The International Workshop "Self-similar systems" will take place
at the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR (Dubna,Russia)
from 29 July, Wednesday (the arrival day) to 8 August, Saturday (the departure day) 1998.

PROCEEDINGS. The workshop proceedings will be published afterwards.
The deadline for submission of papers is 30 September. We shall
appreciate if you send us files of your contributions even before
the conference. The length limits are about 12 pages for a review
talk and 6 pages for a contributed talk including figures. The format
of the Latex file for use is enclosed. The working/writing language
is English.

SOCIAL PROGRAM. An excursion to Moscow is planned for Sunday, August 2.
A boat trip on the Volga river is planned during the second week.

FEE. The announced workshop fee 450 USD counts upon 10 days stay at
double occupancy hotel rooms, transportation from/to Sheremetievo-II
airport, social events, coffee breaks and the book of proceedings.
An additional payment may be charged for a single room stay, please
let us know if you prefer this choice. The fee will be reduced appropriately
to those who participate for a part time only. The fee should be paid in
cash on arrival to Dubna.

VISAS. To get the Russian entry visa in due time the participants are
kindly asked to fill the form enclosed below and to send it as soon as
possible by e-mail or fax to Mrs. E. Russakovich.

ARRIVAL. We shall need precise dates of your arrival and departure as well
as the flight numbers 2 weeks before the workshop.

All information concerning visas and arrivals should be addressed to:
 Mrs. Elena Russakovich,
 International Department,
 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,
 141980 Dubna, Russia

 Fax: 7-(09621)-65891 or 65599     Tel: 7-(09621)-63890

PROGRAM. Approximate schedule of themes: 30-31 July and 1 August -
minicourses and seminars on wavelets and applications; 3-4 August -
quasicrystals and self-organized criticality; 4-5 August - self-structuring
and finite-difference equations; 5 August - singular spectra; 6-7 August -
Ya.L. Geronimus centenary session and orthogonal polynomials.

A preliminary list of speakers is enclosed. There is some space in
the program for additional talks. Interested people are asked to send
registration forms (including abstracts of talks) before 30 April 1998
by the e-mail For further changes of the program
see our WWW-site:  /meetings/98/sss/.
We plan also to issue the 3rd announcement in June.


     VISA DATA FORM (Workshop "Self-similar systems")

 Family name:
 First name:
 Date of birth:  day/month/year
 Passport number:               valid until:
 Title:   Dr./Prof.
 Full name of the Institution:
 Institution address:
 Fax:            Phone:             e-mail:
 Accompany persons (names and dates of birth of children under 16
 and full data for adults):
 Visiting cities inside Russia:
 Date of entrance and departure:
 Location (country and city) of a Russian consulate
 where you intend to apply for the visa:

Please send this form as soon as possible to Mrs. E. Russakovich by
the e-mail address

% Required Latex-file format for the Proceedings.
% Papers should be submitted to
% The figures should be enclosed as separate PS or EPS files.
% It is recommended to use only "article.sty" style.
% If you use some special styles, please submit papers together
% with the corresponding style files.

\textheight 225mm  \textwidth 165mm

{\LARGE Title of the paper }

\bigskip    Author's name(s).

\bigskip   {\it Author's affiliations}

Text of the abstract.

\section{Title of the first section}

Text of the paper.

\section{Title of the second section}

Text of the paper.


\bibitem{cit1} Distinguished paper.

\bibitem{cit2} ...
