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Interfacing with other Maple Facilities

We have shown how one can tell Maple properties about a function by coding them as a procedure. Suppose instead you wish to teach Maple to differentiate a formula involving . You may want to teach Maple how to evaluate numerically so that can be plotted, or how to simplify expressions involving etc. What do you need to do? Many Maple routines have interfaces that allow you to teach these routines about your function. These include diff, evalf, expand, combine, simplify, series, etc. To teach Maple how to differentiate a function one writes a routine called `diff/W`. If the diff routine is called with an expression which contains then the diff routine will invoke `diff/W`(g,x) to compute the derivative of with respect to . Suppose we know that . Then we can write the following procedure which explicitly codes the chain rule.

`diff/W` := proc(g,x) diff(g,x) * W(g)/(1+W(g)) end;

Hence we have

> diff(W(x),x);
                                    1 + W(x)

> diff(W(x^2),x);
                                     x W(x )
                                  2 ---------
                                    1 + W(x )

As a second example, suppose we want to manipulate symbolically the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind . We can represent these in Maple as T(n,x). Suppose also that for a particular value of we want to expand T(n,x) out as a polynomial in . We can tell Maple's expand function how to do this by writing the routine `expand/T`. When expand sees T(n,x), it will invoke `expand/T`(n,x). Recall that satisfies the linear recurrence , , and . Hence we can write

`expand/T` := proc(n,x) option remember;
    if n = 0 then 1 
    elif n = 1 then x
    elif not type(n,integer) then T(n,x) # can't do anything
    else expand(2*x*T(n-1,x) - T(n-2,x))

This routine is recursive, but because we used the remember option, this routine will compute quite quickly. Here are some examples

> T(4,x);
                                   T(4, x)

> expand(T(4,x));
                                   4      2
                                8 x  - 8 x  + 1

> expand(T(100,x));

             2                                                           100
   1 - 5000 x  ... output deleted ...  + 633825300114114700748351602688 x

One can also tell Maple how to evaluate your own function numerically by defining a Maple procedure `evalf/f` such that `evalf/f`(x) computes numerically. For example, suppose we wanted to use the Newton iteration shown earlier for computing the square root of a numerical value. Our function might look like

`evalf/Sqrt` := proc(a) local x,xk,xkm1;
    x := evalf(a); # evaluate the argument in floating point
    if not type(a,numeric) then RETURN( Sqrt(x) ) fi;
    if x<0 then ERROR(`square root of a negative number`) fi;
    Digits := Digits + 3; # add some guard digits
    xkm1 := 0;
    xk := evalf(x/2); # initial floating point approximation
    while abs(xk-xkm1) > abs(xk)*10^(-Digits) do
        xkm1 := xk;
        xk := (xk + x/xk)/2;
    Digits := Digits - 3;
    evalf(xk); # round the result to Digits precision

> x := Sqrt(3);
                                  x := Sqrt(3)

> evalf(x);

> Digits := 50;
                                  Digits := 50

> evalf(Sqrt(3));
