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Exercise 18.

The command dsolve solves ordinary differential equations analytically, although not all ODE's can be solved in closed form. But it is always possible to obtain a series solution which may be useful. We are given the ODE

and the initial condition and we want to find the first few terms in the series

Write a Maple procedure which on input of and the initial condition constructs a linear system of equations to solve. I.e. let

substitute this finite sum into the ODE, equate coefficients and solve for the unknowns . Note, you will want to use the taylor command to truncate the result to order . Test your Maple procedure on the following ODE

You should get the following series

Compute the solution analytically using Maple's dsolve command and check that your series solution agrees with Maple's analytic solution.

Develop a Newton iteration to solve for the series which converges quadratically. I.e. the 'th approximation

is accurate to . Thus the iteration starts with and computes then and so on. Write a Maple procedure to compute the series.