The ECT Workshop

Low-energy Reaction Dynamics of Heavy-Ions and Exotic Nuclei

ECT*, Trento, Italy
May 26 - 30, 2014




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The understanding of the physics of low-energy nuclear reaction is crucial for explaining the chemical evolution of the Universe. Nuclear-reaction physics research has entered a new era with developments of radioactive nuclear beam facilities, in which USA, Europe and Japan are major stakeholder (FRIB/MSU in USA; FAIR/GSI, HIE-ISOLDE/CERN and SPIRAL2/GANIL in Europe; RIBF/RIKEN in Japan), and at which nuclear reactions are the primary probe of the new physics, such as novel structural changes. Innovative detection systems are allowing measurements of unprecedented selectivity and precision, including those using intense stable beams. These, and the increased intensities of rare-isotope beams, require investigations of the role of hitherto inaccessible degrees of freedom and new dynamical considerations in the nuclear structure and collision dynamics. Properly combining many-body nuclear-structure information and reaction dynamics is a major outstanding problem. The evolution of the nuclear shells toward the proton and neutron drip-lines is of great interest. The expansion of the nuclide chart to unknown isotopes and elements is one of the fundamental problems.

In-depth discussions of selected, important recent experimental and theoretical developments in the field of low-energy nuclear reaction physics among the world's leading scientists would be timely, which is the central objective of this workshop. This will help us to identify what is holding up progress in the field. Key controversial aspects (without order of importance) to be addressed in this meeting include:

- single- and pair-nucleon transfer reactions and the role of simultaneous and sequential transfer mechanisms;

- quantum approaches to a unified description of near-barrier reaction processes, including breakup, transfer, complete and incomplete fusion simultaneously;

- role of dissipation and quantum decoherence in low-energy reaction dynamics.


The meeting will bring together leading experts (circa 35 participants, both theorists and experimenters) on low-energy nuclear reaction physics. It will be an excellent opportunity to join theoretical and experimental efforts to tackle the critical issues mentioned above.

Besides key people who have tentatively agreed to participate in the workshop, the workshop organizers expect a number of additional researchers on the experimental as well as the theoretical side to sign up for participation. The applicants will be selected based on both the adequacy between their current research work and the topics of the workshop as well as the boundary condition of having about 35 participants.


The scientific program will start around 9:30am on Monday, May 26th, and end on Friday, May 30th, around noon.

Registration will be opened in April on the webpage of the ECT* and closed about two weeks before the workshop.

A detailed program will be published here soon after the registration is closed.

Financial Support:

There is no any support for travel costs. The large number of participants must be selfsupported for local expenses.


Dr. Alexis Diaz-Torres (ECT*, Italy, Coordinator) – Strada delle Tabarelle 286, 38050 Villazzano (Trento), Italy.
Prof. Nikolai Antonenko (BLTP, JINR, Organizer) - Joliot-Curie, 6, 141980 Dubna (Moscow region), Russia.
Prof. Paulo Gomes, (UFF, Brazil, Organizer) – 24210-340 Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Hotels in downtown Trento and near the Workshop venue will be reserved for all participants by the Workshop secretary at the ECT*. All the detail concerning the hotel reservation will be sent to the participants in due time.

Further information on the workshop site, accommodation, and the surroundings can be found at the ECT* website: