S. Aleshin
NSVZ relation and the dimensional
reduction in N=1 SQED
I. Bandos
Constrained and analytic superamplitudes of 11D supergravity
and 10D supersymmetric gauge theories
A. Barvinsky
BRST structure of renormalization in the
background field approach: Horava gravity and
effective theories
A. Belavin
of Superstrings and Frobenius manifold structure of
Moduli space of Calabi-Yau
E. Bergshoeff
and Massive Gravity in Action
J.L. Blazquez Salcedo
AdS5 magnetized solutions in minimal
gauged supergravity
H. Boos
Hidden fermionic
structure of CFT
L. Bork
Four dimensional ambitwistor
strings and form factors of local and Wilson line operators
J. Buchbinder
One loop divergences in the N=(1,0)
and N=(1,1) supersymmetric gauge theories
E. Buchbinder
superpotentials and discrete torsion
C. Burdik
The Bethe vectors for R-matrix sp(4) type
M. Buric
Fuzzy de Sitter space
A. Burinskii
Weakness of gravity as illusion which
hides true path to unification of gravity with particle physics
D. Bykov
Complex structures and zero-curvature
equations for sigma-models
S. Catto
From Clifford Algebras to Supersymmetries, M-Theory and Leech Lattices
M. Cederwall
Algebraic structures in exceptional
field theory
A. Chekmenev
Conformal Lagrangians
from the (formal) near boundary analysis of AdS
D. Chernyavsky
Super 0-brane action on the D(2,1;α) coset superspace
S. Didenko
Higher-spin holography from the bulk
M. Dimitrijevic
gravity and the relevance of the theta-constant deformation
M. Dolgopolov
Bifurcation sets in non-minimal supersymmetry at finite temperature
V. Dobrev
Positive Energy
Unitary Irreducible Representations of the Superalgebras
osp(1|2n,R) and Character Formulae
A. Filippov
D. Francia
On higher-spin supertranslations
and superrotations
A. Galajinsky
D(2,1;a) superconformal
symmetry and its applications
O. Gelfond
Local Current Interactions
from Nonlinear Higher-Spin Equations
Holographic SL(2,C)-Toda RG flow
N. Gromov
Standard model at high energies
M. Katanaev
term in the geometric theory of defects
V. Kazakov
Twisted N=4 SYM and Integrable
Conformal Fishnet Theory
A. Kazantsev
Exact Results in Explicit Three-Loop
Calculations Using Higher Derivatives for N=1 SYM
I. Kharuk
The correct coset
space construction for the conformal group
A. Kiselev
deformations of classical Poisson structures
A. Kotikov
relation in evolution of gluon and quark jet multiplicities
N. Kozyrev
Conformally flat mechanics of many N=4 superparticles
S. Kuzenko
Goldstino superfields in supergravity
Z. Kuznetsova
Color Lie (super)algebra symmetries in
Levi-Leblond equation
P. Lavrov
generating equation of field-antifield formalism
O. Lechtenfeld
Yang-Mills solutions on dS4
J. Lukierski
Basic quantizations
of o(4;C) and of its four real forms o(4), o(3,1), o(2,2) and o*(4)
N. Makhaldiani
description of the dynamical systems with applications to the cosmological
problems, quanputers and zeta-functions
B. Merzlikin
Leading low-energy effective action in
6D, N=(1,1) SYM theory
N. Misuna
On current contribution to Fronsdal equations
A. Nersessian
and conformal mechanics associated with near horizon extreme Myers-Perry
black holes
S. Nicolis
Probing the holomorphic
anomaly of the N=2, D=2, Wess-Zumino model on the
A. Nurmagambetov
Price's theorem in Gauge/Gravity
O. Ogievetsky
Differential calculus on h-deformed spaces
T. Okazaki
Bounds on Scaling Dimension in Conformal
Quantum Mechanics
A. Onishchenko
Quantum spectral curve for twisted
ABJM model
D. Ponomarev
Higher spin theories and light-cone
deformation procedure
S. Pošta
Differential invariants of realizations of Galilei algebras
E. Pozdeeva
Evolution of a bouncing solutions in cosmological models with
non-minimally coupled scalar fields
A. Reshetnyak
Constrained BRST-BFV and BRST-BV Lagrangian formulations for fermionic
HS Fields on Minkowski Spaces
V. Roubtsov
Monge-Ampère equations, geometric structures and
meteorological hydrodynamics
S. Shin
Walls of nonlinear sigma models on
SO(2N)/U(N) with N>3
A. Silenko
Proca particle
in Riemannian spacetimes
E. Skvortsov
AdS/CFT in 3.99
dimensions and higher spin gravity at one loop
A. Smilga
description of HK and HKT manifolds
T. Snegirev
On massive higher spin supermultiplets in D=3 AdS
D. Sorokin
N=1, D=4 Three-Form Matter and Supergravity, and String Compactifications
with Fluxes
K. Stepanyantz
NSVZ relation in supersymmetric
theories regularized by higher derivatives
O. Tarasov
Functional equations for Feynman integrals
and Abel's addition theorem
G. Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli
Higher derivative
invariants in six dimensional N=(1,0) supergravity
V. Tolstoy
Quantizations of
D=3 Lorentz symmetry
F. Toppan
and Topological Conformal Mechanics
M. Vasiliev
Theory in the Local Frame
D. Vassilevich
S. Vernov
Construction of inflationary multifield models with non-minimal coupling
A. Zheltukhin
On some phases in brane
Yu. Zinoviev
On partially
massless supergravity