Vladimir S. Melezhik

Few-Body Systems Group
Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics 
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research 

Position:  Leading Researcher
Mailing address: BLTP, JINR
Joliot-Curie 6
141980 Dubna
Moscow Region

Phone: +7(09621)63594 (office) 
Fax: +7(09621)65084
E-mail: melezhik@theor.jinr.ru
URL  http://theor.jinr.ru/~melezhik/
 E-prints on the arXiv server

Research interests: 
Three-body Coulomb systems of atomic and muonic atomic physics:
adiabatic expansions and muon-catalyzed fusion; nonperturbative
solving the multidimensional stationary and time-dependent
Schroedinger equations; atoms and ions in strong external fields.
Ultracold anisotropic atom-atom collisions; stripping, excitation and
ionization processes in atom-ion, ion-ion and halo nuclei collisions.