Official carrier:

The Embassy of Italy in the Russian Federation and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research at Dubna
have started in 2009 a series of Italian-Russian Round Tables on hot research themes in fundamental
science whose purpose is that of promoting and extending the bilateral scientific and technical collaboration.
The first two events:
were very successful and attracted a lot of interest also from the media. During the second Round Table a trilateral
agreement was signed between SISSA of Trieste, JINR and the Russian Academy of Science for the exchange of post-doctoral
fellows in the fields of genomics, proteomics and radio-biology. Among the results of the Round Tables one can also count
new bilateral collaborations that have started just as spin offs created by the meetings.
2011 is the year of Italian Culture in Russia and of Russian Culture in Italy. Many events have already
taken place, of very high quality and relevance, throughout the two countries in many different provinces of human lore and art.
Within such framework the Embassy of Italy and JINR continue the established tradition and in the last month of this year
of Culture they organize two Round Tables on very hot and challenging topics where the bilateral collaboration might take new important spin-offs: