Live Video Broadcasts from BLTP

Some live video may be available only during real events and during technical runs. At other times, see snapshots as examples of what can be seen during live broadcasts.
  • Conference hall live video
  • 4-th floor auditorium live video
  • Archived video
  • See us also on YouTube

  • Conference hall live video

    Channel #1: Live video from camera

    Real time stream snapshots,
    taken each 1-3 minutes
    • FLV stream via browser with HTML5 video player capability

    Last: 2024-07-02 17:59:09

    Channel #2: Image projected on screen

    • FLV stream via browser with HTML5 video player capability

    Last: 2024-07-02 17:59:15

    Combined view of channels #1 and #2:

    • FLV stream via browser with HTML5 video player capability

    4-th floor auditorium live video


    Channel #3: Video from video-conference camera

    • FLV stream via browser with HTML5 video player capability

    Last: 2024-07-02 17:59:04

    BLTP IT group

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