The Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
and the Key Laboratory in Theoretical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences organize
Joint Workshop. The Workshop will be held at Yerevan, Armenia, on September, 03 – 09, 2023,
at Ramada Hotel.
During the Workshop there will be discussions within already existing collaborations as well as new collaborations will be created to solve the problems of common interest. We want to bring together theoreticians and experimentalists for deeper understanding the properties of the low lying excitations of nuclei far from stability and mechanisms of fusion.
During the Workshop there will be discussions within already existing collaborations as well as new collaborations will be created to solve the problems of common interest. We want to bring together theoreticians and experimentalists for deeper understanding the properties of the low lying excitations of nuclei far from stability and mechanisms of fusion.
The main topics include:
- Study of complete fusion reactions leading to superheavy nuclei
- Quasifission and transfer-type reactions, production of exotic nuclei
- Shape- and K-isomers in heaviest nuclei
- Production of unknown isotopes
- The cluster approach to fission of nuclei
- Complex emission from strongly excited nuclei
- Structure of nuclei with modern microscopical methods
- The equation of state of isospin asymmetric nuclear matter
- Decays of exotic nuclei
- Nuclear applications
Organizing Committee
- N. Antonenko (BLTP JINR) Chairman
- V. Sargsyan (BLTP JINR) Scientific Secretary
- N. Dokalenko (JINR) Secretary
- G. Adamian (BLTP JINR)
- I. Rogov (BLTP JINR)
- E. Kolganova (BLTP JINR)
- A. Balabekyan (YSU)
- Y. Wang (KLTP, ITP/CAS) Secretary
- E.-G. Zhao (KLTP, ITP/CAS)
- S.-G. Zhou (KLTP, ITP/CAS)
- B.-S. Zou (KLTP, ITP/CAS)
Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics,
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Joliot-Curie 6,
141980, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russian Federation
Fax: +7 (49621) 65084
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Joliot-Curie 6,
141980, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russian Federation
Fax: +7 (49621) 65084
Natalia Dokalenko
Nikolai Antonenko
Ivan Rogov