model" |
17.00 | E.E. Tareeva (Troitsk) | 20 min. |
"Classical many-particle distribution functions: some new applications" | ||
17.20 | A.I. Sokolov (St. Petersburg) | 20 min. |
17.40 | B.N. Shalaev (St. Petersburg) | 20 min. |
"Duality symmetry, strong coupling expansion and universal critical amplitudes in 2D field models" | ||
18.00 | V.I. Inozemtsev (JINR) | 20 min. |
"Bethe-ansatz equations for quantum Heisenberg chains with elliptic exchange" |
19.45 Banquet
Saturday, October 2
The Bogolyubov Laboratory
of Theoretical Physics, JINR
Plenary Session
The Conference Hall
10.00 | A.N. Sissakian (JINR) | 40 min. |
"Generating functionals method of N.N. Bogolyubov and particle physics" | ||
10.40 | V.A. Moskalenko (JINR) | 40 min. |
"A new approach to the theory of strongly correlated systems" |
11.50 | ||
12.30 CLOSING of the Moscow-Dubna part of the Conference