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In order to reproduce the examples which follow, the package Format.m is required, along with the files driver.f,,,,,, and All Mathematica executable code in subsequent sections is labelled using In and Out references, initialised in each new section unless otherwise stated.

The next executable statements perform the following three steps. The first (optional) step switches off spelling warning messages for variables with similar names. The second step sets the line width to 73 characters for output. This is required for producing 72 column FORTRAN code (an additional character being required for line-breaking). Note that for the the NoteBook front end, the option Break at x character width (in the Edit/Preferences/Action menu) may over-ride with this setting. The third step loads in the package. An optional directory path may also need to be be specified, depending upon where the package resides.

In[1]:= Off[General::spell,General::spell1];
In[2]:= SetOptions[$Output,PageWidth->73];
In[3]:= <<Format`;
In the sections which follow, input lines begin with In[4] if these steps have been assumed.